a character that you feel is underrated or just unpopular

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Morcra, May 21, 2016.

  1. Morcra Committed Player

    Please leave the whole DC vs marvel thing out of this. It doesnt matter where the hero comes from, just state them.

    Anyway, here is one of mine.

    Jamie Madrox: the mutiple man

    Lately i have been reading old comics and i learned more about him. Possibly one of the most relatable and complex characters i have seen in comics. Due to the fact that his dupes weren't just clones, they were him. when they died he felt it. He conversed with them, made friends with them. Made separate personalities when he was gong through a rough time after he created a clone inside someone to kill them. even then he sacrificed himself to a virus to save a mutate that wanted to die. which drove him even more crazy.he has dupes all over the world with separate lives. it really is kinda incredible. i just really love his character.
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  2. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Does it have to be DC or Marvel character(s)?
  3. Darkerusaelp Devoted Player


  4. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    Doreen Green, aka The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. She has her own comic now (her second, after the "all new, all different" stuff), and is playable over in Marvel Heroes. Even so, I think she's definitely underrated. We're talking a girl who's stopped people like Dr. Doom and Galactus on her own. She even broke into the Avengers Tower to, ahem, "borrow" and Iron Man suit, so she could go to the moon and stop Galactus. :D

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  5. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

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  6. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Have been playing as SG for a couple years now, unlocked her at lvl 10 (back when you had a limited number to choose from as a starter character), she is so epically cool :D
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  7. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Ghost was an awesome character from Dark Horse.
    I actually really liked the entire Comics Greatest World idea back when it was released. I have collected all 4 foil covered collections as well as several special versions of the first issue "X." That character would make this list, too.
  8. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    She was my main before she was even released. By now she's Red Prestige lvl 60. Been thinking about going the final step with Cosmic Prestige too. Once the Civil War and Anniversary events are over. :)
  9. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

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  10. SnowStar Committed Player

    Yeah Squirrel Girl. I mean, she shoots squirrels that then go attack stuff!
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  11. coso New Player

    I would have to say Nightwing. Dick Grayson. The Hero of Bluddhaven, he is not given a the notice given. Give a CW show.
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  12. MidKnight Masquerade Dedicated Player

    Alfred Pennyworth


    He is highly intelligent what-with being able to run the entire batcave for Bruce while he is out in the field and in need of assistance. He is like Batman secret weapon. The side-kick that none of Bat's enemies know about.
    I think he should have his own origin story. To details his life before he came to work for the Wayne, after he took the job, and how he hindered and/or helped Bruce during the transition of becoming Batman.

    Id buy that graphics novel. Not just pirate a scanned copy of it online.

    And when Bruce comes back broken,bleeding, & half dead from a fight, he is able to patch him up single handily so that Bruce dose not have to go to a hospital and risk being found out.

    Without Alfred Bruce would have died before he even officially become Batman.
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  13. MidKnight Masquerade Dedicated Player

    And like iv said before in the forums...

    Blue Devil

    But I think Hellboy killed any chance of him ever being brought back out. People would just see him as a Blue-Hellboy.
    *sad face*
  14. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I feel like Cyborg is left out a lot. He's an official member of the teen titans and justice league but aside from those, we don't see much of him. He has really cool storylines, like being healed/revived/metamorphisized (not sure if that's a word; too lazy to check) by a Mother Box and that's another thing. Mr Miracle and Big Barda are the only heroes to have been raised on Apokalips and are the most underrated heroes of all. The two may have went through the greatest difficult tribulations of all the heroes but it doesn't seem like they don't get enough credit for overcoming the most powerful super villain in the DCU.

    Edit: Wish their was more content on Jean Grays Phoenix too.
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  15. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    For better or worse, Cyborg has gotten a whole lot more attention the last few years. He's part of Teen Titans and Teen Titans Go, he has (had?) his own comic book, is part of Justice League, and will be starring in both the Justice League-movie and his own solo movie. Hardly an underrated character anymore. :)
  16. MidKnight Masquerade Dedicated Player

    She looks like Jubilee going trick-or-treating in a Emma Frost costume.
  17. it_was_Friday Dedicated Player

    I think the most underrated character is Bobby Drake. After all, he is an Omega level mutant, and as Iceman could destroy the world.
  18. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Which one? The straight one or the gay one? o_O
  19. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    I cannot watch The Flash when he is on...god please...get someone who can actually play that part...first to admit he did a brilliant revitalized Joker...but as The Trickster all I see is desperately staged phony...lunacy??? Not even sure what the F youd call what he does before my eyes....I just know I can never unsee it afterwards...
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  20. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Still remember reading the panels where a doll sized version comes out of 1 him...finishing the sources sentence...then like a chorus both said at the same moment " I hate when he does that..."
    BTW...The Multiple Man was Firestorms original nemesis bad guy...Firestorm...the hero...became super when a nuclear accident let 2 people merge...it was the same accident that gave a single person the Multiple Man power...the ability to be the same person...who splits...one is Fusion...the other Fission...get it??