Build Your Ally (For Fun)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Jun 14, 2022.

  1. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Ok, this is one ally I would use lol
  2. Drake Malice Dedicated Player


    Attack; Bad Kitty: Selina cracks her whip in an AoE around herself, causing the Terror status and applying an attack debuff to all affected enemies for x amount of time, before somersaulting away

    Passive; The Purrrfect Heist: Adds 1 token currency to all token currency rewards (Source Marks, Tarot Cards, Death Metal, etc)

    Mister Freeze

    Attack; Cold, Cold Heart: Victor makes an ice pun and then fires a stream cryogenic gas at your target (cone attack). All affected enemies are slowed and chilled, if already chilled they are frozen

    Passive; Cryogenic Preservation: Group members that are under the effect of a CC receive x percent more healing and power healing from the player

    Captain Cold

    Attack; Cold Shoulder: Leonard fires his cold gun into the air, causing a rain of hail in a large AoE around your target. All affected enemies are slowed as well as having a DoT applied to them for x amount of time

    Passive; Rogue Honor: Increased rare loot drop chance by x percent against iconic enemies
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  3. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    The Weaponer

    Attack; Qwardian Fury: The Weaponer strikes his anvil, causing an AoE of fire to erupt around himself. This applies a DoT and knocks all affected enemies for x amount of time

    Passive 1; Anti-Matter Shield: Whenever the player has immunity to CC they also gain an x percent increase to defense for the duration, also while blocking they receive a damage shield for the duration of the CC immunity

    Passive 2; Artifice Extraordinary: When the player activates a weapon buff their precision and might is further increased by x percent for the duration. When the player successfully counters an enemy they receive an x percent increase to this effect while also applying a defense debuff to the countered enemy for x amount of time
  4. Babù Active Player

    Hello :)

    Here a particular ally. It's for fun, though enjoy it ;) :

    The Presence (Divine Ally).

    The Presence, The Source, The Creator or The One God. The Entity at the origin of the Universe has decided to help you.

    Combat Ability: The Sacred Name: When you summoning The Sacred Name, all ennemies, including bosses, are knockout instantaneously. The bosses must be at 50% of their health to do so. Cooldown: 1 hour. At the maximum Affinity Level (20): 30 minutes.

    Passive 1: The Hands: The Hands of The Creator increase Health, Might, Defense, Dominance, Restoration, Vitalization, Precision and Power Regeneration of x % during 10 seconds (at the maximum affinity Level (20): 500%).

    Passive 2: Divine Love: The Presence love you so much unconditionaly that you are protected from all ennemies's effects permanently (Bosses included).
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  5. Grip Committed Player

    This ally would a) Make fair-play advocates quit and b,) Generate 5 million dollars for DB. I'm going to look into this op character- ty. I'm assuming celestial's Wrath power is a reference to them, right?
  6. Babù Active Player

    Indeed for the first point :D

    But for the second, about the reference you're talking about, even not. It's totally came out from my imagination :). ( I had to put a constraint (the percentage of health from the bosses) otherwise it would be abused)
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  7. Eve YouTuber

    Star Sapphire Zatanna

    Attack: Eovl fo Rewop (Power of Love)
    Zatanna throws a barrage of pink doves with a pink cloud to confuse her enemies

    Passive: Citnamor Os (So Romantic)
    Zatanna heals you over time if you are below 25% health, activated by using a shield power on yourself
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  8. Stamen Dedicated Player

    Lobo -- 100 Source Mark Ally

    Active: Main Man Smash, Lobo jumps into the air and comes down for massive AOE damage
    Passive: Spacehog Jam, Spacehog pressurizes the atmosphere allowing all movement mode damage to be doubled for 10 seconds.
  9. AshocusTheMuse Well-Known Player

    Ally: Ocean Master (Water specific Ally)

    Attack: Summons sea creature that washes over the enemy. AoE effect that knocks down all enemies in cone and deals 405% damage and causes crushed PI

    Passive one: Join me or Die! - Damaging an enemy with a water ability grants X% might to group for 5 seconds. 30 second Cooldown

    Passive two: The Thralls shall serve me - Reduces cooldown of Henchmen and Sidekicks by 25% (40% at max)
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  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    The Inferior Five (all Epic):

    Dumb Bunny
    Active - She swoops in and distracts up to 5 enemies* that are currently targeting your character. She will hold their aggro for up to 6 seconds**.

