Sony Online Entertainment Becomes Daybreak Game Company

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Dexella, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Seni New Member

    Dexella, I saw your post about changing the forums around a bit, and I was in the middle of looking through the archives on census usage. Error message now reads that I don't have access. When will those be returning?

  2. CimotaGH New Member

  3. drstrange New Member

    Those who think that this might be a good thing need to do a little research on Renova and their rather interesting way of doing business, including recent court decisions. Columbus Nova is a front company for Renova.
  4. doralee New Member

    Hello I just wondered if there are any plans to increase the size of trader satchels so we can put more up for sale and I also wanted to find out how to find info on armor it always is so secretive and I don't know how to figure out what is best etc. thanks
  5. Žachary New Member

    Does this mean that Free Realms might be coming back?
  6. Crystilla Community Council

    No, they've publicly said Free Realms and other games they sunset will not be coming back.
  7. Vaximillian New Member

    Let me spell this out for you fellow gamers. Flash back to the 1980's. All of those wonderful and creative people who made wonderful games we loved to play. Then came Electronic Arts. A group of suits who only looked at the dollar and how many they could squeeze out of the games we loved. Ahhh the way the games died. The way they got to this point today of pay to win and cash stores and the total pile of steaming crap that the actual content becomes. It's like The Who sang ..."meet the new boss .... same as the old boss... "

    Goodbye Everquest Next. A pipe dream that served only to milk coin out of those dreamers who paid up front for something they will never actually see.
  8. Žachary New Member

  9. zlefin New Member

    Any chance they'll sell off the starchamber IP and/or code to someone? I loved that game.
  10. Legend MoonStar New Member

    I want Freerealms!! Dx Mainy loved that game!
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  11. Grace Sunyarn New Member

    I really hope FreeRealms comes back. I mean I really don't know why they ended the game in the first place because there were like 19 million people that played the game. I really hope daybreak decides to bring it back because i am still keeping the hope! :D
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Fendy Member

    They have said multiple times it will not come back. They ended the game because they invested something like 40 million dollars in creating it and never recouped that investment. So I really doubt there were 19 million people playing it.
  13. w1ckedcl0wn New Member

    Just so everyone is aware... The firm acquiring SOE (ColumbusNova) is actually owned by CIFC(Nasdaq) and "DFR Holdings" owns %73 of CIFC. So really, to be transparent, DFR Holdings is truly the one buying SOE... hopefully they realize this...Kappa.
  14. FRDEXTER New Member

    woopty doo im not even gonna congratulate you guys may not see it but all soe does is make games make millions off of it then close it exactly wut they did to freerealms like its a "little kid mmo" they said but honestly more adults and teenagers played that "little kids" FreeRealms was a place of freedom from reality people saw it to escape bullying because I was those a girl who hates me to death called me crying on the phone saying she missed freerealms and what shes going through right now and that the only place she could escape it and be happy is gone that place was FreeRealms it was more than a game it was a home in reality people even said they would play freerealms until they were physically disabled it was by far the BEST MMORPG that will ever have been created in my opinion enjoy these games guys once "soe" makes millions upon millions and stuff u worked hard for will be gone one day they could honestly care less about u guys in the gaming companies/industries its all about money because my buddy got me a job in one it was one of the top companies world wide it was blizzard if I remember correctly its all about MONEY they don't really care unless its about money I have gathered enough evidence and did enough research I can get u taken down SOE what u did is basically against the law we spent money on a game and u took it away and nothing in return and you said as a company "try ever quest" "try landmark" well gee I don't know well it make soooo much since we wanted to play those games so much that we wanted freerealms and wanted to keep playing it that makes so much sense #SARCASM
  15. Forgotten Chugawug New Member

    Free Realms was such a great game. The community was the best one I had ever seen. I understand the motives for the sunset. I hope that "Daybreak" will give Free Realms a second chance.
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  16. binny45 New Member

    I really wish that SOE/Daybreak would start doing some PR damage control for EQNext. The moment the SOE announcement occurred, EQNext went from the top MMO to watch, to fifth place and dropping. Landmark hasn't seen anything really interesting in awhile (though I do still enjoy playing it). It's time they start getting the players into EQNext Alpha. Give us something, otherwise this game is going to be dead before it ever gets the chance tolive!
  17. Pyroclast New Member

    Sadly, I will let my membership lapse, wait and see. I do not like some decisions already made and worry about the direction this investment company will take my favorite game. Until I know, time to time-out. Later all (or is it truly g'bye?).
  18. gnollmar New Member

    So,how many came here from Google after getting a seriously suspicious looking mail? Still not sure if I'm being trolled or not xD had no ideA it was woe before googling either, that mail just had no info, at all xD when I saw that my credit card info was being sent to a random company I had never heard about ... Gg.
  19. Dexella Community Relations

    We did send e-mails out announcing the change and informing you of our new e-mail domains. If you have been an active customer, you would have received this message from us.

    Again, as started in the e-mail, and/or are valid e-mail addresses.
  20. Forgotten Chugawug New Member

    If FreeRealms ever got a second chance, I really feel confident it would thrive. The fanbase has never fully recovered from losing their game. If they were to ever get it back, I think the community would make sure it wouldn't go away any time soon.

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