Zenith VX-6 Feedback

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Xebov, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Xebov

    Now that the PTS works again and the Zenith is finaly completely implemented it can be tested.

    Im not completely sure if this flexible weapon concept is realy needed. The Zenith is the only weapon besides the Pulsar C with access to an Advanced Forward Grip. This together with the 0.75 ADS multiplier adds an opportunity for players who use ADS in close to mid range to make good use out of this weapon. The problem is that this weapon only has the same ADS accuracy then all CQC weapons have, while it has a very good Hipfire accuracy and an Advanced Laser wich doesnt make much sense since Hipfire users dont use scopes.

    What i would like to see changed on this weapon:
    - remove the Advanced Laser Sight
    - add 2x Reflex (this is a must have to make this weapon viable for ADS users)
    - change the ADS accuracy to the level of a Pulsar C

    These changes would let the weapon fill a hole for ADS users and could make it the little brother of the Pulsar C. Compared the upside would be a bit more DPS and better ADS movement and the downside less projectile speed and no HVA and higher total recoil due to the need for more bullets per kill. I think some ADS users would realy enjoy the gun with the changes i mentioned.
  2. Paperlamp

    This would make it overpowered. It already is a very strong gun.

    I agree the advanced laser sight doesn't fit the gun because you should be focusing on its strong ADS along with .75 ADS move speed. But oh well, same goes for the Jaguar it's just worse because it also trades some stats for stationary hip-fire bonus which doesn't really help the gun as much as having less horizontal recoil or advanced grip access would.

    You get slightly less stopping power than a Jaguar for a lot more versatility/effective range.

    This gun is the best of the new carbines by a landslide, it's a bit of an oddball but you got lucky overall. The balance monkeys hit the the good number keys on your gun and all you have to deal with is some questionable/lacking attachment options which is typical for PS2 weapons. Quite a few TR guns still have no 2x sight when they could really use one including the Jaguar, and even the Rhino which is quite obviously a mid-range+ focused gun.
  3. Koldorn

    It could probably lose the adv laser.
    Honestly all I really want to see for it is ammo. (It has none.)
    Preferably HV, which is limited to only the Pulsar C and Solstice SF (but who really uses the SF as a gun?)

    Softpoint ammo would make it redundant with the VX6-7 which outclasses the Zenith in essentially every way.
    Zenith's only advantage is the ADS speed; but it's competition is a hipfire weapon... so it's kind of pointless like that.

    So yea. HV ammo. >__> Do it.
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  4. Tentakewls

    More importantly, what does the new model look like?
  5. Odin

    Yeah I wouldn't even post about it, best carbine hands down in the update. If your too loud devs will nerf lol
    Kinda funny nc and tr are busy attacking each other lately on the forums while vs just keep quiet with amazing weapons for the most part....shusssh
  6. Wobberjockey

    looks like the rest of the carbines to me, really.
  7. Tentakewls

    Lame, I'm not getting it then.
  8. ShumaKun

    It is fine to me I really was looking forward to some carbine similiar to Jaguar for VS
  9. NDroid

    It is a bit a of a conflicting design. It can't really compete with the VX6-7 in CQC (nor should it) so I would rather have it be more focused on its mid-range performance.

    A 2x scope is really needed and I would prefer it if it had better ADS CoF characteristics in exchange for its improved hipfire ones and the ALS.

    Edit: And the new model is nice, our carbine section really needs some visual improvements. I'm hoping it will get a new firing animation to go along with it.
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  10. teks

    I like this versatility actually.
    I would like a weapon like this which has good medium range power that caters to my bad aim while retaining the ability to lay down some accurate close up shots. Its a really cool concept. I don't know what the heck the solstace has over it though.
  11. Paperlamp

    Higher velocity and ...not much else. No one in their right mind will use the Solstice once they unlock the Zenith.
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  12. Elrobochanco

    I actually like the gun as it fits closer to my playstyle than the fast firing carbines, while still having decent hipfire.

    My only complaint is the lack of ammo options, would really like SPA on it.

    Also I don't really understand having both advanced foregrip and laser. I like the forgrip on it, but I can only assume anyone who would get a laser would rather just be using it on a 6-7, serpent, or a SMG instead. Where the forgrip really only has one other home on the Pulsar C (my favorite carbine).

    To sum up: Ditch the lasers, give it SPA, I don't think it really needs accuracy changes but the attachments are kind of an identity crisis.
  13. Bankrotas

    It's not a weapon for bad aim. Laser point precision and low DPM doesn't let you spray and pray.
  14. teks

    Not as much in need of spray and pray. I'm just not good with recoil like the vx6-7 which can be a pain.
  15. Nuwi

    Actually, I think it looks more like the nova shotgun or the corvus.
  16. Nocturn0l

    The Zenith is absolutly fine the way it is! Absolutly love the gun and its model!

    Without the Adv. Laser it would be too similar to the Solstice.

    The thing i like about the Zenith is that it's both good at close range with adv. laser plus tight hip cof while also being good up to medium range with decent ads accuracy and 0.75x ads movement.

    The perfect carbine for all situations except long range sniping

  18. ttttz

    SOE's intentions were seemingly to provide a close-medium range variant of the low random recoil, lower DPS, long range sniper carbines (Pulsar C/T5 AMC/AC-X11). These sniper carbines are now free. Since most frequent situations are close-medium range inside bases, presumably the idea is to make this a worthwhile upgrade in a lot of situations.

    The lack of 2x reflex scope is odd, yes.

    The TR/NC long range sniper carbines and the TR/NC new weapons both have the same amount of random recoil, or jitter. That is, the TR and NC weapons have no random recoil.

    The low random recoil is the selling point of the original sniper carbines, and having none at all makes a significant difference to the experience.
    The addition of another weapon with this characteristic just widens the gap between the other factions and VS.

    • Remove random recoil from both the Pulsar C and the new Zenith VX-6.
    • Balance by increasing reload time.
  19. Kulantan

    Its a mini-carnage (carbine drop off and a little less ROF). It really doesn't need any changes to be a good gun for ADS.
  20. Xebov

    NCs new Bandit for example is a CQC gun (adv laser, SPA) and has a better ADS accuracy then the Zenith. Im not thinking that the Zenith would be overpowered with an accuracy similar to the Pulsar C, because you need more bullets to kill anything wich would result in more recoil.

    However the 2x Reflex is a must to be added, even if tehy dont improve the ADS accuracy, since the whole gun would be worthless to ADS users without this scope.

    Its not a bad idea, but the lack of 2x Reflex makes it useless for me, as i only use 2x Reflex. I also see a problem in the low ADS accuracy. I dont care much about the slightly better Hipfire accuracy and the Advanced Laser Sight and would happily trade some of it in for a better ADS accuracy, if i look at NCs Bandit i see a way better ADS accuracy.

    If they want to add a weapon for close-midrange for ADS users they should do it right by makeing it fit that hole.