ZOE was not fixed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. S0LAR15

    And how do them vortexes fair? lol.....Try the pounders and the Falcon for the comparison to the comet.
  2. ItsJustDash

    Sigh... stop your ********, they will fix it in due time. Balancing a game takes time... look at how long it took them to fix the gun on the Reaver and such.
  3. Flix

    Especialy for you: With Zoe all shots charged=21sec not charged 14 sec. Without same results. Looks like they are not realy affected by Zoe at all.
  4. The King

    Just read the first page of this..

    ut... rofl..

    2-3 of your dudes should get a sniper rifle and pick the MAX off.. He'll die trying or run away....The weapon hurts em when they have ZOE on.. haha..
    If I were you, I would have just killed the MAX......
  5. Oneth

    Now ya know, a big *** blue hammer they could only melee with while the shield was up would be bad ***. Hell I agree that atm shield you guys get kinda blows, like our vortex. At least with a hammer it'd be usefule in some situations.
  6. Oneth

    Not really, open the terminal screen, exit, repair tool overheat is back at 0. You WILL outpace the damage of a single ZOE 5 dual comet max. And I know this from personal experience as a zoe 5 dual comet max player.
  7. BHB_rightnow

    This thread is quite funny but..

    Welcome to planetside?
  8. Spookydodger

    ZOE doesn't really anything more versus infantry. A Blueshift puts out 6.6 rounds per second, and with 2 arms kills in about 12-15 hits. ZOE makes the MAX kill in about 1 round sooner, meaning approximately .16 seconds faster. The only big thing that has changed, damage wise, is that now ZOE's can close to the 20-30 meter range needed for the weapon to be useful. TR MAX Chain guns have a lethal range that seems longer. I haven't tried it yet with TR, but I know that 30 meters is about he lethaltity limits for VS greaseguns (guns that shoot really fast).
  9. Spookydodger

    The armor reduction is also more severe at lower levels.
  10. Mastachief

    Placebo fix it still overpowered
    • Up x 1
  11. LivesInNameOnly

    its still overpowered like hell just like all vs weapons are
  12. CaptainRobust

    A ZOE MAX can get annihilated by a couple rockets, tank blasts, or hoards of soldiers. If two squads couldn't take out two of them, something is very wrong with the squads rather than the ZOE MAX.
  13. Van Dax

    I remember the threads when the nerf showed up on the PTS and all the whiners were like finally some justice, but I knew that even after they'd complain or pretend it didn't matter. The fact of the matter is that ZOE was an ability to make you better at dodging and they directly nerfed the dodging, but whatever I still won't use it-call me when they come up with a team ability.
  14. Nepau

    Riiiiiiiiiight.. Tell you what. Go online right now, Grab a Lasher and show me just how OP that weapon is. Don't worrie I'll give you 50 minutes to record an awsome kill montage showing it.
  15. theholeyone

    The fact is a VS max will last longer against sustained fire with ZOE off, if a couple of squads couldn't push past a single ZOE max just says a lot about the complete ineptitude of said squads than anything about an OP ZOE. Were they running single file through a doorway and then waiting patiently when the max needed to reload?
  16. S0LAR15

    I got 20 secs - charged - no ZOE, 15 secs - charged - with ZOE, and 11 with single shots and ZOE.
  17. Flag

    I saw a transcript of things Higby had said in a twitch chat.
    In it he claimed the major difference the ZOE made was that VS pulled twice the amount of MAXes than before(pre-zoe VS pulled way less MAXes than both TR and NC, according to him).

    In short, ZOE was "op", simply because it gave VS an excuse to use the max more often, and try it in new and interesting situations.

    Personally, I find it's really just that the ZOE max is more visible than it used to be. It's killing power is mostly the same as it is without the overdrive(bursters excluded, but honestly, ground based AA, except the skyguard, should be nerfed hard).

    As a side note, because of the vast increase of "random" fire, the lower durability of the ZOE-enabled max means that in large indoor fights, the ZOE is more of a hindrance than a benefit.
    So the next time you meet a bunch of VS maxes in a, say, biolab, it's not the ZOE that kills you, it's the guns, which are good all on their own(blueshifts/nebulas). It just makes it more visible.
  18. MichaelBarrack

  19. ent|ty

    Lies. Such filthy, filthy lies.

    I was at Eisa Station as part of a battle.

    First off, of the 100 VS there, I was the only one ZOE MAxing.

    Next, I was trying to blow up a Sunderer parked inside the vehicle bay. None of my team was supplying me ammo, I had to run back and forth to our Sunderer to ammo up.

    I swear I unloaded 5+ full loads into the Sundie, and the damage was easily being outrepaired.

    Don't lie.

    All the while, I probably could have been killed if I was charged by 1-2 TR, who chose instead to take pot shots at me from far away, which was pointless because I was 95% cover and only came up to let off the next 4 rockets after reloading.

    Lies, lies.
  20. ent|ty

    Yeah the increase is moderate to barely noticeable...

    I've sometimes found myself scratching my head, when shooting at ESFs, that "hmm, I would have killed him faster with standards...." Weird thing.