Stat clamp is going to ruin DCUO- Please reconsider making this go live

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JSnaples, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    If you would please re-read my post I am sure you will find that I was talking about the stats revamp of 2017. I was not speaking of what is about to happen. I prefer stats clamp not to be like stats revamp and I am quiet sure there are many others who also like to avoid reliving that period.
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Because that option here doesn't currently exist in DCUO currently.
  3. Noxious Flora Well-Known Player

    I know. This was targeted at the 'clamped in 14 no debate' part. You aren't if you don't wanna be.
  4. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    Hopefully after clamping stats in all lower instances it never needs to happen again.

    Part of the reason why DCUO has become so toxic is because DCUO removed the teamwork and synergy aspect of it. Before AM's, CR differential and CR relevancy. It was almost a must to run 2 healers, 2 trolls, 2 tanks, 2 dps & 1,1,1,1 in raids and alerts. There was almost zero dps stacking because roleless buffs were not a thing. Eben then you needed at least dome coordination in seasonal alerts. If you pew pew pew'd in the seasonal alerts you would die. So everyone had to at least try to get along..... Even in seasonals xD

    You would be surprised by how different the in game community can be when you make them have the need to work together rather than being able to solo everything.

    That being said. There will always be jerks in game but not nearly as many because they need to work together on a common goal or fail.
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  5. Noxious Flora Well-Known Player

  6. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

  7. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    The stats revamp was bad because the testers refused to test with the appropriate gear SP, follow proper testing protocols or just plain didnt understand what they were looking at. But hey whatever excuse you need.

    Then toss in the couple groups that pushed their agenda with skewed numbers. Which then had to be fixed after stats revamp release.

    The stats revamp was released messed up because of the testers.
  8. Noxious Flora Well-Known Player

    If I am someone's alt, that's news to me. Yes I do remember the buff being uhh buffed. I was also unaware of the fact that I was hurting and need to feel better but ok.
  9. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I'm wishing they would blend the game design of GW2 reaching the max rank (30) and then using specializations for diversity, and DCUO's more traditional design using the holy trinity (tank, healer, dps). :)

    ....although trying to imagine a specialization tree of more abilities per power. New powers were released thematically with new DLCs.... not an easy task to add more abilities to powers that would be considered specialized. /ponder. How would I expand the abilities of a mental character.... /ponder. (gasp! or all powers?) This is gonna take some time, I'll get back to u on this. (Not through origin augments or adaptive augments.)

    ...starting from a class and then give them specializations, seems easier than starting with a themed power. oh well. nevermind.
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  10. Controller Devoted Player

    I think at the end of the day all will be well.

    I was apprehensive in 2016 - during our LAST Stats revamp. That was a huge change for most and we did lose some players but the game remained.

    Fast forward to NOW? Here we are again.

    If some don't like the changes it's understandable....take a break if needed and come back and revisit things.
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  11. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I cannot stress this enough:

    If anyone is at all concerned about how things will turn out in clamping, there are three simple things that they can do.
    1. Go on the Test Server
    2. Play the content
    3. Leave your feedback.
    Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

    It is arguably the best AND most productive thing a player can do right now, especially if they're worried.
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  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I'm on a Mac
  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Well, that's what you get for thinking differently. :p

    Sorry, couldn't resist the joke. :) But I stand by the statement, if possible it's really the best course of action a player can take right now.
  14. Kestral Committed Player

    So just to give you guys a idea for how this feels to play on test. It kind of reminds me of playing with a alt who has the gear to technically be able to do the content but no extra stats from SP meant to be equal to your CR level, artifacts, augments, etc. (when not using of the new ally abilities/ also for reference allies are more like a new supercharge move then a pet or sidekick)

    So playing a solo I seemed to kill things reasonably fast enough to be getting through everything quick but no where near oneshot levels. However, things did hit hard and I died a few times on the boss until I remembered the old mechanics. That's basically going to be what the game is once more. Either you know or are taught the mechanics which you then pay attention to or your going to struggle.
    Skull means block and the players will learn to heed this one way or another. ;)
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  15. Major Shenanigans Well-Known Player

    You can get on windows with a mac. I'm almost positive that I gave you a link to get you going the other day.
  16. Big Gl0 Active Player

    Well I’ve said this many times already there is nothing wrong with this. Either one don’t play old content then it won’t be a problem or run the content as intended. So you can’t one shot something you should never be able to one shot any boss. Buffing the insistence or nerfing the players have the same effect at the end of the day. People are just upset that they can’t blow through everything anymore cause lord forbid you ACTUALLY do mechanics.
  17. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Yeah, I need Parallels and then I have to buy a Windows license - too much cost for me. I will trust all the PC folks with the testing lol
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  18. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    You really don't need to pay for Microsoft. Regarding parallels I know they have free OS systems with windows included, not sure about pricing.
    There are always ways if you really really wanted:)
    There are three methods you can use to play Windows game on a Mac: WINE(Entirely free), Boot Camp(Entirely free), and virtualization(may be payed).
    I'm not here to discuss the pros and cons of MAC OS, but generally you really want to have access to a machine that has the most amount of "support".
  19. Ibeji New Player

    Yes they do. I did play FF14 beta but stopped after my first month. Then the world collapsed and rebuilt. I got back in with the trial recently and while the story is amazing, the game is not capturing me. A lot of people tell me its just because I am a wow refugee and while FF is an mmo, it has its own spin focusing on story. I can't really play FF like I use to as I really want to put focus on understanding the story which means reading everything. Sometimes I just want to play a game.
  20. Ibeji New Player

    Bro this is so true. I remember that happening too. What an uproar. I don't understand why people don't like challenge in a game that always had it. I am not a fan of this make all games easy an increase the margin of error. It doesn't need to be cut-throat but why pay a sub for a game that over 80% of the content is easy mode. That just a red flag that any new vets are still just a noob.