Yellow crystals in Robinson Park

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by BigBabyGeezuz, May 17, 2013.

  1. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I can see this being a Halls of Power ability. Contribute several thousand Mark of Triumph per month to a league pool to have the ability to build SC twice as fast.

    Even if the yellow crystals were not intended to be used to building supercharge, they are a great convenience tool in-game and available to both factions.
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  2. Carthage New Player


    Of all the things in game you can be patching and working on (like powerset revamps, a better AH interface and game stability), THIS is what you put into the update? Was anyone even complaining about these crystals?

    Do the Devs have any idea how annoying it is to crash on loading screen, or the screen hard freeze, or needing to relog to reset the connection to find that their 100% Supercharge is now gone?

    It's not like people are using the crystals in open world PVP, or that they can carry them into PVP arenas or Raids with them. Take the crystals out and what you end up with is what people used to do before they found out about the crystals, and that's sit at the Sparring Dummy for 5 minutes before they get in a PVP queue or zoning into low level zones packed with healing barrels.

    The Crystals were a nice easter egg that made life more convenient. One that happened to make player lives easier, especially when you introduced the Extended Supercharge mod.

    What the heck are you guys thinking? People actually LIKE this, it doesn't change the balance of the game, and it gives an excuse to congregate in one spot in the open world. Not to mention people bought EXTRA lairs JUST so they could put one next to the park.

    Seriously... been playing since Closed Beta and this is one of the more pointless "fixes" that I've seen.
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  3. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    I agree that this 'fix' seems like an answer in search of a solution. Nobody but nobody was complaining about the use of the yellow crystals. There was nothing unbalancing or unfair about because everyone had equal access to them and they were simply a time-saver, not abused in combat. I would ask that the Devs not go forward with this aspect of the update, remove it before going live.
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    Actually, I do remember people complaining on the old forums. Not going to name any names, but it's a few PvP players that were very vocal about how "unfair" they were. Which was odd to me, considering they could do it too. This is probably a very old fix that was submitted a long time ago and finally came through.

    I can see that, but they usually put stuff in right before the update, like GU28 I would believe this. I think this is just related to a very old fix.

    This isn't the end of the world, they didn't remove the ability to have SC from your bar when queueing in, just now things are less social and you will be in your lair or war room.
  5. Zypher New Player

    Either way.. its kind of silly. Its a feature the vast majority of players from both factions liked and enjoyed quite a bit both PvE and PvP-wise. Why take it away for no reason?

    If it is being changed and repackaged as some sort of new content.. that would be incredibly cheesy.
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  6. Dreadwolf New Player

    To ALOT of people (me included) this seems like a COMPLETELY meaningless thing to change. Yellow Crystals (and yellow barrels - watchtower containment facility) filled ONE purpose, and that was to build supercharge.

    I'm just hoping there will be an AWESOME explanation as to why the devs are removing this function, otherwize it's complete bull.

    Anyone and EVERYONE could utilize the crystals to build supercharge, so if anyone complained, saying it's unfair, then it's because that person is too lazy to actually go to Robinson Park and smash a few crystals.
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  7. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Since you mentioned it yourself, I wantes to ask you, to name ALL changes in the notes of EVERY updates in the futrue.
    Sometimes things are changed without an info, that they were changed and why, which confuses people.

    Even changes, which make a lot of people happy, are sometimes not mentioned in the patch-notes, as for example when it was changed, that opening a treasue-chest counts for the whole team instead of just for the one who opened it. I garantee you, that you would have earned a lot of HURRAY and THANKS A LOT, SOE! if you would have announced it.

    Regarding the topic:
    I don't understand, why this amazing feature shall now be taken from us. Since everyone can use it, it's not an unfair advantage and doesn't harm anyone.
    Telling us, that removing it is an intended change without explaining why makes it even more difficult to understand.
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  8. Elusian Crowd Control

    What is the reason/explanation for this?

    I remind, you guys wanted us to go more into the open world. This move contradicts the positioning of the devs since there is no real reason (given) for removing it.
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  9. Sionn Committed Player

    Just like killing the draw distance on exo nodes made way for the R&D Radar Enhancers. That chaps me still to this day.
  10. Remander Steadfast Player

    Sorry, but that's really lame.
  11. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    Woot! No more heroes hanging out at the park ganking villains doing Seed Of Riot raid/ having limitless SC during Diamond heist or premades in pvp for that matter. QQ on ppl, QQ on. BTW Meeps what about the yellow SC barrels in the alan scott mission? Can I still run that in 2 mins and get free SC/Boots?
  12. Dreadwolf New Player

    1 Doing level-up missions in the PVP phase is not recommended. If you're doing so, you're a target for gankers, yes.
    2 His name is Mepps
    3 None of the points above has anything to do with the issue at hand.
    This is a completely needless change, it only has a bad impact on the players, so why do it?
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  13. Cerbius New Player

    Booooo I say! BOOOOOOO!!!!
  14. Apostate Rising Dedicated Player

    At least they are taking the time to address the real issues at hand and not wasting time insignifigant issues.
  15. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    I'd like to echo this and to ask to what end are these changes being made?

    I'd also like to point out that even when changes are made that are profit-motivated, I'm generally okay with that. I support the game and I support it being a business. When you guys are straight-forward and forthcoming with your intentions, I can get behind you.

    I think that what is more annoying to the player base is ambiguity in your intentions.

    Please keep the crystals as is or at least fill us in on why the change is being made.
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  16. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It was never intended for these to work like this. As it was, it broke the supercharge mechanic. It's intended for basically nothing to refill supercharge except actually fighting.
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  17. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I think we can all assume it was never intended but it really did no harm, and some good. /duel your friend and punch eachother a while and you get full SC after about 300 hits. Takes just a couple mins. Not really a big deal we do it before attempts when we think it'll help on the harder raid events.

    What robinson park crystals did for the community was cool though. It gives a reason to be in a certain part of the city. You'll always find a couple people there. There's little other reason to hang out anywhere else in the 2 cities, but this gave a reason to be there.

    I just see them as being more beneficial than detrimental to the game, and I hoped the devs agreed and that's why they remained there for so long.

    Fixing them isn't going to change people getting their SC up quickly before queuing into things, it's just going to add an extra 30s-1min and require a second person doing it as well, neither are really an issue.
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  18. ThunderGunExpress Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the speedy reply, Mepps. Appreciated.

    However, much like the red crystals I equate to health barrels, I equated these yellow crystals to the yellow barrels in Watchtower Containment Facility or the Alan Scott instance on the villain side. Am I wrong in this equation and will the yellow barrels in those instances be functioning differently as well? I don't mind fighting for my supercharge, which is what I do more often than not anyway...but I also don't see a big reason for the change as most of the players (that know about it anyway) like that little 'easter egg' in the game.
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  19. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, doesn't make a lot of sense that they waited 2+ years to "fix" it. I still say lame. I'm also on board with a trinket, but I'm sure some would cry P2W.
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  20. Zypher New Player

    So a light bulb spontaneously went off somewhere about nearly 3 years later that a now apparently 'unintended mechanic' that has been one of the most used features by both factions, primarily the support classes, is now bad and has to go. Its not like it was left in for a few weeks or months even.. just YEARS.

    I can't believe that people are actually now warming up to the idea of paying for an SC builder that used to be free. The status is my sig is more relevant than ever.

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