Justice Girls <USPS> is recruiting!!!

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by JusticeGirlCeleste, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. JusticeGirlCeleste Dedicated Player

    If you're looking for a friendly league, full of helpful, active members, look no further! The Justice Girls are recruiting all levels and all CRs! There are only 2 requirements.

    1.) You must be at least 18 years old.
    2.) Your TOON must be female.

    So if you just want to be a part of a wonderful league with a rich history, who love to help anyone and everyone and have fun, simply submit an application on our website!

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  2. melvinpox Devoted Player

    My wife is always looking for leagues to join. Hero or Villain?
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  3. JusticeGirlCeleste Dedicated Player

    We currently are well established and quite active on the hero side.
  4. melvinpox Devoted Player

    She will be happy to hear. Her villains are all in Apathy and she struggles to find a good hero league. I will let her know.
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  5. JusticeGirlCeleste Dedicated Player

    Awesome, just have her full out the app on our site. Just need her toons name and we can add her in-game.
  6. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I've actually seen you gals around and you seem pretty cool. Good luck with your recruiting.
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  7. AmericanNinja New Player

    Same here.
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  8. JusticeGirlCeleste Dedicated Player

    :D I think I've seen a bunch of you 'Validated' guys around too! If you ever want to run content dot be afraid to ask! We love running with other leagues as well as our own.
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  9. EP Ice Loyal Player

    Will do and you can do the same.
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  10. JusticeGirlCeleste Dedicated Player

    Oh and if you'd like to join JusticeGirls Dark, let me know.
  11. DC-Doll New Player

    It's about time. I was a former JG and still have much respect for most of their members. Best of luck girls :)
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  12. JusticeGirlCeleste Dedicated Player

    I hope your involvement ended on good terms :/ respect is very important. Especially in this game, where there seems to be so little of it. I've had nothing but good experiences with my fellow Justice Girls. Maybe if you're on the PS3/4 sometime you can give us another shot! :D
  13. MrsPox New Player

    Hi. I have two hero toons I go back and forth with. Could I be part of the league with both?
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  14. JusticeGirlCeleste Dedicated Player

    Of course! Just go to our website and apply :)
  15. MrsPox New Player

    Ok. Cool. Thanks :)
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  16. MrsPox New Player

    I sent you a request. I have been having trouble with changing my email on here. And I only sent a request for one of my characters. The other on is..." Isthatallyougot."
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  17. JusticeGirlCeleste Dedicated Player

    Ok no worries. You only need to submit one app. You can add all of your characters to your profile. I'll go check the app now.
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  18. daplatobah New Player

    What is "CR"?

    Does that mean crate?
  19. JusticeGirlCeleste Dedicated Player

    CR= Combat Rating. The stronger your gear, the higher your combat rating. A lot of people have gotten away from the fun of the game and are very picky about who they play with. Many people won't even bother playing with anyone under 100+ CR players. To each their own, of course. We however just love to play for fun. Level at your own pace. Enjoy yourself. Of course we will help you with anything we can. We have many experienced, skilled members. But as I said the most important thing for us is that all members are comfortable and having fun :)
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  20. daplatobah New Player

    thank you
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