Anyone interested in free sketches of their DCUO characters?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by SuperSoldier, Sep 29, 2013.

  1. Failia New Player

    I can see a difference between the initial sketches to the more recent ones. Seems that you're getting more and more practice with this. Keep it up!
  2. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    SuperBell Sketch

    SuperBell Rough Sketch
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  3. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Love how you added the Justice League America on the back. So cool.
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  4. SuperBell Loyal Player

    Woohoo, thanks alot. It looks awesome.

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  5. Cannondade Level 30

  6. Night hunterr Dedicated Player

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  7. Night hunterr Dedicated Player

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  8. Zuse Loyal Player

    do me
  9. Night hunterr Dedicated Player

    That's what she said! ( sorry, couldn't resist :p ) And sure.
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  10. Zuse Loyal Player

    HAHA...i was expecting someone to do that hahah
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  11. Light Echo New Player

    *Oooo adding a splash of color now I see. If you have the time I'd like to see my sketch filled in! Thanks in advance.


  12. Fourth New Player

    God, for whatever reason I really like the way you shaded this... Kinda makes me want to get back into drawing... If just this was darker it'd be beast.
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  13. Zuse Loyal Player

    I know right, but this guys is totally awesome and ridiculously talented in drawing i mean just look at these drawings... they are so perfect
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  14. Night hunterr Dedicated Player

    Sorry it doesn't look that good. I do these on my tablet so I'm pretty much limited to what I can do. ;)
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  15. Night hunterr Dedicated Player


    Edit: Here's another version of it.
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  16. Light Echo New Player

    Awesome! That looks really good! Thanks for doing this I really appreciate it.
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  17. Arcana17 New Player

    Please do me :)

    Morality: Hero
    Power: Celestial.
    Weapon: Hand Blaster (Rune), Bow (Demonic)
    Face: None
    Head: Biomech
    Shoulders: Corrupted
    Hand: Biomech
    Chest: Demonic
    Waist: Insectoid
    Legs + Feet: Demonic
    Back: New Genesis

    Age: Unknown

    The idea behind this character is more of a anti-hero type, neither hero nor villian. He is a warlock with great power from a different dimension. Forced to watch helplessly as his love being killed in the past, he went mad, let the darkness consumed him and destroyed the murderers, along with his own world. He was able to suppress his emotions, but his body could never return to that of a human being. With his vast power, he created a pocket universe to bury his lover, and connected it with the life of the planet itself. The warlock travels through dimensions killing those who schemes to harm the Earth without mercy, protecting the eternal slumber of his one and only love, in hope that one day his power will grow to surpass the fabric of existence itself, so he can be reunited with that person once again.

    Side note:
    - If possible, can you do an extra pic with the cape replaced with a pair of angel-demon wings ( you know those wings with one of them being the angel feathered wing and the other is the demon/bat wing) ? :)
  18. Zuse Loyal Player

    nice really nice maybe the hands could have stayed white, but its really nice
  19. comrade sonya Committed Player

    Omg, I wasn't expecting anyone to color it in thank you ^.^
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  20. LL New Player

    Super soldier your work is really good. They all look great. :)
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