Suggestions that would make DCUO a top MMO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rebornthunder, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. rival exe New Player

    A raid that turns everyone into legos.
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  2. Ice Lantern New Player

    That's probably not the case. That's just a very naive consumer view that is typically not backed by stats or metrics. I'm not saying that how SOE has approached this game is ethical but I am saying that they probably have access to info that guides their decision-making. And so long as we the players continue to let them take advantage of us, they will keep pushing it further and further.
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  3. Mad9 New Player

    SOE did not downsize because it was making less money. It laid off a bunch of people to increase earnings per share. In fact most downsizing in the current era have happened on account of one single factor i.e. to return greater reward to the shareholders and the quickest way to increase earnings per share is to cut your expenditure on human resource.
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  4. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    Polish up power appearances and animations

    Get rid of weapon mastery boringness

    Give ps players an option to adjust right stick look around sensitivity
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  5. Mad9 New Player

    I don't think anything could be done about the PS3 crashes as it's too obsolete a technology that is holding this game back. As far as PS4 fixes are concerned, that should be implemented. As far as content goes, the same happens periodically. New content for PVP is coming in Update 41 with a complete revamp of PVP and new season 3. Most of PVP mechanics ought to be fixed by then.
    Nerfing/changing/altering/balancing game mechanics and powers will continue to be a WIP since a true balance across power sets and weapons will be impossible as the player factor is the biggest variable; some players are very skilled and others are plain noobs and that will always result in one set of people calling something OP or some raid being too difficult for some people.

    All sore losers always want something fixed (nerfed/buffed) to their advantage. That just don't want to work on their game but want the game to work for them.

    This was not the case when the game was launched. People could just raw away from fights like the way you want them to which also gives the player an unfair advantage against a NPC. It was subsequently removed as the players misused the ability to their advantage which forced the developers to slow down the movement mode when you engage an NPC and so was the grounding element introduced to keep players from evading everything. This is not going to make a comeback ever cause players abused it too much in the begining of the game.

    Why don't you make your own game and tell me how well you did on that exam of releasing updates?

    Sorry, you demand way too much and contribute nothing but criticism to this game. In my eyes, DCUO is the best/topmost MMO one can find and I don't think your rejection is going to affect the rest of the player base which thinks differently.
  6. iSlowpoke New Player

    As mentioned before, not all of us can afford buying DLCs or buying Legendary access.
    Think of a new player, this guy joined the game with a friend of his. They both get to level 30 in a few days, and start learning team-play on the low tier alerts and raids. They get to CR70 in 2weeks (That's slow but it is fine) and they have only 1 T4 alert they can do. It will take them a week to buy 1 piece of T4, that's 2 months to complete the T4 gear.
    After all this they got bored of the game, so let's say they buy 1DLC for T5, so they will get to CR100-102.
    If they want to continue playing they will have to buy more DLCs, as well as if they want to get better and get more skill points they will need more DLCs.
    All I'm saying is this too Pay to Win. I agree with everyone who gonna say that they need money to pay their developers and stuff, but I think they should at least make it a bit less P2W game.
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  7. Seth Grey New Player

    The game's fine, it can be always better but it isn't as bad as most people here make it sound to be...the players are the biggest problem. Too many replay junkies getting OP on the first day and excluding appropriately geared players out of the game and complaining there isn't enough to do.


    Btw those of you who are going to complain about Weapons mastery just stop. You've never used more than three combos in your life, WM gives you four to choose from.

    You lost me at number 1, sorry.
    NO NO NO NO NO AND NO to stat caps and scaling contents.

    We gear up to feel super, not to feel like our gears do not matter.

    I've already suggested this in another post that we should have two of each content, one that locks high leveled chars to allow low levels to play in peace and another that allows all players to do speed feats.
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  8. Seth Grey New Player

    To build up on that idea....let's take inspiration from JL Unlimited Animated episode JL8. Morgan Lefae's son turns us into eight year olds (meaning we all turn into the tiny body type), fight through to the boss, destroy the artifact turning us into 8 year olds and beat that little kid down! :D

    Whoa...sorry about the double post.
  9. Ice Clown New Player

  10. Mad9 New Player

    If I had the 50 million, I'll take it and run away somewhere to an exotic place and live off it for the rest of my life. :p
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  11. xkillarxpantex New Player

    Go Panel Control-Reset-Options:Chose number9(reset DC with old mechanics but remain all powers,all skill points).
  12. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Sometimes Villains and Hero's have to work together. I think a DLC that would merge the 2 for a set of missions would be interesting. It would give people more to do and resolve issues with the population being so unbalanced between hero's and villains. Maybe a separate lfg channel that merges both sides?
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  13. Tule New Player

    Elitism isn't hurting the game, its the only thing that could save it. But that isn't going to happen so just log in and play legends, like I do.
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  14. Echephyle New Player

    Hahaha that would put it to the grave
  15. MetalMario Loyal Player

    You're confusing pay to win with pay to play. You're paying for access to content, not to "win" it. This request is ridiculous, to make less incentive for players to spend money. Do you think developing content, maintaining servers, customer service, and bug fixes are free or something?
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  16. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Bug fixes...other world travels...such as a boom tube to go to New Gensis or other areas of the DC Universe....
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  17. Seth Grey New Player

  18. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    FIX THE BUGS reset 1 day a week instead of every day and most important FIX THE LAG nothing worse than try to dodge roll a boss and having the dodge happen 1-2 sec after you hit the button because by then its too late and you're dead or trying to do a wm combo but the lag messes it up
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  19. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    My main issue with DCUO and SOE is the fact that they haven’t done enough world building.

    The DCU is such a rich IP, there’s no excuse that more than 3 years in we haven’t seen the use of various locations and characters, some have been highlighted in popular media via movies and television.

    You can tell that so much effort was put into the launch content from Blüdhaven to Smallville to Khandaq. But now we mostly see content that has us in tunnels and hallways 90% of the time.

    I know this has already been explained several times over regarding the resources that go into creating new content in a time and cost effective manner but this doesn’t mean its not disappointing that this is the game we’re getting.

    That said, I’d luv to see this game become more epic and not just have us going from tunnel to cave to hallway while fighting reskinned versions of toons we’ve seen over and over again while ones we’ve never seen or barely seen would fit the bill just as well, if not better.
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  20. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

    If DCUO gives me everything I've ever wanted, ever. That would make it a top mmo.