Ask the Player below :)

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by IIThe QuestionII, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Malachyte Devoted Player

    If you went to heaven what would you do?
    Go to the Pearly Gates Lounge to hear my Dad sing. He has a standing after dinner time performance.

    If you went to hell what would you do to try and escape? Or....just try to do? (You may not be able to do anything who knows)
    Hmm, Well since everything fun to do is sinful I figure most if not all of my friends will be there, so I guess I'll pull up a seat next to them at the bar....unfortunately this being Hell, all they have is Zima and 2 Buck Chuck on the menu....:p

    Same question(s)...
  2. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    Heaven: get to know the people related to me I never really knew and hang out with my family

    Hell: maybe try to embrace the pain, get tough and escape I don't know (hard to say because fire really hurts)

    Same question(s)
  3. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club



    Party, because that is where all the fun people are.

    Do you believe in an afterlife?
    (I have died once. I do not.)
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  4. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player


    Is Deathmike and CarlynnCarnage in cahoots?
  5. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Definitely not.

    What do you do on a Saturday night if you do not game?
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  6. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Totally depends on what Saturday that is; but mostly:

    Do you think you will survive the end of mankind?
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  7. Malachyte Devoted Player

    No, How could I or anyone survive the end of mankind ?? that's the whole point, the end of mankind isn't

    If you ever smashed your pinky toe walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night (come on we all have
    Do you let out a blood curdling scream filled with colorful metaphors and wake everyone up, or try to keep quite cursing to yourself and hobbling to the commode..??
  8. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Perception, my young friend. The "end" is not the destruction. The end can also mean: evolution. As you don't see it, however, I'm pretty sure you will not be among the higher beings surviving the end of mankind as more evolved beings :D

    Question still stands :D
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  9. Malachyte Devoted Player

    I'd be worm food...

    lol but thanks for calling me young though...:)
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  10. LIEUTENANT MARVEL Well-Known Player

    I would try to keep quiet cursing myself and hobbling to the commode

    Captain Marvel or Captain Atom?
  11. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    Captain marvel

    Does it taste better if someone makes your food for you or does it taste better if you make it yourself?
  12. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Depends on who that "someone" is :D

    If you had the opportunity to "end" humanity - would you?
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  13. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    No why would I you evil man? o_O

    If you were a book what would you be titled?
  14. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

    I will withhold my answer tell after it's confirmed if Young Justice will get a season 3 or not.

    If you could travel back in time, what place or event in the past would you visit? The only rule, is you can not change anything. Only there to bear witness.

    *edit* oops did not answer fast enough.
    The answer to the correct question would be ....
    "Moby Dick." err wait that might already be take.
  15. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Dang, and my answer would have been "Cold War, pressing red buttons" before reading the rule :D So, as I cannot change anything, I'd prolly visit the Council of Nicaea - and record it with a smartphone.

    Young Justice will BTW not get a third season.

    Rum or vodka?
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  16. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player


    How devastating would a quark bomb be?
  17. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

    Like when the Death Star destroyed Alderaan.

    Which DC villain would you most like to see an origin story movie based on?
  18. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    Um I don't know maybe Lex Luthor

    If you could spam any power as much as you wanted and at any speed you wanted what power would you spam and how would you spam it? For me I would spam sinestro's construct fist ground pound in legends like crazy. Also where would you spam your power PVP or PVE?
  19. BigAl Devoted Player

    Sinestro's pound is so slow, I would choose Kilowog's.

    You have 2 days before the end of the world. Party like you've never partied before, or spend the time more carefully with loved ones?
  20. Yaoi Pope Dedicated Player

    I'm kinda a realist, so answering honest. -2 days left before the end of the world Id be putting my family in lock down. The streets will be flooded with murders. No one will be able to cross the street without getting sexually assaulted. We are staying locked in a house or building somewhere.No one that is not us will get close.

    If a meteor large enough to kill all life on earth was going to strike tomorrow, would you want NASA to tell us we have only 24hrs left to live? Or go about your life for the next few hours in blissful ignorance?
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