I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    Dude, can you imagine how angry these players would have been if they stuck with their plan to make source marks exclusive to EEG.

    Honestly, there's a part of me that wished they had.

    Some of these players will just never be happy.
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  2. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Sure... But, we were just talking about that one purpose..

    So.. Then, it failed. Glad you agree.

    You know... You're just saying exactly what I said.... right?

    Here's where we differ... I think all players' feeling are #$^%ing relevant.

    But... I'm not a #$^%.

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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Well that’s a giant load lol.

    If CT was ever unclamped you’d be able to kill WW without worrying about the shields. Or even the rings. 2nd boss youd just burn it. Heck the 2nd boss is one of those bosses that would be at risk for being glitched and force players to disband. Third boss you’d have to get the portals. Yes. And? You’d have players like the ones failing NGN that would fail no matter how easy a raid became. You’d have players like this who complained about the superman solo being to hard. Some players will always find a way to fail.

    Having to loop mechanics? I literally only listed recent ones I remembered. Am I supposed to name every single mechanic I don’t skip just to make you feel better? Get over yourself lol. I stand out of the flames in FF. I block during TSW even when I don’t have the arrow over my head. I don’t use orbitals during TSD LB. I get into the symbols for TT. All I did was give example hoping you’d have an idea of the type of mechanics I was talking about. Maybe I gave you too much credit?

    And congrats.. you have to amend your statement from one shots to a bunch of other types of mechanics…
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  4. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    You hoping that they followed through with another bad idea??

    Given you're history of toeing the line.... THAT I have no doubt about. :cool:
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  5. Plowed In Loyal Player

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  6. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    After spending 2 years arguing that the clamp will bring in new players to increase the population.... to shift to this "Did anybody ever really say that?" once it's been demonstrated that it hasn't...

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  7. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Tell me you never read the developer post or the game update notes. Tell me you just don’t like it and shift your reality so you don’t have to face a change.

    They’re not our goalposts…the direct develop quotes are posted multiple times throughout the thread and the others. Links are even there.

    First it was “the population dropped because of it.”
    Then it was “no increase in population because of it.”

    It’s a failure in your mind because you just don’t like it. And that’s ok. Come on back to “our” shared reality whenever you’re ready. :)
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  8. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Bold of you to make conversation about the bible when the one true DCUO god has shown his face.

    It's a day, man. Some people worked more than others and were not bound by 25 years of service. They can find a new job tomorrow. I'd be ok with that.
  9. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Just coming here to move a goalpost. It was in the wrong position. Carry on.
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  10. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    I know I already made fun of the idea of you being on the side of this horrible idea... becuause you'd be that guy..

    Turns out.. YOU WERE.

    Jeezis, dude.... Do you ever come up for air?

    That was in a thread that was credited (by some) for the reversal of the policy.... as the creative team realized that they made a mistake.

    Turns out, you were on the wrong side of history on that one, too.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The point was that impassible mechanics, like the one on 3rd boss in CT for the bombs/shield are always impassible....Someone would be getting them, even if the run were ever to be unclamped. Your heroic adherence to that mechanic just means you can finish the run vs triangle tap that shield all day.

    And I already said I believe you...and apologized for and amended my incorrect statement. You always do mechanics....except those in a run I actually saw you skip them on. I suppose all of those had no 'real repercussions'....but I'd guess any skipped mechanic someone called you out on, they'd have been in the 1 run you didn't do them or they didn't have 'real repercussions'. So always-ish?

    You are a shining example of a player. Please...get in lots of Omni FOS2 runs so you can get us some better EG players. They obviously can't learn to jump the pulse just by being in CT...cause they aren't jumping the pulse in most runs. Thanks in advance for your service.

    And just to clarify....I said you had to 'loop in elite runs' for one of your examples (seeing as Elites aren't really part of the random EEG/Omni discussion)...not 'loop mechanics'. Why? Cause in CHM Reg you'd probably not run the cog or try awful hard to get out of the gas....as long as there's a decent heal...neither really has 'real repercussions' in reg. Well...YOU would obviously, but 90% of the population might not and from what I've seen...doesn't. Hopefully they will run into you in some Omni and see how it's done (unless the mechs in THAT run are well...not having 'real repercussions'....in that case, skipperooni).

    PS. I'm not even sure what 'Loop mechanics' would be...but again, I didn't say that.

    Happy Anniversary DCUO!
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Shows what you know, I was actually highly opposed to it and got quite a terse response from the developers at the time, but during the initial responses there was little other support for putting them in the whole game.

    I was of the view that EEG should be a bit more "optional" so putting the source marks in EG as well made sense.

    Eventually other people started seeing the news and starting getting on board with feedback that the source marks should be included in the whole game and the developers decided based on the overwhelming feedback that they would put source marks in EG as well.

    There's a lesson you can learn in that of course, in that if there is enough feedback on something the developers do take action, that should tell you something perhaps about whether or not you feel you're in the majority or not when you oppose the clamp more widely.

    Given they've not made wide changes beyond some targeted adjustments in 2 years, it should probably tend to indicate to you that not as many people care about opposing the clamp as you think, they're either fine with it or neutral.

    The reason I said there's a part of me that still thinks they should have left source marks exclusive to EEG is because had they done so, you'd have had very little choice but to get with the deal and play the game, there would be none of this "well I'm just not going to play it then" , perhaps a little sadistic, but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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  13. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Yep, I still think it was a mistake to put them back into endgame, but I’m not going to waste my time looking like a loon and demand they remove them immediately, otherwise the game will fail and meteors will come crashing down on Earth.

    I can at least see why they did, and I understand the decision. They don’t need my approval :)
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  14. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    No... It's either one or the other.... and without real data to say one way or the other....

    Looking at the game.... It seems sure as hades looks like the first.
    Listening to you guys trying to put lipstick on this pig... at best, it's only the second.

    The reality is that it is one or the other.

    It's a failure either way.
  15. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player


    While you were writing this fantasy piece.... I posted one of your defenses of the policy.....

  16. Proxystar #Perception

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  17. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Roger that, you have no idea what happened between pages 100 and 200, just have a full head of steam. Not even an “I tried finding the quote, but got tired of looking up facts after 10 minutes…”

    “Who needs truth when you have opinions…and mine are really good ones.”

    Who told you it was a failure? Oh you just decided it was, again, 10-4 good buddy. :)

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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    Now you're going to ask what changed my mind right, well sure, it was because Mepps did make some reasonable points despite me not being in entire agreement, I saw the merits in having source marks limited to only EEG, hence my even slightly sadistic response in here that can you imagine how it would've panned out had they not backed down.

    In some respects the system would have been better if it were only in EEG, hence the likely change in tone in some of my subsequent posts. I'd made an attempt to get the compromise, that attempt failed, but I was one of the first attempting to get said compromise, that same very cormpromise people eventually got that you also wanted, what a villain I am LOL.
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  19. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player


    The thread you are quoting from is Work In Progress DCUO Development Update - July 2021 - Membership & Access Level Discussion which was months before the policy was initiated...

    Once it was.. You rolled over like Beethoven.

    And... You defending it.... was your later stance... THAT would be the one that mattered..

    You going... "But, before I was for it... I was against it" doesn't matter.... and irrelevant.
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  20. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player


    We either gained noooooooooo new players...... or we lost players......

    This isn't rocket science...

    And I'm not looking for a quote..... We have been arguing against the notion that the clamp would bring in new players that others have been arguing ... for 2 years now....

    The fact that is hasn't happened ... only proves us right...

    You crying like a little bee:
    "N-n-nobody every said that... offically" is just you trying to erase 2 years of arguing because you/they were wrong.
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