Ask Me Anything (About Augments)

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 12, 2018.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager


    Please join us for a special and live forum chat tomorrow. Avair and myself will both be on hand to answer your questions. We would like to start with questions that focus on Augments, but we will then take more general questions towards the end of the chat.

    • Questions should be posted to this thread when it unlocks tomorrow.
    • Questions should initially be focused on the upcoming Augments system.
    • Please ask one question per post.
    • Please limit yourselves to two questions total, so that everyone has a chance to get their questions in.
    • Please mind the forum guidelines and standards of conduct.
    • Questions should be as concise as possible.
    • Not all questions can/will be answered.
    • Please read other people's questions. No need to ask the same question twice!
    The AMA will begin at 3PM PT tomorrow, July 13, 2018. The chat will last about one hour.
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    This thread will unlock for questions about 15 minutes prior to the chat.
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  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Good afternoon! Welcome to the AMA. Today we have Mepps (Community) and Avair (Systems) on hand to answer your questions.

    We will begin by taking questions about Augments. Once we have answered the Augments questions, we will open up to others.

    Please mind the forum guidelines and rules outlined above, especially and specifically the one-question-per-post and two-questions-per-person rules. Thanks, and we'll see you shortly!
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  4. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    I am concerned about the quantity and variety of different types of new exos; and the lack of stacking that goes with it. The amount of time for processing, salvaging, to enhancing, then to fortifying the Augments almost seems overwhelming. Can you do anything to shorten and condense this procedure?
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  5. inferno Loyal Player

    Why not just do 6 origin augments and the top 2 slots had a mod slot where you can then put in (removable) Adaptors that gives out the content-specific bonuses?
    This way, we wouldn't have to start the Adaptive Augments all over again every episode to get the bonuses.
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  6. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Did you determine the amount of play time it takes to reach max augment rank during an Episode cycle based on 6 augments (only one role), or based on 12 augments (6 DPS, 6 support)?

    With this type of cumulative system it is critical that we max both DPS & support augments for each Episode, because if you don’t reach max you will continually fall further & further behind with each subsequent Episode for one role or the other (or maybe both). I presume that we’ll need to do some if not all content from previous Episodes / Tiers daily & weekly, as well as the new content in order to max all 12. That translates to a lot of time on one toon. Only players with a massive amount of time to play would be able to maintain more than one toon (which is the problem we currently see with Essence). It also seems that, due to the exponential increase in XP required to max augments for each episode, a brand new player starting at 0 XP will never catch up. A long time player who is already at the starting point for new Episodes will take 3 months of dedicated play to max out most (and possibly not all) of 12 augments just for that Episode. Meanwhile a new player has to go through every rank all the way up just to get to that Episode’s start point.

    I do want to thank you all for putting out as much info & answering as many questions as you can, we do appreciate that!
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  7. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    When Augments goes live, will any of the creation feats complete as well, or is it just generator/equipment mod feats that’ll complete?

    I’m not sure if I saw any on test(out on a trip too so I can’t check either :/ ), but I thought I heard some of the R&D feats were not being granted when the transfer to augments happens, wasn’t sure if these feats were one of them. Since majority of things like making exobytes(and transmuting exobytes), generator/equipment mod plans will be removed from the R&D table. It’ll be a pain in the a** if these feats weren’t granted, since there won’t be as much to make

    This is all I can think of(mainly cuz my augments questions have been answered when I hopped on test), if I think of something else I’ll ask a second question :)
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  8. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    What will happen to Exceptional Recovery Kits?
  9. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    ¿Does the boost of augment exp from the exceptional recovery kits stack at the time of fortify our augments?
  10. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Hi, I wanted to know, how much xp will the exobits and exobytes give for the augments ? I couldn't get them on test server to see.
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  11. mrcool83 New Player

    What happend whit the white Head mod on Test , like Big Gun 3 they are gone ?
  12. inferno Loyal Player

    Once you got the general idea for augments down, when did the work actually began? Or From Concept (not vague idea) to Live, how long did the whole process take?
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  13. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I asked a couple times before, but figured I'd ask here as well, how will augments impact crafting supply kits from the quark vendor? A friend told me they have been removed from the vendor. Is there anything planned to compensate people who purchased crafting kits since they're now virtually useless and a waste of quarks?
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  14. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Any chance the xp we get from crafting materials will be increased? I mean only 20 xp for each simple, complex, focusing element , etc is really low ! I feel like I'm being scammed...
  15. Steelian New Player

    Will there be any compensation based on the level of mod you have in your gear? Alpha Mods shouldn't be treated the same as New Justice mods.
  16. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Hi Guys, i got a question about this new system, its already been confirming that exobytes would be used to help this system out for gaining XP.

    So that leaves me with this what about the exobits, they are right now on live servers i am one of the players who go out and collect them and have quiet a few in my inventory are they gonna be able to be use with this system or will they just be gone?

    Here is a picture of the exobits, not Exobytes.

    The Bytes are the one that are created with 8 of these, these are the ones before encase of confusion i got the picture.

    Main question is can we use them for this new system or are they just gone?

    cant really test them as we cannot collect any on test server as they are no longer in the outside exobites shiney's.
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  17. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Can you Tell me What will Happen to the New Justice Equipment Mod Removal Kits I currently Have in my Inventory?
  18. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I have 1 question.
    I read over on the DCUO Source Wall that Simple and Complex Materials will now be going away with the augment systems, so my question is, what will be used to replace these? The reason I'm asking is because Many Enhanced Time Capsule Styles and even the Hands of Fate Gear that you crafted in Tier 4 used the Complex and Simple Materials.
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    Will augments eventually effect CR calculations? I know that you've said that eventually you would have artifacts impact CR as well.
  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The lack of stacking is to encourage you to use your Exobytes and improve your Augments.

    I think the steps might seem overwhelming at first, but that the greater depth there will be appreciated over the long term. It encourages multiple gameplay actions to advance, rather than just one.

    We don't have plans to change this on test, but we will watch the feedback after we are live.
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