Yumi or NS 11 A?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Ximinetto, Sep 17, 2017.

  1. Ximinetto

    I have the NS 11 A unlocked but i feel this weapon like a jack of all trades and master of none. Why the hell Yumi has less TTK than NS 11 A? I faced other medics and LAs with medium range carbines and ARs that are much better than the NS 11 A. Also his CoF while not ADS its exagerated. Maybe i should unlock the Yumi and my fights with medic gonna be much better, im little disapointed with the NS 11 A. (Sorry i have a confussion betwwen medic and heavy assault equivalent)
  2. Halkesh

    Go in VR and test both weapon.
    Trial for 30 min the one you like (go to a terminal => unlock => trial).

    NS11A is about accuracy, not DPS. If you go for bodyshot only, you've a high chance to getting killed by enemy with high DPS weapon that also go for bodyshot, even more if you don't have nanoweave armore and they do.
    Yumi, I trialed it and didn't like it. (doesn't fit to my gunplay)

    You need a weapon for what range ?
    CQC ? Close ? Medium ? Long ?
    What's your faction ?
  3. TheSunlikeOne

    I've seen you several times in game... or your VS character at least. Yumi won't be easy weapon to use for you, no offence. You need to be extremely accurate with your shots to be able to use it effectively. And fire delay will get you killed a lot. And your teammates, that run under your crosshairs as well.
  4. Ximinetto

    When i build the NS11A i thought that gonna be good at cqc to medium, but its a holy ****.

    The Sunlike one, i was playing on PC long time ago with a Vanu char, now i play on Ps4 with NC faction.
  5. TheSunlikeOne

    If you want close-to-medium AR, then your options are Carnage and GR-22. Reaper DMR could work too (it has .48s TTK) but has somewhat heavy recoil and small mag size.
  6. DarkStarAnubis

    I have the NS-11A and coming from the HA world, I found it very precise (especially at distance) but lacking the punch to kill every time (no problem I get lots of assists anyway).

    As Medic I spend more time healing /rezzing than firing.

    Before purchasing the NS-11A I tried the Yumi but I hated the delay mechanism before and between the bursts, made it too RNG in my opinion.

    However, if you forget NS weapons there are better ES alternatives. Even the default assault rifles are not so bad and have a better TTK in CQC

    It all boils down to how/when you engage. I do that at distance so the NS-11A is a good fire platform.
  7. Ximinetto

    I found the NS11A precise yes. But it lacks of firepower. Yumi its precise too, and have better firepower, u only need a burst to the head to kill the target, the only thing that sucks its the delay.
  8. Ximinetto

    Built the Yumi today and im starting to repent. But i like challenges.