New Episode Halls of Power Part II Launches For Members May 12, 2015!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, May 7, 2015.

  1. Bandity0da New Player

    Hey, would like to start by saying for only playing this game for about 8month I reached cr 114 and 173sp... I am in. Love with this game unlike any MMO I have ever played... My only concern really between update and even now.. Is maybe what really need to be talked about is the difference between might and per... It seems a bit to me personally the game kind of favors the might based toons over the per .... I say this just by looking at your stats coming off the brainiac ship when u first start a toon.. I think it's like 22 per. And 308 might some thing like that.... Now I am a HL ( I guess u know where this is going lol). Now with are endless am it would makes more sense to make per all the way around... But with update I can't hit a10k crit any more on my HL. On other hand my quantum my munitions and even some mental users are now I the mills over me.. I play more for the team then the scoreboard but when I have the most skill points in room and highest Cr I almost feel obligated to be on the top... Not really the case.... So really my question is directly relating to my power with this new update I am I suppose to go for might and use a might base am.. Or do I need more sp to make my toon more effective in damage .. Also to clear up before I get a response
    I have 6 armories for my toon went through both might and per am .. My playtime in this game is crazy high
    I also no my role and I do troll
    Pretty much I am asking for my question to be answered as a person who has grinder hard from day one on sp I haven't played as long as some of u but I do understand the game a lot better then most.. Plz help would really like to put this to rest.... Also if we are pre babies.. Will we ever be able to out damage a might base am s from might base powers ie quantum and munitions .. Besides that I love this game and thank u for making it better then World of Warcraft lol ...
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  2. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    Yay! I am happy. Now I need to figure out how to babysit at the same time I play this game.

    "Okay kids, instead of a movie, you get to watch me play a game. What fun!"

    What fun that will be. hehe
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  3. Tanya_83 Level 30

    I'm glad you're doing it separate to the recent update. Hopefully no crashing and no bugs
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  4. Galil ACE Well-Known Player

    Precision used to be the highest hitting powers for a long time, it would be nice if there was more balance tho
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  5. Skeptikraze Well-Known Player

  6. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    I am excited for new content but I wish there was more overlap of the last dlc and the new. I would like to be able to run lab, hoh etc beyond just 116 in the sense I feel I will not have enough content to run with one dlc to run. During this last dlc I ran everything t6 period and regularly.

    While I understand it doesn't make sense to allow us to run it all the way through, it would be nice to be able to run it a bit longer. If the new cr will cap out at 124? I really do not know what the new high will be....but couldn't the devs maybe overlap the content a bit more. These last raids have been my favorite, and yes I could run them without getting marks but due to my unlucky nature I would be running them for nothing at all if I out CR this content. But again I enjoy running it... 116 will probably be accomplished week 1 by most especially since people might be there now.

    I am just asking for consideration of overlapping the content a bit more so we have more to run. I hate the idea of just looking forward....... and having that content go to waste.

    I know we all compare this game to every MMO out there. However, this is unique in the sense that there is really no reason to run old content in other games (except to feel uber) because you really are never trying to complete a style set or what not. Most games have achievements but most don't have as direct of an impact on your characters development. Yes, EQ has AA's and yes other games have achievements for mounts or what not but with DC online we actually replay the content with a purpose. We also are limited on the tasks we can complete. Also I just like running and want a reason to keep running it.
  7. AmazingDeVo Well-Known Player

    We're three days in from the release of GU47 and entire tier (4) is still having issues. So clearly you're claim that one day is enough of a wait doesn't hold up. It is not a good idea to release a GU and new content at the same time, especially a GU as big as this one. I'm sorry a week is too long for you to wait, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
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  8. T102NEMESIS Active Player

    no sorry the game is ruined so i quit my membership and switch to an other mmo after it ends. to a company that cares of their costumers.
  9. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    1 week after legendary release.
  10. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    Combos and such for HL works off of precision. You may want to go heavy on precision if your a DPS. I find though that if you play the TROLLER you may want a little more balance as your first hit of power is always might based. You still want high precision for TROLLERas you can still combo your powers but a little more might helps out when your doing POT or DE-BUFFS. Hope this helps
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  11. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    Mepps stated they would look into some of the overlaps for content after GU47 has any bugs worked out of it. Hope this helps.
  12. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    See you later
  13. Irmensul Well-Known Player

    Wait what is the issue? We have BETTER stats now..You're not moaning cos you have to buy a power respec are you?
  14. oCYBORGx New Player

    tuesday of next week?
  15. ToQuickandSlow New Player

    Weapons has "DPS" on them which is basically precision. 50 dps = 500 Precision, 1 DPS = 10 Precision.
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  16. Ramonater New Player

    Next week? why the heck didn't they give us a day. Does anyone know?
  17. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    It's always been a Tuesday or Wednesday.
  18. nogimmick New Player

    anyone know what the requirements are for this? CR wise...?
  19. T102NEMESIS Active Player

    no it is no problem to buy anything but it is not ok to buy reply badges for a few marks. no rewards for lower missions. rare drops for higher gear and harder npcs everywhere. tried tod elite since the update? impossible. before the update there was a little chance but now it's not. daybreak can use god mode but we can't so sorry but i don't need this. if they don't care i'm not willing to waste my money for them.
  20. Zneeak Devoted Player

    People keep saying the same thing, but we have a dev-team for a reason. They are SUPPOSED to work with these kind of things. Also, the largest issue with T4 is a fix we won't see implemented in a while, if lack of marks from content is what you are refering to. Filling the gap there won't come soon.