2014 PC Legendary Membership Benefits Update - UPDATED

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by RadarX, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. TheFoeYouBowTo New Player

    lol Dear Abstrakt, ANYthing that cause this entitled person to lose in-game doesn't sit well with me, sister. But of course, you are, "entitled" to your opinion... and you know what opinions are like, right? Just look in the mirror... :)
  2. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    They also emphatically stated the game would never go F2P. Saw how that turned out didn't we ;).
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  3. Jamie New Player

    I believe that we have to use LP for everything except DLC's. We still need Marketplace Cash for DLC's but we can't use it to buy replay badges or anything else. I have to double check when I get home but I believe most things can only be purchased with LP now.

    I agree this is mainly about trying to get SOE more money. This change will really only affect that people that were using the "free" SC to buy things outside of DCUO. If you only play DCUO like I do then the change seems pretty meaningless. I suspect that this change will allow SOE to give PS users more sales with out all of the hurdles they had to go through before. That is my personal opinion and I only have my hopes and dreams to back it up since we have only had 1 sale since the change was implemented and it was at Christmas time. I hope I answered your questions.
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  4. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Apologies if this has been asked and answered but;

    Will we be able to purchase Loyalty Points with Station Cash? That way we still get the benefit of sales and what not when it comes to Station Cash.

    That being said this is definitely not a "benefit" per say. This is a down-grade to people who sub.
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  5. Veritas New Player

    Ultimately, this is just another way to maximize their profits from DLCs. Understandably, Its just a numbers game and needing to pull more money for their products.

    Naturally, People who stack there station cash then drop to F2P and back and forth can get the DLCs for free. So now were forced to either pay for the DLC for 10 bucks or sub for 15. Just business, nothing personal. Remarkably, I did'nt hear that we can purchase additional Loyalty points, which means more station cash sales. Limiting the amount of points you can get means you will be further enticed to maintain your subscription. Personally, not mad at them because the businessman in me gets it. Its shrewd and clever and a way to build off their current business model.
  6. The Johnny army New Player

    What most PS players are saying is no, you cannot buy Loyalty points, you have to save them from month to month. But I guess the sensible thing to do is wait for something official to come out.
  7. Eschelar New Player

    I'd like to add that as a person who has dumped over a thousand bucks into Sony's lap for actual software, I stopped paying months ago and was brought back to the ranks due to a free month of legendary. Now, given that SOE has released this piece of information that they are about to get stingy with the points used to buy "stale-to-the-point-of-cobwebs" marketplace items, I'm thinking to myself - am I more or less encouraged to return to a schedule of regular subscription and giving Sony money to play their game as I did before?

    hmmmm. I'm going to go with 'no' on that one.

    What would make me interested in doing so?
    #1 - a slew of new styles - marketplace or otherwise
    #2 - some new gameplay mechanics that add a new dimension to all players and powersets (like alignments, or secondary weapons or who knows)
    #3 - more generous drop rates (FFS, 16 lockboxes opened - all I got was a lousy purple aura... wtf? - and ran 20 solo challenges and 6 duos for 5 usable drops from bosses and a staggering 43 non-role specific, topping at 26 unusuable items in a row... how's that for 50-50?)

    Naw. I'm finding I have less and less time as the years roll on. I don't care about the money to pay to play. I do care about the fact that the only way to get anywhere is increasingly becoming the route of grinding the same regurgitated content with carbon-copy powersets and lots and lots and lots of grinding. Or just cheating and letting a bunch of CR100's drag me around gates or some such nonsense.

    Money SOE stands to make from me over the next year if I play for another 3 months: $40.
    Money SOE stands to make from me by being stingy with not-very-fresh perks becoming less available: $0.
  8. Remander Steadfast Player

    Again, you can no longer buy DLCs with SC (haven't been able to for months), so this is not an issue.
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  9. BumblingB I got better.

    That's not why they removed it. They removed it because you could do triple station cash and 50% MP items. They said it is so they can do more promotions that are better more often. Yeah, that worked out great this year!

    This perk isn't a perk anymore. Especially since everything you would want to use your LP on is over 500. So you got to wait over a month to get access to the 1000LP when before you could pay $5 get 500SC and add that to the SC you got per month. SOE made a lot more money that way. This change will just deter that. Plus, if they made LP unique items, what about the people who just used their LP? They have to wait x amount of months to get them? I hope they don't put anything unique in there, it just would p me off more. -_-

    Just like the Legendary removal and the DLC removal, we can't do anything about it. We signed a contract that stats they can change anything anytime they want.
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  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, I wish we could get a straight answer on this. Some PS players are saying you can, while others say you can't. If you can, this becomes a complete non-issue. If you can't it's an annoyance, but still a pretty minor issue.
  11. Veritas New Player

