RIP Precision

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Gulrick TheWanderer, Mar 12, 2022.

  1. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

    u mad?
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  2. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    No are you?
  3. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I like the freedom and preset saving options offered in Lost Ark. change skills to do more damage to boss or adds, or whatnot. Use preset that services towards a npc vulnerability (more water damage or fire damage... not applicable to dcuo, obviously, but to freely use a different loadout quickly and easily, is appealing. Not to mention the attack skill can look different based on the loadout (if you pick other skill tree options related specifically to the attack skill). It's a Marvel Heroes or X-Men Legends isometric game done much better. Advancing, is less, without new styles unlocked or freely selected. It feels less mmo or rpg.

    like so many f2p games, it's overrun with gold spammers in chat, and bots. learn from the GW2 buy2p model.
  4. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    What are you even talking about? How is this related at all? If you die that’s your problem, I have damage to do.
  5. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player

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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    Clipping is intended, what you can and can't clip was pretty much outlined during stats revamp, the devs just either overlooked the bots at that time or couldn't be bothered.

    if clipping in its entirety was unintended then it would've been removed during stats revamp when the devs were clearly aware of it.
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  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I am flight prec and I have never had issues with beating speed prec. I never needed to use bot clipping either. I also do not have trouble keeping up with speed users in hallways either. If you can not dps without bots than that is a you problem and not a prec problem.

    How can the devs balance out other aspects of precision (other weapons) when they have to also deal with bot clipping and trinket clipping? Bots/toys use no power and the main ones barely had any animations. This means you were basically having free clips. Now you have to use abilities to clip. Even during AMs this was the main thing they were pushing. Clip a weapon with an ability. Not clip a weapon and turn to a smurf.
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  8. Gulrick TheWanderer Well-Known Player

    Please provide proof of said claim. Otherwise I’ll just chalk that up to you talking out of your rear. Btw out parsing randoms in a pug would be disingenuous at best. What makes you think the devs want to balance the game? Balanced games don’t make money. This is always the same dance moving the meta around to generate more money. Btw still waiting on that weapon pass they hinted at 2 years ago, (probably haven’t even started it).
  9. ghosts Well-Known Player

    Just find the new meta and move on
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  10. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    Another thread where someone reliant on one broken aspect of the game complains ad infinitum about how they're a disenfranchised victim of some shady, evil developer's money-grab plot.


    Tbh, the bot clipping removal is not a surprise, however, I am surprised by how long it took.
    Last week I stopped using holo and bots pre-hotfix, numbers are still good.
    This week I stopped using phase dodge and dervish as well (aoe and single target, respectively), numbers are still good, sometimes better.
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  11. KidKretz Committed Player

    i got lucky and my main was dual wield and i been using the crossweapon bow attack for years. im happy i stumbled on something that was OP...BUT....i never clipped with it. i never could replicate the way ppl in the utube videos were doing it so fast.

    thankfully, i still put out decent dmg. i wont miss this since i never did it, but im sorry for those that were used to it. and when i mean used to it, im talking muscle memory used to it. my fingers can right click tap, right click hold in my sleep for days!
  12. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Clipping defensive/ offensive is still around. Everything you said has nothing to do with clipping just movement modes. Movement modes need some help, everyone knows that. Ss should always be the fastest. Acro should always be the slowest. I don’t disagree that movements themselves need some tweaking. We’ve had posts recently comparing the pros and cons of movement modes. SS had the most, flight had a few. There are plenty of us that just despise SS. Bots and trinkets should have been gone awhile ago. They finally did it is all.
  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Believe it don’t believe it, I really don’t care what you do. I’ve had people on the forums who ran with me who have seen it. You are set on believing what you want because it’s what you want to believe. I’ll tell you the same thing that I tell might dps who complain about prec.

    Just because you can’t do something doesn’t mean someone else can’t.
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  14. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Makes me laugh because i never used any of those crutches and i still do great with prec , maybe try learning your power better instead of relying on crutches to be good.
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  15. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    This is an attack on the faster pre-gu36 esque playstyle, that’s barely in the game, it might be unintentional, but the affect is still present. And I agree that methods like this should be fixed. I just wish a clip heavy playstyle was supported
  16. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

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  17. Gamma Lantern Committed Player

    It’s an unintended use of gear to exploit clipping without power cost and minimal animation/cooldown.

    This being fixed is no different than when clown box was adjusted due to unintended use. That’s not an attack on a play style, it’s a fix to an exploit the devs didn’t anticipate when creating the trinkets/toys. It was done because it presents balance issues.

    I also enjoy clipping, don’t get me wrong.

    An actual attack on a play style was when Hardlight animations got slowed down a crazy amount back during the WM addition, there was nothing technically broken about it but I will admit it was crazy strong in the right hands that knew how to clip lol
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  18. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    One of the biggest problems is the guides up on youtube. Any player thinking about making the switch to prec probably goes there or here first to find out stuff they need to know. I went through about 20 different prec 'guides' on YT and everyone is using the holo and/or bots.

    Maybe AV or someone similar can setup a definitive prec guide...
  19. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    It does fight against that playstyle, just by default, but I still agree since bots being clipped was unintentional, however, it wasn’t a balance issue because those bots were not that good, overrated for sure
  20. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Unless you're using swoop attack to get back into movement mode (if that's even still a thing), it is literally impossible to keep up with superspeed in hallways if the group is really pumping that analog button. It's much more apparent in older content with competent dps players that are blowing through everything.

    I don't doubt that you can put out decent numbers with flight though. People overestimate how dominant phase dodge, tornado pull, and whirling dervish are. If you were superspeed... you would be doing more damage. Not as much as people seem to think though.
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