Is The Rumor True? Rumor has it.....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by daplatobah, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. daplatobah New Player

    Once again ... YOU and only YOU do not need to play, others who can and have the ability to make things happen , can.
    Also the lag issue also depends on others connections/quality of PC equipment/consoles they are using along with their ISP.

    You be surprised the new type of tech they have in "firewalls" (lol) to equalize to have constant stability for all who are connected.
  2. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    You are not gonna sell me on this idea. I don't wanna see it plain and simple.

    By that same notion YOU don't need to play. I don't see why you keep using that argument. It goes both ways.

    Even the EU server isn't as stable as the US servers are. Imagine how much worse a global one would be?

    Sure, it could be modified but at what cost? Why would they combine us rather than just using another server. Making one server for another area will be substantially more cost efficient vs modifying the current servers.

    Don't expect it to happen is the bottom line.
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  3. daplatobah New Player

    Well you can not stop the human spirit no matter how - when , one starts to rise above the costs. Where there's a will, there's a way.
    It is a true statement.

    It can be done and it is not impossible.

    You can figure it out.

    (Utah servers are the most advanced (publicly anyways) if they can do it, a simple gaming community with advanced scripts and worldwide regions can do the same as well.)
  4. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    Take a couple business classes. They would have to see that they would make more money by doing your suggestion rather than mine. Business comes down to the black and red ink. Nothing else matters.
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  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    It wouldn't work anyway because the top tier Pc players are far better than the top tier PS players and it would create the whole platform elitism issues there are in the gaming community. So I don't want to see it for that reason and a few more.
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  6. Archangel Rafael New Player

    no. it's not true.

    This game was originally intended to be cross-platform but that became impossible for several reasons. I don't think it can ever happen.
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  7. daplatobah New Player


    Come on, please stop piulling my leg...... LOL...."business class" ? my high school buddy is in massive debt and he has a financial adviser "stock" job.


    ANYWAYS you need to understand the backers behind all of this if you have not seen the signs or official seal logos yet.
  8. daplatobah New Player

    Failure is when you auto limit yourself.

    PS users can out maneuver PC players, seen it done before.
  9. SuperBell Loyal Player

    No, I don't want to compete in a mad rush to make sure I get to keep all my character's names. It was bad enough with the Mega Server merger.
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  10. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    Yea, that is what they tell you with penny stocks as well. Except, the problem is that investing in something with a low cost means it is risky. Great risk does not equal great rewards. Great risk = more than likely you are gonna lose.

    When in business you play it safe and only take the risks where it can't really blow up in your face.

    Your high school buddy obviously doesn't understand the fine points of business then. Anybody can get a job lol. The trick is how you do when you get out. You didn't seem to understand the basics of business which is why I stated that you need to take a few business classes. Based on your argument of "GREAT RISK GREAT REWARDS" I can tell I was correct in my assumption.

    Which is better the possibility of making increasing your worth by 75% with the risk of failure at 90%, or gaining 10% but the risk of failure is at 5%?

    Playing it safe is how you advance, not by taking risks because risks require luck.
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  11. UMBRA Well-Known Player

    They say a lot of things about rumors...

    You can hear rumors. But you can't know them.

    A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on.

    News told, rumors heard, truth implied, facts buried.

    Always remember... Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.

    Stay away from people who gossip and spread rumors. They are choosing the path of emotional bullying and negativity.

    And everyone knows you can’t disprove a rumor.

    If something bad smells in the basement, it will eventually make its way to the attic.

    Where do rumors come from?
    Where don't they come from? I suppose the majority of rumors are a combination of leaked information and the astounding imaginations of numerous storytellers. And, of course, the hope that things aren't really as boring as they seem on the surface.

    "Serious misfortunes, originating in misrepresentation, frequently flow and spread before they can be dissipated by truth."

    "Rumors are like ripples in a cornfield. They are ephemeral, but they do indicate which way the wind is blowing."

    "Rumors are seen as crimes committed by third parties. They are perfect crimes and leave not the slightest trace and require no weapons whatsoever--the defense is left without a leg to stand on."

    "Those who feed on rumors are small, suspicious souls."

    "Rumors are mostly a projection of the individual who started them."

    "Rumors are like songbirds; they sound filling but make a poor feast."

    "Rumors are a vehicle for anxieties and aspirations that may not be openly expressed."

    "Rumors are like wildfire; you are burned up before you know it."

    "A plausible rumor seems a lot more believable than the truth itself."

    Source 1
    Source 2
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  12. daplatobah New Player

    LOL "Penny Stocks" who the hell besides gamblers does those in this day in age?


    DCUO has large backers to put up their seal. LOL and as per taking "more" business class, no thanks, I already have a comfortable amount of cash for my own escapades.

    YOU can keep paying your college professors salary.

    I ended mine years ago and am comfortable.

    Learn about it.
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  13. HealerT New Player

    That there's a grain of truth in every rumor? ;)

    Seriously, there is no way they could combine the servers, It would disrupt not only their future updates and DLC's but could you imagine all the name change tokens and people complaining on the forums because they couldnt keep their origional name? lmao
  14. daplatobah New Player

    I like your quotes, the only thing is, is "this" particular "rumor" true and plausible.

    Also... "what name change?" a different symbol in that countries origin letter.
  15. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    Nobody uses them, that is my point... HIGH RISK =/= HIGH REWARD as you stated.

    Who else wants to see this other than you? From what I can tell you have not had a single post as of yet in agreement.

    DCUO has large backers? How many of them do you honestly think are going to want to see global servers?

    Most populations on most games hate global servers, I doubt DCUO will have a playerbase that is an exception to the rule.
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  16. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Well, this pretty much sums up this OP's thoughts here. No convincing him otherwise. May as well stop trying before it turns into bickering. It's time for cat pictures people.

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  17. daplatobah New Player

    I still prefer to pay for lifetime instead of monthly
  18. Tikkun Loyal Player

    That they're always true when a green name comments? ;)
  19. Jamie New Player

    I thought the way you advanced was lying your butt off and getting a contract where even if you sunk the company you still make a ton of money. It seems to be how the business world actually works. Lie, cheat, steal, and the bail before people find you out.
  20. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    AKA playing it safe.

    Why take a risk when you can make your fortune, grease a few palms, and be on your merry way?

    Sure it has a few flaws but at the same time we all know "He who has the gold makes the rules".
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