Build Your Ally (For Fun)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eve, Jun 14, 2022.

  1. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Wait... Do you mean from other players? Wicked... :eek:
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  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    ( :<
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  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player


    Combat: Massive aoe dot attack that hits a target and pulls any surrounding enemies into the target, once the ground effect ceases an final atomic explosion hits for a percentage of the damage the aoe did.

    passive 1: While your aura is up it will reduce the power cost of all your abilities including the power cost of the actual combos not just the initial combo cost and increases your might and precision while in dps stance, while in tank stance your defence and toughness is increased and increases your control resist.

    passive 2: When picking up collections or exobytes, you have a chance for nth metal or ally favor to be collected as well (not associated with the normal in game chance you would get making these drops extra)
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  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Oops passive number 2 only works in atomic power set
  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Hmm Firestorm sould be very interesting to see. He isn't actually at the game I believe, but I would love if they introduce him properly.
  6. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

    Dex-Starr (Red Lantern)

    Damage:Call Out The Sweetest Little Cat From Sector 2814 To Drench His Enemies With Red Plasma Followed Up By Dropping A Giant Red Cat Construct On His Enemies As Well

    Meow Rage Passive 1: Upon Taking Damage Dex Star Will Grant You And 7 Other Players A Rage Shield And When It Is Popped Grants A Heal To All Group Members As Well

    Furious Dex Passive 2 : Every Red Lantern In The Group Gets A 2% Might/Pref Buff The More Red Lantern In Group The Higher The Buff Increase
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  7. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Okay, I want to see this, because Dex-Starr is soooooooooo adorable!
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  8. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I still can't believe Dex-Starr is not in the game.
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  9. Raven Roth Committed Player



    Rain Blood - Bleez spits plasma into the air that rains down onto enemies, applying Plasma Burn.


    Red Angel - When knocked out by rage crash, have a chance to rev at 10% health with a shield, and gain immunity to rage crash for 15 seconds afterwards.



    Heart of Darkness - Places an explosive black aura on an enemy that continuously damages them and any others near them. In healer role, the explosion steals life energy from the afflicted targets and heals you and 4 teammates. Applies purification.


    Soul Corruption - Any enemies killed by: Death Mark, Life Drain, Haunt, Curse, Defile, or Consume Soul will be raised as purple spirit orbs that float towards enemies and explode.



    Soul Assault - Spectre fires a bolt of green energy that deals damage and makes enemies writhe in agony. Applies Purification.


    Soul Purification - When an enemy affected by purification dies, their soul remains behind as small white orb of light that floats towards a random player, healing them a small amount.
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  10. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Plastic Man ally.
    My imagination isn’t good enough for power interaction. I just love Plastic Man and want him in the game as an actual thing.
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  11. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I imagined we get him ages ago but he would be cool. :3
  12. Raven Roth Committed Player

    The Monitor


    Overmonitor - The Monitor focused his gaze on you and your teammates. Your teammates receive bonus overall stats equal to 2% of each of your overall stats for 15 seconds.


    Watchful Eye - The Monitor keeps a watchful eye on you. If you drop to 20% health, The Monitor shifts you to another phase of existence where you are invulnerable to damage for 2 seconds, afterwards an explosion occurs at from you knocking all enemies far away. (30 min cooldown)



    Warped Reality - Mxyzptlk transforms all enemies around him into random throwable objects, applies destabilization.


    Master of Mayhem - Your summoned trinket pet is transformed into 3 clones of Mxyzptlk that each deal the same damage as the original summoned pet.
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  13. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Hey I featured your Raven ideas in my upcoming Build Your Ally videos - credit you ofc. :)
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  14. Raven Roth Committed Player

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  15. RunfromDanger Man Dedicated Player

    Exactly. And if we aren't going to get him in the game as a Legend, or an iconic escorting us around in a queue, or a vendor or even an iconic talking to another iconic in the HoL then can we at least get him as an ally?

    His combat ability being something like stretching his arm out and punching or smacking the opponent.
    His passive abilities being like healing through comedy, we hear a joke in his voice and the person/group heals a little, and...I don't the strength of gear by shapeshifting an extra layer onto our body?

    But that last one sounds gross so that's why I gave up so quickly the first time. lol
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  16. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

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  17. Achikah All About That Base

    Ally: Zatanna
    Legendary Ally

    Active Ability: Presto Chango- Transmutes a transmutation curse onto targeted enemies, debuffing their abilities for a short time while also causing DOT. Lesser foes may be cast into to feral hounds.

    Passive Ability 1: What Goes Around- Inflicting Bad Karma on an enemy through a superpower imbues them with a Karmic Rune. Whenever a Karmically Runed enemy takes damage, it has a (x%) chance to grant you Siphoned Karma, imbuing you with (y%) of Supercharge for (z) amount of time.

    Passive Ability 2: Hocus Focus- Harness the Dark Arts through your weapon to create a Runic Siphon around a targeted enemy. An enemy tainted with Runic Siphon have a 10% chance of being drained, imbuing (x%) of healing to party members within their immediate vicinity.

    Since the recent allies have been power focused, Zatanna would be focused around the Sorcery powerset.

    The Active Ability is basically Baleful Transmogrification to a lesser extend with a longer cooldown, but with a debuff effect similar to Death Metal Batman.

    The first passive ability is basically fixing the pitiful numbers Sorcery's SC generator does. Most other SC gens are decent in damage, but Sorc's has been in a bad place for a long time. A few moves that offer Bad Karma, however, do decent Might numbers. Giving these a prox to boost SC generation would help the power keep up with others, especially post Gemini rework.

    The second passive would be helpful for healing Melee Builds and Tanks, like a buffed up version of Shard of Life in healer stance with a leech life sort of theme.

    I'm not as well verse with cooldown and %s for the numbers game, so I used variables other could rework or make viable, but this would be the general idea.
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  18. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Now I really, really, really, want Zatanna.
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  19. Raven Roth Committed Player


    Omega Sanctum - Darkseid traps a single enemy inside a pocket reality, completely immobilizing and stunning them for 3 seconds. If the enemy is unable to be affected by this, they take 20% increased damage from all sources for 3 seconds.


    Suffer for Darkseid - Gain increased might and precision based on the amount of your health missing.

    Dark Omega - When using a Finisher, Darkseid's Omega Beams appear from the sky to deal additional damage to the target.

    Black Alice


    Power Hungry - Black Alice steals the abilities of different people to use in combat:

    Dr.Fate - Summons an exploding ankh
    Shazam - Strikes and stuns enemies with lightning
    Brother Blood - Siphons blood from enemies to heal everyone nearby
    Circe - Turns enemies into beasts and makes them panic
    Tala - Summons a meteor that leaves a field of hellfire


    Copycat - All damaging iconic powers now apply your power's power Interaction.
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  20. Milutin Mujovic Well-Known Player

    Am I the only one who wishes allies were constantly following me until I dismiss them? I really don't like that they just spawn, do pew pew and disappear.
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