This new update is a nightmare (clamping)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Civil, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I dont know about you, but ive been getting complements on my healing
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  2. Mikeyb2001 Well-Known Player

    The Worst Part is even at full Power DPS were Already Weaker Than Roles When it Comes To Withstanding Damage Even At High Level
  3. Mikeyb2001 Well-Known Player

    i Watched My Atomic Tank Friend Solo A Paradox Prince
    Pre Clamp
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  4. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    To all the OG's. Y'all knew this was going to happened. Skill players got chased out a long time ago. DCUO picked a side, and they chose players who wanted everything easy. Now they're trying to change how lazy players play which is ridiculous.

    I haven't played in years but I do remember DCUO cater to players who didn't want to play the game correctly.
    I remember they nerf seasonal cuz lazy players didn't know how to beat it.
    DCUO nerfed a certain Duo cause a certain player couldn't beat it
    allowed undergear players to join a high level raid.
    made Tanks and trollers feel usless ( not sure if it'e like that today)

    I've heard elite raids have gotten easier due to casuals complain that it's to hard. As much as ppl don't want to admit it but when they got rid of kicking, that was the start of players wanting to be carried. As controversial as kicking is. Ppl who was for kicking predicted what type of players DCUO will attract.

    I even seen ppl not blocking in a raid when a skull pop up on a youtube video which tells me everything about the playerbase.

    I think after T5 or T6 players that like to play their roles and played the game that was supposed to be played left.

    We all knew when stat clamped come in alot of players wasn't going to like it, cause players of today don't want to feel they're not good at the game. They want to feel good without learning with no repercussions.

    Havent played the game yet but I already know if there is one wipe against 1 boss most likely 1 person leave and it become a snowball of ppl leaving.
    playebase have gotten so lazy stat clamp is hard cause they don't know how to do mechanics. We been down this road in stat clamp when we had AM.
    Try to explain how to beat parodox wave and they will leave.

    I have a feeling casuals may win this war against stat clamp
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  5. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Get in and try it before you ‘wall of text’ here. It’s a pretty generous clamp.
  6. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Oh u think I'm complaing about stat clamp? I guess u didn't read the part when I said stat clamp isn't hard if u know the mechanics. read the bottom part sir
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  7. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Where? I may have missed it.

    Final sentence was “ I have a feeling casuals may win this war against stat clamp.”

    They already have impacted where the clamp ‘landed.’ What war are you speaking of? To role this back? No way.

    At most I could see them add a un-clamping option without loot and maybe even without feats. But then what’s the point.
  8. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Guess ur not reading then. My point is today player base like it easy without doing mechanics. Stop skim reading and read sir.

    Hear I copied and paste it for u

    playebase have gotten so lazy stat clamp is hard cause they don't know how to do mechanics. We been down this road in stat clamp when we had AM.
    Try to explain how to beat parodox wave and they will leave.

    I have a feeling casuals may win this war against stat clamp
  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

    See, it’s perspective. Everyone thinks they’re great and everyone else needs to change, rather than themselves adjusting.

    It’s ‘you can’t read’ vs ‘maybe I could have worded that better.’

    What’s your objective of commenting on the ‘playerbase?’ What do you get by passing judgment from the sidelines?

    Before the clamp the player base didn’t have the opportunity to learn because of ‘steamrolling.’ Now they’ve been given the chance. And it’s pretty forgiving at that. Some will like it, some won’t, life goes on. It definitely feels more like a game again.
  10. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Ok, I just logged off of DCUO, so tired, I was in the Throne of the Dead raid for 101 minutes and 12 sec. …. 101 minutes. As a CR341 I was so weak. Getting the new people to understand the mechanics was like herding cats. I feel I am clamped too extremely.
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    My tank had no idea how to do the last boss in the duo, i had to figure it out and then solo HeatWave while my tank ate dirt..Took awhile xD[IMG]
  12. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Herding Cats is quite right. :(
  13. HurricaneErrl Dedicated Player

    Running with league mates or a group of friends, this is actually really far. To me, the only frustrating part is the pug groups. Most of the pug groups have been borderline infuriating. Nobody wants to learn what they're doing wrong, they just want to complain and blame the clamp. This actually made pugging worse imo. The low level players who this was supposed to help the most are going to still be left behind. I guess they can spam low level solos until they get enough source marks for gear, but that doesn't sound very fun. Not sure what can be done at this point. Omnibus rewards aren't worth the hassle
  14. Proxystar #Perception

    No realistically, the casuals, are going to have to git gud and sorry if that sounds like I'm a "gosh darn elitist"

    If something is broken impossible then in time it will be discovered and can then be reported and fixed or better balanced.