    Yeah I found that out about a month ago, and totally forgot that fact, thanks for the reminder. In that case, its just a way to drum up station sales. Now if they put loyalty points only items in these vendors, then that by itself is a way to increase Legendary memberships!
  12. Jamie New Player

    So you guys could buy DLC's at 1/6 of the regular price? The best I have ever seen on the PS has been 1/2 off. I have yet to see Inventory space at 1/2 off so you guys really have been treated like royalty on the PC.
  13. Cloud_9 New Player

    Translation: "We found out you ingrates were taking the Station Cash we gave you and were spending it on other games. Well, not anymore. Enjoy your PlayStation treatment."
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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    That's why I said, you guys getting MP now should have brought you up to us, not us down to you. You see where I'm going here? It's like a weapon or power nerf, insteand of fixing everyone else, they found it easier to just hurt one thing. It's rediculous.

    And for the royalty remark, they could have avoided it, they said it was okay to do it. SOE was the one that pulled the plug on it.

    Legendary was originally purchasable by SC. It was removed because of the abuse to the system.
    DLC were originally supposed to be purchasable by SC, which again, abused by the system. Heck, Mepps said when ask at the time they added the legendary perk, said their intentions were to allow you to buy DLCs if you saved up and were forced to drop sub. He also said that they were giving us SC to be able to purchase whatever. You know, like armories and replays. Someone said earlier they can't buy RPBs with LP. Is this true? If so, good job SOE at making our public relations guy look like a fool.

    Again, nothing we can do. We can complain, wont change them in the least.
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  15. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    This is a kick in the pants.

    I'm gonna break this down with the confirmed statements of fact in this thread and show why it's a downgrade:
    • Yes, Station Cash will still exist. But now we have to spend Real Life Cash to get it.
    • Loyalty Points will replace the 500 SC PC Legendary Players get every month.
    • We will now be REQUIRED to log in for our LP to accrue every month.
    • LP will buy *most* of what we could buy with SC, but they are being deliberately vague as to what items will not be purchasable with the LP.
    • All Sales and Promotions that gave us any form of discount or bonus are NOT applicable with the LP Vendors.
    • We cannot spend both LP and SC on a single purchase.
    Here's my cynical "reading between the lines" as to how this negatively impacts us the consumers.
    • You can't be on vacation and reap the benefits of what you are paying RL Cash for, so they are shorting us unless we are online every month.
    • I suspect Replays and new Armories will be somehow skipped for the LP Vendors go live on PC servers, requiring us to spend SC purchased with real cash.
    • Because the Loyalty Vendors will be administered separately from the Marketplace, everytime something new comes out, whether it be new styles, new Legends characters, etc; the Marketplace will get it first and there will be a 2-3 week delays between the introduction and when LP Vendors will carry them.
    • The prices of many 500 SC items will rise in the transition from 500 LP to 1000 LP, requiring you to either save and wait for LP to accrue or get impatient and spend more SC (and hence RL cash) to get what you want in-game.
    This so called update is really just a way to screw the subscribers over because SOE is running into a cash crunch after development costs for the PS4 and wants to squeeze more out of the playerbase to make up for the shortfall in profits. There's NOTHING positive coming out these changes for PC subscribes, and it's transparent to see that this is a downgrade. The level of disdain being demonstrated for our intelligence and common sense is beyond belief. o_O:mad:
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  16. Certainlogic New Player

    Wow, after screwing Sorcery out of a revamp. They pull this crap out. Are they trying to lose subscribers? I'm certain there aren't that many that they can afford to lose now.
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  17. Drakonicus New Player

    Lord knows, i love and support this game, and i wish nothing but the best for it. That beeing said, if that ever changes, and somebody asks when it started, i gonna point out this change. As BB said, "nothing we can do. We can complain, wont change them in the least."

    I am glad i am not the only who have his nagging feeling on the back of my head.
    "This is the way the world changes. Not with a bang, but with a whimper". This is the first chance i can see 100% of the affected player base going against.
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  18. Miskatonian New Player

    This is exactly what I was thinking.

    It's a way to profit from impatience, while stating that the benefit isn't changing. It's a spin.

    I'm not mad at the messenger, though. I know it probably wasn't even the DCUO dev team's call. I'm glad I returned before the change, though.

    I used to work for one of the big cell carriers, and they did the EXACT same thing to us in regards to company bennies. At least we didn't do it to our customers.
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  19. Brice Allen Loyal Player

  20. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I just want to reiterate that no changes are being made to Station Cash or using it in the Marketplace. The change is being made to the monthly grant, which will be a new currency (Loyalty Points) instead of Station Cash beginning in February.

    This is basically correct. A change needed to be made, and this was the change that will have the least impact on everyone. You still get $5 worth of Loyalty Points, which has the same purchasing power and items and options as Station Cash, just on a different vendor.
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