Are you looking for a solid league, Here it is.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Enjoi, May 13, 2013.

  1. Enjoi Well-Known Player

    Tesla Nation!This a group of heroes that take pride in fighting the good fight.
    We are a league of people working together to be come the best we possibly can. Is that what you're looking for? come Check out us. We run PVP/PVE and do all levels.

    Tired of Farming, ask for details about our League farming policy.

    We play on the Usps3 Hero Server.

    Tesla Nation is now recruiting every role. You must have a mic. We can help get gear and help get skill points.We would like you to have at least a 80 cr, but its not a mandatory deal.

    Check out our Facebook page, or even out league website.
    Tesla Nation Website
    Tesla Nation Facebook Page

    Please Feel free to contact Lithium light, or Enj0i( with a zero) for questions or a try out into the league.

  2. melvinpox Devoted Player

    This is actually a pretty good league. The mic requirement is what kept me from applying.
  3. Enjoi Well-Known Player

    Thanks Melvin, always good to see support for others instead of only haters. if you ever wanna run with us just to run holler at me or any of my league mates.
    • Like x 1
  4. melvinpox Devoted Player

    The game needs less hate.
  5. Enjoi Well-Known Player

    Still in search for active players. please contact myself or one of the officers in the league for a trail run in the league.
  6. Enjoi Well-Known Player

    +1 We recruited two trolls and a tank last night.keep up the good work Tesla
  7. Diastima Theos New Player

    I'm a USPC so I guess I can't join. And I'm barely getting T3 armor. Haha, good luck though. Sounds awesome. Not a lame name. Looks organized and the mic requirement sounds cool. Since I like to chat.
  8. Enjoi Well-Known Player

    Yeah man we are moving in the right direction. We came from three people tired of crappy leagues, and made a monster. sorry that your on pc. if you ever come over to ps3, let me know!
  9. Enjoi Well-Known Player

    Another successful night last night. Hit 985 prec, still with no T5 gear.
  10. AaSetepSese New Player

    I am currently apart of a 100 man league but NO ONE CUMMUNICATES EVER!! Im a new player with 2 lvl 30 toonsn and my cr is only at 40 for 1 and 27 for the other. I play everyday but don't have a good friend list or active league to help with gear. If you truly don't mind I'd appreciate the assistance and being apart of a real league.
  11. Enjoi Well-Known Player

    Yeah man hit me up. My toon name is my sig.
  12. Enjoi Well-Known Player

    Also sign up for the Facebook page, great way to get to know some of the people
  13. OMAAR New Player

    You Guys ps3 hero?
    • Like x 1
  14. Enjoi Well-Known Player

  15. OMAAR New Player

    Lets try a nexus raid today and give it a whirl.
  16. Enjoi Well-Known Player

    im game bro hit me up today. ill be on in an hour
  17. Mcluv3n New Player

    i see yall growing hopefully yall start making noise
  18. AaSetepSese New Player

    thanks. I jus made a fb so I can join the group. name is reed Richards with no pic....don't judge
  19. Enjoi Well-Known Player

    McLuv3n, we've been screaming since day one :)

    and AasetepSese, i got you added hope to talk to you soon.