Adding an option to play old instance without stats clamped would just solve everything

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jason Martin, Sep 6, 2021.

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  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I have no issue with a clamp/unclamped choice. But under no circumstance is un-clamped is to receive rewards.
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  2. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    I just said what the incentive would be and thats getting full marks. But I could have sworn the underlying issue was people were mad at high CRs annihilating raids and ruining the lower lvls "experience"....but if that was truly the only issue then making clamping optional would solve that issue. Both parties get their way. But now the goal post is moving. Now those same players that wanted everything clamped is now saying they don't want anyone rewarded unless its clamped. So when will that goal post stop moving? As I said earlier to you, how about we just clamp everything everywhere and get rid of all SP? Because thats the conclusion when the goal posts keep moving. So as it happens, the issue wasn't that high lvl players were ruining their experience, it really has to do with rewards.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    The goalpost didnt move. My question is who would run anything clamped? If i got half the marks for spending 1/4th of time in a easy run of my choosing? I could run FoS3 unclamped and id complete a run is less then 2 minutes and gain marks far faster then running it clamped ever could. Anyone who chose to, would put themselves way behind the progression curve.

    Its ridding the incentive for Omnibus.
    Allowing Facerolling to once again be dominate.
    And youre encouraging player to choose the Faceroll option for easier and faster rewards.

    The goalpost didnt move. People are saying it should be optional. But i know WHY they want it optional. Its not so they can show their progression like some are saying. Its asking for a version that un-clamped that still offers rewards. It was never about showing your progression, its was always about de-fanging the stat clamp to keep the faceroll with rewards going.
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  4. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    The people who don't want their experience ruined by those horrible, no good, very bad high CR players who annihilate everything. And if their were so much of those in favor of pro stat clamping who cared about experience over rewards then their should be no problem getting into content.

    And actually it did move. If the argument was always about someones experience then a the option to run content clamped or non-clamped and getting full rewards either way shouldn't matter, because its about your experience and enjoying the pretty effects, and bosses, and iconic nature of everything....however since you're an advocate of zero rewards for running unclamped, the goalpost did move because it was never about rewards in the first place, although it seems to be now.
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  5. Lycan Nightshade Dedicated Player

    i still say they could unclamp open worlds (its all loot locked as it is so no way to really farm them), also Id like to suggest unclamping solos, i mean in a solos case the only person who can ruin a solos "experience" is the person running the solo.
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  6. The Con Dedicated Player

    So much stupid here:

    1) You are denying implied ownership while literally using the word "mine"... and nobody said that "sense of possession" is defined by legal ownership, Nobody owns their friends... they're still theirs, though.


    You still have rights as a renter.

    This probably has to be said to you repeatedly:
    2) Video game characters aren't your friends.
    If your friends sole existence relied on you actually creating them... if their only growth as a being was the time you took to make them grow... if the only things they have are the things that you financially paid for...

    Then, maybe, you'd have a point.
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  7. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    The arguments people make against the stats clamp would be very valid if they were only targeting solo content.
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  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    What really annoys me about some of the reasoning, its its like some of you havent spent more then 15 seconds thinking about it. Or genuinely don't see the fallout as a problem. You system is immediately exploitable so players can go facerolll on chain-running the easiest T2 they can find to farm source marks.
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    If you are able to trivialize content. YOU DONT DESERVE TO BE REWARDED. What is this? Handout Universe Online?
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  10. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    And what would be the problem with that? Full marks or half marks, it doesn't matter. I will say again for the...damn I lost count. If all you care about is experiencing content for the iconic nature of it, run clamped. But if you care about the marks and getting source marks, then do it unclamped and since their are obviously so many of you pro-clamp people out there, you should have no trouble getting into content. But again now its about rewards. So I think what I just did is turn your argument on its head and now you're attacking my reasoning, which in this case is flawless. If you want to experience content without those horrible high CR bad people, then run clamped and enjoy the content. But I want the rewards, I've already run that content @ tier enough times, I just want the rewards, don't gaf about the iconic nature of the content anymore.
  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Im going to be blunt, this suggestion is simply undoing the prior patch. Its simply putting the control back into endgame players hands, and leaving everyone else back out to dry.

    You're well aware of what you're suggesting. lol
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  12. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    OH, I don't deserve rewards? Huh. Well I've already run all of the legacy solos, duos, alerts and raids hundreds if not thousands of times and don't think you deserve to tell me what I can or cannot have. I tried meeting the stat clamping crowd in the middle and find a compromising solution, but you just want to clamp everything for everyone because of your experience which btw is a pretty selfish viewpoint. Whereas I tried to find a solution that would benefit both parties, but didn't want that because you want it your way and no one else's.

    I'm ending this discussion with you, I tried proposing a solution that would benefit both crowds and I actually tried to see your side of the argument and to a degree I understand wanting to enjoy content @ tier, but not at the expense of other people who've already run the content a stupid amount of times and don't want to be clamped.
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  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Let me tell you again.


    You're saying give rewards for doing it un-clamped, which defeats the purpose of the clamp...
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  14. The Con Dedicated Player

    I really don't get the ToS pushers on this board.

    1) Legal doesn't always equal right or fair.
    2) Laws can change... What seems legal now could give way to what would be deemed as right. "Legal" isn't the end-all-be-all... If it was.. we'd still have slavery.

    If these guys were around during the medieval times and jus primae noctis...

    They'd be shoving the Terms Of Servitude in your face on your wedding day saying "Tough luck, Bob.... But, the King does legally have the right... and he owns your wife more than you do."

    The Terms Of Serf-ice?
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  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Im almost dumbstruck at the lack of understanding by some.
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  16. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    Agreed. players who have grinded all the way to endgame over the years deserve full rewards in any/ and all content clamped or unclamped. They've earned that right.
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  17. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Instead of unclamping it maybe for the anti clampers they should just have a vendor that you can toggle every two minutes for 10 source marks plus any 3 random drops from the instance each time you toggle it … on top of that the same amount of nth metal I would get from running it.

    Oh wait and it should reward all feats from the content

    That way they don’t have to do any of the work
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  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You have no rights in a privately owned game.
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  19. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    When you can already finish solos within 2 minutes, why?
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