Old & Boring Content Still Old & Boring

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sgt. Rock, Aug 26, 2021.

  1. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Brand new is subjective, just like it may be the same game to you doesn't mean it's like that to others, why cant you people understand this.
  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Have you ever asked yourself, if nobody ever wants to do old content, whos the new players going to play with? This community had btched and whined for years saying "we need more players!" But then proceed to spit in the face of every new potential player because you guys are unwilling to play with them and unwilling to compromise your experience to make sure they enjoy their experience as well and stick around.
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  3. Doctor Nova Devoted Player


    Remember time is relative and moving. To some of us, yes, that old content was done a lot to earn marks that no longer exist. Now we can do more than the recent 3 DLCs (or whatever top 3 CR relevant contents are current to your character? does that still apply at lower than end game CR? New tiers and all?) to earn currencies that may not exist at some point. [IMG]
  4. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    You can run any older content to get marks. Why are bitchin&moaning about fos? Go run something else. Run bounties for marks. Run a solo

    Dont run anything if older content sucks.
  5. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Dont forget about

    am I wrong?
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  6. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Very true
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  7. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    The devs cant win with these guys.
    They complain about content , system, styles, not enough aura, too many auras, want world bosses, now
    hey hate world bosses, not enough content, monthly content(too much content), new player suck, devs try to fix that, that sucks too. you name it someone is hating on it.
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  8. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    To add to that^^^^^^ the devs are seriously going to need to treat all this like spoiled children not getting their way and stick to their guns or it will never end.
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  9. hhussk01 New Player

    Watching all the philosophical arguments and I don't think people understand what DCUO is trying to do and why they basically HAD to do it.

    Of course, I'm not saying their gamble is going to work. (I have yet to see it work in any other MMO).
  10. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Take your mental gymnastics somewhere else.
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  11. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I’m complaining because I don’t like the changes. I’m not coming after you for liking the changes, don’t come after me for not liking them. If you liked it that much you wouldn’t be here talking to me about it, you’d be enjoying the changes you like but for some reason you just wanted to come here and complain about people complaining, so logical.

    You’re really upset over the fact that nobody wants to play the way you think they should be playing. Do you not see your own personal issues here? It’s quite hilarious, all these mental gymnasts.
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  12. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Pretty much this, the entitled endgame players are showing their true toxic green colors.
  13. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    What are you referring to?

    Also, DCUO is not a major MMO. It's a premium brand IP but the game has never been commercially successful. It has much less than 500k subs.
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  14. Shalayah Committed Player

    Lazy devs? They just created a whole new social hub, introduced an entire new progression system, updated the UI and changed a fundamental aspect of the game in one update lol that takes waaaaay more work than you could probably imagine or have had to deal with on a 3 month schedule….Especially when there aren’t a lot of devs working on the game as is lmfao.

    It’s giving ungrateful vibes.
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  15. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Agreed. I'll happily argue about stats clamp and certain things but there is 0 reason to believe the devs are being lazy. This may not be everyone's cup of tea but they did a ton to make it all happen and are still rolling out fixes and changes while we get to be actually lazy and play video games and argue on forums.
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  16. Yass Queen Hyppolyta Dedicated Player


    Nothing ike a racist mocking of some people's vernacular.

    Big yikes.
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  17. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Pump the breaks.

    Rewrite the sentence..."My point is.the majority of the existing ( or exiting) player base No desire..."

    Re run is the error, being that they would have had to run it the first time inorder to "re-run" it.

    I totally get the frustration, maybe try pacing the content or adding some other type of challenge, like switching up the competition to incorporate other trivial actions.

    This change was not really a must have for those who don't need old content, but it is needed for those who do need it though whether for feats, styles or currency for old styles or whatnot.
  18. Cerulean Osprey Well-Known Player

    I kinda wish the Episode was marketed as Episode 40.5.
    Because the heart of this update is that it's essentially a non-traditional, Quality of Life update to combine the Hero/Villain space, revamp membership, reorganize tiers and loot rewards, introduce Allies, etc. etc. Believe me. It was needed for people who are still climbing, and for the new players that will be coming after the membership revamp and next year when the PS5 migration happens. I just went through the climb myself, and I really wish this update was in place. Would've made things a lot more fun for me.

    For all the players who have been there, done that though... I do sympathize. The only *new* feature, per se, is Allies, Pet Vendor, and quality of life things. With all the things they updated/added, they just didn't have any space to add anything new. So they went with the route to write it into the story to re-run the content. I kinda wish they added things though... like, an extra boss at the end of the three Save the Universe instances so that there'd be something new, content-wise.
  19. Sgt. Rock Active Player

    Great list, where’s the New content, oh yeah there isn’t any....
  20. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I'll go one better and say it just shouldn't have come with any new gear/ more augment level/ op piece and should have just been put out to existing flashpoint setup. Clamp stuff could have just been Raid the Universe pt2. We just had a 6month dlc so another one wouldn't have been too bad. Players would mostly be in a lull and willing to run omnibus a bit more maybe. Hard to say but giving us "new" end game gave us the ability to completely ignore omnibus