Batman inspired mask return?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by CloneTK, May 12, 2014.

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  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    This is the same problem I'm having right now. You guys think you have it rough trying to make a Batman? Try creating his evil opposite from the Anti-Matter Universe, OWLMAN from the Crime Syndicate of Amerika as designed by Frank Quitely...


    This is the absolute closest I could get at Character Creation...


    The belt will be upgraded to the Retro Tech Belt as soon as his level is high enough to allow him to wear it. Then it's a question of getting appropriate shoulder pads, and trying to find a cowl that has the appropriate look (which is even tougher than finding a Batcowl.) And it's made even TOUGHER by the fact that the best matches available to every player PREVENT the "Bug Eye" lenses that are integral to his look from showing up when combined with the appropriate Head option (Vengeance Cowl, I'm looking right at you!) In fact, the ONLY option the game has right now that would be a good match is that damned Batman-Inspired Mask that I'll NEVER be able to have because I wasn't playing the game when the hack happened. :(

    And don't even get me started on this game's pathetic selection of Emblems. :mad:
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  2. Flashflood72 New Player

    Haha yeah its actually what made me start posting on these forums :p I didn't realize how many other people felt the same way about these items as I did :p
  3. Smart Bomb Well-Known Player

    You may get an owl man look from the apokoliptian paratrooper head (the gear that drops in the t6 raids on villain side) the drops aren't common but you can get it for 70 MoF from the rare style vendor.

    As for the batman inspired style, I have it and have never really used it. In fact I rarely see anyone wearing it, I'm not against anyone getting it to be honest, I got the back from the hack feat which is enough for me, a feat no one can get now. But the devs have said no to the styles reintroduction, however we have had Wonder Woman and superman lockbox styles, perhaps the devs can complete the triumvirate and add Batmans new 52 inspired gear to the lockbox, or even add the origin crisis batmen styles, I can see a lot of people rocking ninja batman head styles
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  4. Fenrir New Player

    That's honestly incredibly mature of you, but unfortunately it's not an attitude shared by everyone who received that item and rightly or wrongly there would be an uproar if it was brought back. Which is why most of these threads popping up tend to specify an item "inspired by" or "based on". That way, another item that actually looks like a batcowl gets to exist and no one gets ******** about it.
  5. Flashflood72 New Player

    In all fairness thats actually not a bad Owlman :p Considering your lack of access to the only decent looking batcowl in the game currently.

    You definitely made the best of what you had
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  6. indee2025 New Player

    I got the batman inspired mask, a two face eye & a hack attack hoodie...look, I spent $60 at BestBuy during release on a game that went F2P and also had been unavailable for a month during the hack, not to mention the bugs in the beginning! ....honestly, I'd rather everyone be able to get those styles as personally it bothers the hell out of me that as a hero, I have no access to villain styles. So would I feel cheated if the batman inspired helm was offered in the marketplace? Don't be ridiculous, it's a game folks, whatever they can do to maximize fun will incentivise legendary subscriptions.
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  7. Fenrir New Player

    Again, Incredibly mature way of looking at it, but I still don't think it would go over too well if they just released to everyone :p They'remuch better off making a new one to avoid all of the nerd rage that would follow releasing the batman inspired mask specifically to the public.
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  8. Flashflood72 New Player

    To be honest I never understood why people walked on eggshells about this subject. Seems like a lot of the people who got the item in the hack are pretty chill and mature about sharing the style :/ I guess I can understand the devs being scared tho
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  9. indee2025 New Player

    Just saying, seriously, the batman mask isn't as cool since the devs took the opportunity during one of the updates to disable any face style from being added...I used to use Simple Ventilator to add a cover to the mouth and it looked like batman beyond...during one of the GU the devs made it so no face style changes the look of the head piece.....big wah wah wah!...seriously though my Hero needs that Manta Style big time!
  10. Flashflood72 New Player

    Still cooler than anything I can use for my batman inspired character's batsuit currently :p Even if you can't cover that nose! :)
  11. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Huh, I hadn't heard of that. Might have something to do with the fact that it's not listed in the wikia page's listing of head styles for the game. I'll have to keep my eyes and ears open for it when I get him to Tier 6, thanks! :cool:
  12. Smart Bomb Well-Known Player

    If you look on the rare style vendor in the hall of doom near the pit you can preview it just to see if it's what your looking for.
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  13. Fenrir New Player

    Yeah your **** outta luck if you want to make this kind of character on hero side without a cowl.
  14. Bourne4red Well-Known Player

    Did you want the Bat Gauntlets too?

    They used to drop from the Vault (ain't seen any of the movement drops, ie. speed boots, Joker's jetpack, etc for an age or the two gold trinks either).... they also look awesome with the BI mask!

    As someone also pointed out, my main complaint is losing the face accompiment to the BI mask.... together with the Catwoman goggles I could make up an awesome Nite Owl II.

    Devs, any response to this?
  15. Quantum Rising Committed Player

    Spytle responded a few pages ago. The Batman inspired mask will not return. At least not in the form it did before. Maybe one of the other Batman styles but not the one from the hack.
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  16. Radium Devoted Player

    I KNOW!

    Man I miss that concept so much...
  17. Fenrir New Player

    Yeah. Personally I wouldn't be upset if it came back or anything, but judging by the forums people would much prefer a new cowl.
  18. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player

    Bug goggles might work too
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  19. Magnificent Loyal Player

    That's pretty freaking close!
  20. Magnificent Loyal Player

    The mask along with the other goodies mentioned was awarded to paying customers who stuck with the game through it's worst period. It's a symbol of appreciation for our loyalty to the game when so many others bailed or just weren't playing it because you had to actually pay for it (and a monthly subscription) at the time.

    I'm sorry but you can't have something that I -and many others- earned by persevering just because "waaaaaaaah! I want it!" I would have liked one of those Kryptonian trinkets when they dropped in the Vault. I put my time in but never saw one drop. Am I here throwing a hissy-fit since it's been pulled from the game? No. I never met the criteria for it (which was just sheer luck) and now that time is (long) passed so I just moved on.

    That's the nature of almost every MMO and in many things in life. If you aren't around to get it when the event is happening then tough shizzie. Suck it up and move on.
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