A Corrupted Guide to Celestial- Post-Stats Revamp

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by Fatal Star, Aug 11, 2017.

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  1. Tilz Loyal Player

    The changes to the scoreboard is really good for celestial.
    Saw some ppl asking me for rotations and really thinking about going to celestial, because of the damage. :)

    Did PanoE with a bunch of really good players (LFG group, but we all know eachother). A 227 Atomic (full elite) dps was around 2 mils ahead (i have cr 224, with 22k base might). But on bossfights I did around the same damage. Love it :)
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  2. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Now we just have to pray that nobody either tries going Celestial and complains that it’s too hard to use, or else cries about being out-DPS’d by a healer power LOL
  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Let them. If people complain it'll get buffed, lol
  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    I've been messing with sacred light trying to squeeze it into a competitive rotation, think I may have found one that works, but it relies on back to back SCs.

    In PanE I ran SL, BcM, PcDL, DLcP, RcW, NVB. It went SL clipped with B, followed by cM ---> PcDL ---> DLcP ---> RcW×3, repeat.

    Damage that rotation did was some of the highest I ever done in PanE, while using back to back SCs almost
  5. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    And then it becomes FOTM and gets nerfed to the level weapons are currently at :p :D
  6. Tilz Loyal Player

    has been always like this. Nothing new though :D
    Also it's not OP. It's just strong on bossfights.

    Sounds interesting. Need to check it out next week after moving into another town.
    I tried something similar actually.

    With my ST rotation (no SL) I can also use NVB back to back. So I don't really need to run SL :D
  7. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    You know that and I know that, but will the scorecard chasers focusing on boss damage believe us? :D
  8. Tilz Loyal Player


    They don't use celestial because it's too complex for many ppl. The ppl that are actually good with celestial and always on the top are simply good players :D That's from my experience
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  9. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    That’s definitely not me, if scorecard numbers are anything to go by. *mumblemutter*stupid jerks popping barrels and not letting me do my job*muttermumble* A pox on all their houses!
  10. iAscendancy New Player

    No not at all. I have put up over a mill over for boss damage but come in second place overall and they just say " oh the power sucks and its slow "
  11. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Second place in boss damage and the power sucks? No, the scorecard chasers suck at using it :D
  12. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Remove add damage from the scoreboard and make boss damage the total damage and celestial would look op ;)

    Maybe if they do that they could free up room to make the font bigger too.
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  13. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    One of these millennia...maybe...I just might possibly...think about...considering the idea...of setting up a DPS build

    Hmm. Nah. My armories are all in use for swapping looks :)
  14. Emilisa New Player

    It's so nice to come back to the game and see a close Celestial community is still a thing! Great work on the new guide Fatal and Charmed! It was a great read! :D
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  15. Tilz Loyal Player

    Small and close as always :)
    Welcome back then^^
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  16. Emilisa New Player

    Thank you :D
  17. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Happy Valentine's Day Guys! <3
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  18. Tilz Loyal Player

    Over in 45 mins :D same for you :)
    spent the day doing nothing but gaming lol
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  19. Ant Tao Well-Known Player

    I plan on dusting the cobwebs off of my old celestial villain and using it for something other than seasonals. Does anyone have any ideas for a competitive, cursed only dps loadout to match my new dark flame aura? I assume that you maximize celestial dps with clipping, like any power, but how is it on power consumption after revamp?
  20. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Power consumption is kind of high, but luckily we have A LOT more variety then what we had with AMs, so a full cursed loadout that's low on power consumption is possible.

    Try plague (PcDL), deathmark (DMcB), consume soul (CScWoTP), wither (WcR), haunt (HcS), cursed idol.

    That loadout has all your needs in one. Low power cost if wanted, max range if wanted, mid to melee range if wanted, and a PI applicator (PcDL).
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