    * Starts at 1 enemy for rank 1, scaling up to 5 at rank 8.
    ** Starts at 4 seconds for rank 1, scaling up to 6 seconds for rank 8.

    Passive - Once every 6 weapon attacks*, Dumb Bunny will lend her strength to yours, increasing your Precision up to 200%** for a single attack.

    * Starts at 11 for rank 1, scaling down to 6 for rank 8.
    * Starts at 120% for rank 1, scaling up to 200% for rank 8.


    The Blimp
    Active -Crash-lands into an enemy, causing them to become Dazed for up to 6 seconds*, and unable to move due to being entangled with him. Can affect multiple enemies, if they're close enough together. At the end of the duration, he disentangles himself and drifts away.

    *Starts at 1 seconds for rank 1, etc.

    Passive - Prevents a CC attack from grounding your character, but your character's movement speed is halved for 3 seconds*. This ability can only be used once every 7 seconds**.

    *Starts at 6 seconds for rank 1, etc.
    ** Starts at 12 seconds for rank 1, etc.


    Active - Rides in on a wave and belly-flops into a single enemy, dealing 400% damage*.

    *Starts at 120% at rank 1, etc.

    Passive - Once every 6 superpower attacks*, Awkwardman will lend his strength to yours, increasing your Might up to 200%** for a single attack.

    * Starts at 11 for rank 1, scaling down to 6 for rank 8.
    * Starts at 120% for rank 1, scaling up to 200% for rank 8.


    White Feather
    Active - Fires a volley of arrows on an enemy or group of enemies, creating an AoE that deals up to 200% damage* and inflicts a 100% DoT on enemies** within the AoE.

    *Starts at 120% at rank 1, etc.
    ** Starts at 50% at rank 1, etc.

    Passive - Reduces the cooldown time between combat and normal movement by 50%, when avoiding (running away from) combat*.
    Eliminates the cooldown time between combat and normal movement, when avoiding (running away from) combat**.

    *at rank 1
    ** at rank 5


    Active - Uses his martial arts skills on a single opponent, dealing up to 75% damage*, but with up to a 90% chance to land a critical hit**.

    * Starts at 25% at rank 1, etc.
    ** Starts at 50% at rank 1, etc.

    Passive - Once every 5 seconds*, his keen eye for detail help you find a weak spot in your enemy's defenses that allows you to strike with up to 3 times the chance to score a critical hit**.

    * Starts at 10 seconds, etc.
    ** Starts at 1.25 times the chance, etc.
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  11. Eve YouTuber

    Impassioned Zatanna Ally

    Ally Level: Epic

    Combat Abillity - Eovl fo Rewop (Power of Love)
    Zatanna casts a spell (Visually includes hearts) that stuns her targets (up to 5 targets), and makes them do the worship animation.

    Passive Abillity - Ecitsuj Denoissapmi (Impassioned Justice)
    Heals you and three other allies by activating a group shield.

    I am sure this can be improved a little. % of the healing should be based on how low you and your team are (And if the shield is activated while you took massive damage).
  12. Vatack New Player

    Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern (Epic)
    [Combat Ability] - Green Lantern's Light:
    • Hal Jordan channels his willpower into his ring to unleash a powerful beam of energy at the targeted enemy. This beam creates an explosive burst that damages and daze nearby enemies. The explosion inflicts significant damage to the primary target and all enemies within a radius, temporarily disorienting them.
    [Passive Ability] - Unyielding Will:
    • Hal Jordan's unwavering determination inspires his allies, increasing their willpower and resistance to detrimental effects. This passive ability enhances power regeneration and provides enhanced resistance to debuffs for all group members.
    (I like the combat one, but if got better idea for the passive one I'm all hears)
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  13. Vatack New Player

    The beam from green lantern's light look like the one Krona use on the alerte
  14. Vatack New Player

    The beam from green lantern's light look like the one Krona use on the alerte