[Community Vote] Taking Up Torikumu's Mantle

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MarvelHawkeye, Nov 11, 2020.

  1. Proxystar #Perception

    No problem, gave you sub, best of luck
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  2. Solarbound Committed Player

    Torikumu is one of a kind. You can't replicate or replace that. Do your own thing -_-
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  3. Megzilla Developer

    Make what you want; create the content you want to see. No gatekeeping here. :) Sounds like a great opportunity. If you do showcase styles.. please... do it on the Striker body, not the Thug. LOL.
    • Like x 13
  4. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Oh god yes. The only gripe I had with Tor's videos was his using the Thug body. So few people use that body, it's really hard to use it as an example of what players should expect their characters to look like in game. Striker makes much more sense.
  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I was going to write the same! Meg, you are super awesome.

    P.S I would love to spotlight the OP on the Gazette and his content. In the blog section :) I'm spotlighting a content creator each month. You are on my list now MarvelHawkeye ;)
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  6. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Torikumi knows that doing surveys/asking for votes on the Forums is a violation of TOS.

    Presumably anyone taking up his mantle should be familiar with the TOS and what is and isn't allowed on the forums.

    On the question of the content here: if you want to do guides, do guides! There's absolutely zero reason anyone should need to "vote" on that, and any way about it, you don't get to claim anyone else's "mantle" in any case.

    Do a guide or guides to your heart's content. But don't claim to be appointed by anyone or inheriting anything. It won't be true and wouldn't matter to anything or anyone.
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  7. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    One moment. I have to go give OP a Like.


    Okay, done.

    So. Op was not taking a poll or petitioning the forums. He was essentially asking for the community's moral permission to create otherwise competing content. He took the temperature of the community so that he wouldn't get dumped on for stepping on another appreciated community members' toes. He's not in violation of the ToS. Maybe save the moderation job for the moderators.
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  8. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    is taking a vote.

    But it's absolutely true that I'm not a moderator and I never have claimed to be. I voiced an opinion. I have nothing to add.
  9. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    It's literally not. It's a request for feedback which is perfectly inline with the ToS and forum guidelines. He literally asked people if they thought it was a good idea or not and that's in your actual quote. smh

    Disagree? Okay, cool. Report his post and we can all check back in an hour to see who's wrong or right.
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  10. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    Multi has been doing a really good job recently, but its only a matter of time before he burns out too. Ive realized that this game doesnt give as much.. or any love to its content creators its crazy because believe it or not they help keep the game afloat
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  11. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    This is really important. It's very true. I recently touched on this in a reply in another thread.

    The community manager/marketing team of the game should be working with content creators where possible. Or at least make certain types of content more easily testable so that content creators can feature it from the test server without jumping through too many hoops. Featuring this type of stuff generates interest/buzz which is good for the community and the playerbase.
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  12. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    fill your boots, old son. the more the merrier!
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  13. MarvelHawkeye Well-Known Player

    Of course, I obviously didn't make this clear enough, I am planning on making my own thing, but taking Tori's place.
  14. MarvelHawkeye Well-Known Player

    LOL, thank you!
    • Like x 2
  15. MarvelHawkeye Well-Known Player

    Awesome, thank you very much!
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  16. MarvelHawkeye Well-Known Player

  17. Beastmaster Well-Known Player

    I am going to play a lil devil's advocate yeah striker is the most optimal choice but it is most generic and boring body type, now if they were to showcase styles on all characters body types with just only the medium height, (it will be too excessive and samey on each height) it give more clarity then for people of the various body types they play in game there been some styles I seen on a Spark or Sprite that doesn't quite fit same as if it on striker or monarch build, same goes with the Brute or Mesa body types where the style doesn't do them justice. To just do Striker and Monarch is counter-productive and kinda alienates the other body types, not giving players a feeling for their prefered body type as they only have one body type as source or reference to go on.
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  18. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I'm gonna expose you now as my league mate... lol
    Anyway, Yeah I totally see your point. If we get the currency released WITH the episode releasing on test each time, I can totally make a video showcasing on all body types. It wasn't the case in Birds of Prey for example, when I had to farm on my own and got burnt out.
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  19. Beastmaster Well-Known Player

    Oh no i been exposed how ever will i live with myself with no anonymity now on wat league i'm part of lol

    Joking aside i see your point it can probably be a lot of hard work soloing tbh i surprised there not a body type change token on test server probably pointless really for it but who knows it probably easy enough to skip them and in sense it gives more testing feedback.
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  20. Megzilla Developer

    Totally fair. Our suits are originally sculpted on striker/monarch bodies and modified to fit the other body size variants.. so they'll always look best on the medium sizes. :)
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