ZOE is balanced, TR/NC finally scared of VS MAXes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by InMedeasRage, May 26, 2013.

  1. Nyscha

    It isn't noticeable?
    You can drop a guy with one rocket and like 2 pistol hits.

  2. Ixidron

    Deactivate ZOE when it hits you, use brains.
  3. Dragonblood

    ZOE wouldn't bother me much, if Lockdown was acutally useful against infantry/Max units....but it sucks.
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  4. TehGrimZa

    If you can catch a ESF who is dumb enough to hover, now be honest, are you one of them dumb players??? Because if so then yeah its OP.

    TR Fractures are awesome. They are good against vehicle and infantry with a high rate of fire and a great clipsize. Its extremly accurate and its only downside is the splashdamage you can deal yourselve or teammates in CQC

    NC Raven AV beast, mean damage and wireguided - almost a 100% hit! Not so descent at AI but splashdamage will do! So there is a downside of them

    VS Vortex. No Damage on no charge with a wired COF. 5 Sec. to fire the first descent shot, which is far away from the damage the Fracture or Raven deal! Small clipsize! Only advantage is it's sniping, rest is clear downside and that's why it isn't used by VS

    So if everything has to have a clear downside then we have to nerf Fractures first!
  6. PhiladelphiaCollins

    Someone needs to look up what "balanced" means.
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  7. Lampenfieber

    WTF the devs are thinking?! want to balance the maxes and OP a VS max ...

    VS MAX is more strong and more faster, so is easy to take NC MAX shield down run away, reload, and come back because they also can shoot at distance.

    nerf this #$^^## now!
  8. Dragonblood

    Your answer to lockdown is situational is that TR has fractures?

    So, if my enemy run straight towards me - using no tool to counter me eg. Concussion or Flash - so I can kill him with my ZOE MAX means for me he is dumb! Because if it isn't so then, yeah its OP
  10. Revanmug

    First, it doesn't one shot infantry.
    Second, you have problem hitting infantry but you believe it is great against ESF? Wait wat?

    The stupidity is strong within this one. I can feel its power.
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  11. C0L0NELH0GAN

    No, I've listed the Up-/Downsides of another weaponsystem! In your thread you complain that there is no really downside of ZOE!
    I proofed that there is no real downside to Fractures compared to the others - so nerf OP ****
  12. Czuuk

    The data will reveal the truth.
  13. C0L0NELH0GAN

    God, all of the "facts" on this thread are lame - so I started to troll!
    I'm so tired of the nerf this, nerf that in this forum!

    You say ZOE is OP, I say ScatMAX is OP and Fractures are OP - why? I get killed so often by them, must be OP
  14. Revanmug

    Well, I do hope you get killed by enemy more often than by friendly.
  15. Dragonblood

    The TTK of fractures is much lower than the TTK of the real AI-Max weapons. Together with the slower travelspeed of the projectile, it's possible for a flying LA to C4 the fracture Max, before it kills him.
  16. Weirdkitten

    After using the spare certs i had on my VS guy (4k) and playing around with Zoes for a (short) while I can understand why VS don't want them nerfed. They are awesome fun to use, but I'm starting to think they are going to need an overhaul. It's too easy to avoid damage, speed is a bit over the top. Damage boost is ok, but negating the major max downside (mobility) at will is just not going to last. Sorry VS, I'd enjoy this thing while it's fresh cause it's not going to survive as is for long. *off to play VS some more*
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  17. C0L0NELH0GAN

    Well, and what now?
    You compared the new only MAX abilities, I only compared the MAX Rocketlaunchers!
    Fractures > the other two! Nerf!!!!

    You can Kill a ZOE MAX with only ONE Rocket, C4 and BouncingBetties/Claymores! Use the Movement ZOE has, get them to chase you into your counter measure! Place a C4 on the ground in front of a doorway and bail the ZOE out and boom! Yeah, it now is harder to kill a VS MAX but has everything on TR side noob-certified lockon ****?
  18. Xae

    It takes 3 direct hits to kill an infanryman with a Fracture.

    That is what? .3 seconds.

    It takes about half a second for the throw animation and another half to detonate it.

    Also if you try to throw C4 while getting hit by a fracture the splash will set off the C4 in your hands.
  19. Dragonblood

    Yeah, harder to kill although the drawback of ZOE should be a higher vulnerability.

    slow missle velocity
  20. Fenrisk

    Fractures have 0.75 at point blank range against normal infantry with next to zero splash damage (less then 1 bar of shield)

    Comets have 0.0 time to kill at point blank range with 80 splash damage per rocket. Add ZOE to that and you got a infantry speed scatmax who can blow up tanks.

    You can set off C4 in your hand? Never seen or heard of that ever happening. I know when i have been killed by AOE explosives while carrying C4 it never shows a suicide/C4 damage. I think your making it up at this point.