    If you're after feats, or are struggling with some content then stop the role playing and garbage tier loadouts, get with the programme and play with more effective rotations and loadouts.

    If you want to beat some content or get some feats then dressing up as superman and using every god damn role play superman power you can find, while trying to be Superman God Goku from Alternate World 69 isn't going to necessarily cut it.
  15. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    We shall see over time. Cause lazy players have got pretty much everything they want for these past few years
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    There's realistically a 0.000001% chance they're getting a roll back on this. They should probably just stick to buying time capsules like they usually do chasing that role play style they must have for their next cosmetic look, their odds are better there.
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So don't you think in order for them to 'git gud' it would have been better to NOT have random queuing be the new way of doing things? A group of noobs being brought into a group of experienced player who WANT to be with noobs vs people who are just there to get paid and get paid quick? Personally I was way more tolerant of poor play and newbie behavior when it didn't mean a 101 min raid run. I'd guess quite a few feel that way from the way raid groups cycle people in and out.

    And we didn't need to be clamped to have taught some noob troll how to throw debuffs, or some inexperienced tank what a single target pull or group pull is. HOT is HOT whether you are a weak or strong healer, is it not? People weren't teaching or learning before in random groups...Not sure why anyone thought that would change with a clamp. Easier to walk out and queue up again, hoping for an easier run or better group then spend 30+ min explaining things again. After all, if you are just in it for the marks...why teach anything....I don't get any MORE marks for teaching someone I? And before you say anything about being a jerk not teaching...I did plenty of mentoring before the clamp if I saw someone doing something wrong...I just don't believe I have the time anymore. Gotta go run current AND Omni after all....sometimes multiple runs if I don't get credit. Not a lot of time for lolly gagging.
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  18. Proxystar #Perception

    How else do you force people to get better Reinheld? Honest answer really? The environment prior to this certainly wasn't doing it.

    The reality is, if people are going to blind queue then their experience is going to be random and their choices will be to either get better at what they're doing, teach other players if they're stuck in there and do know what they're doing, or leave.

    Some times people are just going to be confronted with having to leave and that's the nature of pugging, until a larger majority of the community develop the necessary skill sets.

    It will come with time and it might take some time, but it does happen.

    I would encourage people to learn how to properly support role, because the reality is your experience in pugged content tends to spin around the quality of the tank or healer, if those two roles are really bad then your experience is more likely to be bad.

    It's sink or swim Reinheld, it really is, I don't say "git gud" to be mean, I say it because it's the reality, if you're going to PUG then you need to be prepared to play more optimally and more diversely i.e. not just be a DPS, because if the necessity arises, you're going to have to deal with it.

    If you want more flexibility then I really CANNOT understate the importance of joining a league where things are generally way more fluid and forgiving because the people in the leagues can easily, usually compensate for someone who wants to just play around a little and still get content done.

    Gone are the days of lone wolving, if you're lone wolving then your experience is going to be that much more difficult.
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  19. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I'd drop about three zeros from that. Which makes it still very unlikely they'll dramatically change things, and certainly they wouldn't do so any time remotely soon.

    But you and I and others have been here long enough to see some Absolutely Firm declarations eventually be reversed.

    Remember how we used to have currencies for each tier. Then separate currencies were done away with. Then they were reinstated, but only for the three most recent tiers. Which was effectively a 180 turn.

    Then there's the coming and going of the great AM revolution that didn't turn out so well. And so on.

    Remember this?

    -- Mepps, Apr 9, 2015

    Not the only time a dev said such. Yes, of course plans change. I'm not saying this meant "we won't ever do stat clamping of older content."

    I'm just saying that today's plans are equally subject to possible change at some point in the future. That is all.

    But, sure, nobody should expect a dramatic rollback any time soon. And if rollbacks come, they'll likely be in stages.
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  20. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Proxy, you know as well as I do that teaching doesn't help with anything. Both you, I and many other vets have tried, tried, tried, and failed and the brick wall has the collective blood from our heads to prove it (from us banging our heads on it). In my travels I've found that reaching out and teaching pugs is a lost cause, HOWEVER if they ask for least that shows they want to get better/learn.
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