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    Server.....: EUPC
    Faction....: Villains
    Character..: Xena313
    Role.......: Tank
    Power......: Ice
    League.....: Devastators


    EU PC/PS
    Xena's Background

    Xena is the daughter of Cyrene, queen of the Amazons, born in the year 1000.

    She was the black sheep of the royal family, at the age of 14 she started committing bad deeds, from stealing to murder. At the age of 19 she was banished to Hell by her mother, seeking revenge she made a deal with Hades, the King of Hell, in exchange of power, the power to control fire, she had to slaughter all of the Amazons, she remained in hell for the next 7 years training day and night. Little did she know that in the 7 years of training she spent with Ares, the God of War, he was corrupting her mind day by day making her wish of revenge even more powerful.

    After the 7 years passed, Xena was sent back to her home land to accomplish her mission, they fought for 2 years trying to protect the Queen, most of them were killed by Xena who now had enormous power compared to them, those who weren't killed managed to escape to the outer world never being heard of again. After she finally managed to kill her mother, the spell of Ares was lifted and she started being aware of the horror she committed. At that moment, Ares appeared before her with a big grin on his face, congratulating her, but he wasn't aware of the fact that she is no longer bound by revenge and even though she slaughtered thousands, her soul was pure. Ares knowing that her power ranked high, tried to kill her and send her back to hell where Hades could have chained her for all of eternity, this however didn't happen, by a mistake or maybe even work of someone else he didn't observe, she was sent to Heaven where she was waited by Zeus himself, there she got another proposal.

    To be continued when I'll have more time.