Server Downtime - June 30, 2014 - Game Update 38!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 29, 2014.

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  1. hermo2008 New Player

    My t6 character was destroyed during this update it looks disfigured at the character select screen the is invisible when I log in I pay 4 legendary and wanna know why this happened what's the point in paying to play just to get screwed
  2. Greta Buttignol New Player

    Ahhhh, thanks… So will players' cr.'s show as well or will it just say level 30?
  3. hermo2008 New Player

    Would someone please answer why my character was screwed up or how to fix it cuz I feel ripped off by this.
  4. JohnTitorPlanck New Player

    As it stands for now it's still lvl30, i read a bug is showing people's cr on the robot sidekick though.
  5. AtrocitusOmega Committed Player

    Hey i'm on ps4 and I just got kicked out the game when I restarted the game its says failed to connect to game server can this be looked into.
  6. DonMega New Player

    thats really nice that the game always breaks when n update comes FFSS
  7. Greta Buttignol New Player

    Ok thanks. Sorry to bug, but, is there any way I can see my cr level?
  8. JohnTitorPlanck New Player

    Yeah, you should be able to check under stats in your inventory window.
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  9. kingservant1 Well-Known Player

    CR means combat rating.
    the total effective rating of all of your armor, weapons, and mods (not white mods)

    Go to your stats in your inventory tab and look for your combat rating.
    You will also see a PVP combat rating.

    it is what makes you hit hard and take harder hits. without it, your character would be soft as pillows.
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  10. BattleAngel New Player

    its a bug they haven't addressed yet, change your skin and it should be fixed
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  11. savageprime New Player

    Jfyi, PS4 is having a bunch of issues logging on. Keep getting error: Failed to connect to server"
  12. Greta Buttignol New Player

    Ok thank you!!
    Whats your DCU character that I could group?
    Mine is Greta Chrome and my brothers' is Pink Woody ; he may need help with quests… o_O
  13. ReAni Mator New Player

    It's happening to heaps of ppl.Just have to wait to hear something or for it to just start working again (less likely I imagine)
  14. Greta Buttignol New Player

    LOL thxx to you too
    • Like x 1
  15. JohnTitorPlanck New Player

    Same name as this username, but I'm currently taking a little break.
  16. floella New Player

    I'm also getting logging errors: failed to connect to the servers. I was on the game too just going into t6 alert. Sigh.
  17. Greta Buttignol New Player

    Alright :)
  18. cruzcontrol New Player

    I'm having the same problem with my log in too on ps4. i just closed the app hopefully its back up soon.
  19. SNESzombie New Player

    wtf? I was playing after the update and it said it was shutting down in 30 minutes, AGAIN so i was like ok whatever thats a few more minutes of farming, then a few more minutes later it kicked me out and all of my farming has been undone, even the collection items ive been trying to get for days....
  20. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    I'm not going to argue with you b/c of it would be agains the forum guid line & can get ban.
    That why I say I disagree with you
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