
Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by CrappyHeals, May 29, 2017.

  1. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    What happened to progression in this game?? With the new dlc coming out you should have to grind out some gear from alerts, solo's, and duo's before the raid is beatable but thats never the case anymore. This new content drops and its completable with no struggle whatsoever at our current cr. So tell me what are we even gearing up for other then a stye feat????

    The dlc is essentially over the day it comes out other then some feats. Theres no build up to completing it or any sense of achievement.

    New content should go like this, you gear up some in alerts, duo's and solo's or maybe even attempt to beat the first boss in a raid to grab a piece of gear if thats possible similar to what content was like when nexus came out, not necessarily difficulty wise but in the sense you needed to gear up to complete the raids. It should try to be scaled gear wise so it would take you around a week or so with no replays to have enough gear to complete a non elite raid.

    I really wish replays weren't a thing or you could only replay something so many times a week cause thats another huge issue that kills the progression/longevity of content in this game. If you want to make content last longer and have a better overall end game experience I honestly think we should put a limit on replaying things.

    Then week 3 of the dlc the elite content would be released. That would give you enough time to gear up for the normal raid or raids and complete them and start working on more gear that you will need to complete a elite raid.

    With a formula like that theres progression, you just don't show up the first 30 min of the new dlc and beat it. That will make content last longer, keep players more engaged and simply make the game more fun and rewarding. The way content is now is such a terrible design. You don't always have to make content hard because of mechanics you can make it hard cause of a gear check, but once you have strong enough gear you will have the survivability and the burn to complete it.

    The new dlc dropping in a few days has no progression whatsoever and i won't even get into the ridiculous costs of gear, crafting and OP items. Instead of things getting better they just keep getting worse and worse :(
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  2. RNGesus New Player

    Raids just aren't what they use to be. Mechanics get nerfed within a week because of people not knowing how to stop DPSing to see what's going on in a fight and the Elite raids aren't even hard there a joke.
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  3. Harlequin Devoted Player

    The answer to this is simple: $$$$

    That being said, I do think there is progression but it's not what we are used to in other MMOs. In WoW, when an expansion drops, you level up to max then run normal dungeons to get gear for heroics to get gear for mythic dungeons to get gear for the normal raids when they drop a few weeks later. Then, you run normal (plus crafting and continued dungeon farming) to gear up for heroic raids to farm gear to conquer mythic raids. A couple of months later, another raid tier drops and you start again. Progression.

    In DCUO, you farm the current episode's content to prepare for the next episode's content. There is no progression within each episode itself at all. Like you said, everything they release is cleared day one. However, you have to farm the current episode to prepare for the next. Progression.

    What little progression this game has is completely broken by a few factors: releasing everything in the episode immediately on day one, the complete lack of difficulty, replay badges and, most recently, TC gear bypassing the need to farm gear. It's total crap and it's the reason no serious MMO player plays this game. It's a wallet warrior game, not a skill game.

    The game is a cash generator disguised as a vertical progression gear grind MMO.
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  4. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    I have to agree. The huge vendor/crafting costs artificially increase the lifetime of these episodes but the content itself does nothing to motivate us to actually want to play this.
    AF3 was exciting for the first run and then instantly became a chore because there was no incentive to gear up and no struggle to overcome. Everyone beat everything on day 1 and then we spent the next couple of months either grinding out vendor gear for no reason, or not playing at all.

    The only reason to want to reach max CR now is SM, and I think it's safe to expect the next SM several months before it would be possible to max out AoJ gear/mods without replaying.
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  5. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I wish they would open up their eyes and see these issues are putting the final nail in the DC coffin but sadly they think those things are making the game better and since some make them money it seems they don't care how much the game suffers only that it brings in money.

    This game is always looking short term and never for the long run. If they just made a quality game they would make way more money and not have to use the cheap tactics they do now.
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  6. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I think they shot themselves in the foot with the "major events" idea. Of course, only time and total cash recieved will say, I guess. But if you knew there was another DLC coming in 3 months, it would be a motivator to gear up. Instead, pretty much everyone knows that what we're getting next is another major event where you're clamped so it doesn't really matter.
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  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

  8. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Yeah,I agree.
  9. JackUSPS Well-Known Player

    The vendor cost of the normal gear isnt so much of a problem as you also gain more marks per week but the op item collection pieces are ridiculous. Why they did that now and not AFTER Revamp is in effect is beyond me. CR rules the game and CR specifically rules SM.

    I don't know any max round SM player who agrees with this choice and when they really dump on us HH SM in july or even august its an abnormal grind and money will decide over those who get far. That just can't be real. They should have waited for Stats Revamp before going borderline crazy on those op collection piece prices.

    But hey lets ruin even that too, why not it's not like they would listen anyway :rolleyes:
  10. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    I don't know why the DEV's haven't figured out that, they should design opening Time Capsules into the killing of Raid Bosses.
    This seems to be where the game is going.
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  11. Here2Help Devoted Player

    AF2 was like that as well. It was superb. One should have to slowly build their way up to tackle the harder content in the DLC. With what we're getting now, I'll be able to finish Elite on the first day without properly hunting down new gear and modding etc. It's truly pathetic and boring. It stings even more when the next thing we're getting is a Major Event where we'll all getting clamped for the majority of the content. Sigh, I just wish this game could once again become what it once was.
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  12. light FX Steadfast Player

    Plus why are we gearing up when the next content after a dlc is an event where we are all clamped? Ive always been an end game player who goes after all feats and gear. Not even bothering anymore. Cause even if miss some pieces of gear in a dlc im only a few points off of max cr and i can use the event coming after to catch up on gear. As long as i have the cr to get into the next content im cool. And like u said, we can destroy the content on day 1 so why do we need the gear?

    They way they have structured this has actually made me want to play less and spend less. All of it just really confuses me. For real. Too many drastic changes. When it comes to difficulty imo its once in a blue moon. I play other MMO games and i see what difficulty looks like. And imo dcuo rarely has any. There is some content that does. But most of it is way too easy. Because of the mash buttons while playing with my phone mindset. Really struggling lately to understand the direction of it all. Btw great post crappy. Spot on.
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  13. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Every one who has a problem with this current state of DCUO has a right to be frustrated. From progression to membership being devalued.
    But let not act like this wasn't talked about when GU 47 hit. A lot of vets who left, kicked out, or got ran off from the forums was correct.
    They called this thing happening YEARS ago.

    Sad thing is they was called elitist and selfish around that time.

    Years ago ppl said ppl said RB need to go. And Ppl flooded his page with insults of how dumb that idea was, And Now Devs are abusing RB. It doesn't matter if you get gear from RNG or Vendor it is set around RGN. And ppl called this out years ago.

    And the most cotrovesial topic easy content and no kicking. Like it or not. Ppl that was against no kicking was correct on how it allows player base to be careless. The result is in the pudding.
    I'm sure all of us seen a 190 player punching and kicking without using his/her rotation and yet looking down on lower CR player who know how to play the game.

    We went from idolizing high CR with high sp to jealousy. When AF3 came out I was called a liar that still offends me today. I didn't insult no one, I just simply said how did some reach 188 cr that fast when AF3 1st came out is it really that easy to move up so fast? And ppl responded with rude comments and called me a LIAR

    But the same ppl who are now 190 brags about or make it known their 190 now. The hypocrisy make me sick.
    And it started with AF2.

    Remember when every one was Qautum and if you wasn't Quantum you got kicked or ppl didn't want to play with you cause your not quntum.
    Ppl start complaing how this wasn't fair in Pugs and LFG and quantum players started to say FORM YOUR OWN GROUP fast forward to today if you complain about PUGs is horrible now same ppl who complain about AF2 are now saying FORM YOUR OWN GROUP.

    Same ppl who looked down on premium players are now mad about members are being mistreated. The Truth is we all been mistreated for years premiums and legendary players it just know that their not a clear advantage on being a member any more.
    Progression is a joke but the DEVS get all the benefits from it and the player base as a whole over the years allowed it.

    Remember ppl who was against GU 36 and GU 47 was looked down upon at that particular time but eventually they was right. A lot of I can't doit players who wanted favoritism got what they wanted and it biting them in the butt

    Sorry for my rant Crappy. Hope I didn't disrespect your page
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  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    The vendor prices are insane. 200 marks for a weapon. I mean really? I understand the DLC is meant to last for 7 months, but honestly when I see a grind like that it makes me not want to play the game anymore, especially since a person will be burnt out running the same content over and over and probably be burnt out after saving up enough marks for 1 chest piece.
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  15. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    I though the game was going back to quarterly dlc? If we really aren't getting a dlc for 7 months thats it for me. I'm not gonna sit around and run lame content i completed on day 1 of the dlc for 7 months just to get some gear for a feat and then have a stat clamped event or two in between that doesn't even matter what kind of gear it have...... thats such a joke.
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  16. Here2Help Devoted Player

    They never said we were going back to Quarterly. They just said we're going back to large DLCs. We don't know how long this DLC is meant to last, but I'm guessing around 6-8 months. We should get a Major Event before that though, but yeah, I'm not too fond of them and their clamping.
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  17. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    When I added up the time it took to get everything and it was 7 months I thought to myself there's no way that they would try to make this dlc last that long but now after days of ppl leaving feedback about prices it's clear they are trying to squeeze 7 months out of it. Man doing those same dailies for 7 thanks I'd go crazy.

    We give these guys more than enough money to give us quarterly dlc and good dlc at that. I never wanted to believe it but I honestly think what other ppl have said about them just trying to cash out big without putting much money back into the game is true. Especially with how things have been handled since the new studio CEO has joined the team.
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  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Someone said the same thing, Mepps told them they said they never stated they are going back to quarterly DLC. They said they are going back to large DLC releases. The only thing this gear will be used for is the current content of the DLC and SM for 6-7 months or however long until the next DLC. And I guess they know people will spam on day 1 and are counting on those sales + the new TC

    IMO its a waste of my money and membership.
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  19. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Increasing the Prices of Gear and Having Repetitive Easy content does not make a DLC "Bigger".
    Extending a DLC that should be 3 Months into 7 Months does not make a DLC "Bigger".
    Making a DLC "Bigger"; does not make it "Better".
    Yes, I know they promised Bigger.
    We should have asked for Better.
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  20. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    They aren't getting any money from me. When SM comes out I'll just run it at whatever CR i am, its not like SM is cool anymore cause even thats a joke with CR scaling.
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