Your thoughts on the Polaris LMG?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Crackulous, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Crackulous

    Just bought this LMG, logged off for the day. I'll definitely try it out on the battlefield tomorrow.

    I didn't trial the gun since often times they don't work as well without being certed in the necessary attachments. Though it did shoot the stationary targets in the training room with it for a while, it wasn't a practical method of fully gauging a weapon's capabilities either, which is why I know little about how it handles when it's decked out in certs.

    As of now, I find the Orion to be the best bet for all range encounters. I find that the 88's damage output isn't enough at times, and at longer ranges I prefer the Polaris's lower recoil, though it's meant for close combat interestingly enough. Since this gun doesn't benefit from the 0.75 multiplier of the other two, I can't strafe as well, which is worrisome. The reason I bought this gun is because I thought it'd fill a gap in my arsenal, fitting the niche between the Orion and the Flare, meaning it's decent at all ranges. Also, the fact that it has a 100 bullet clip is another selling point.

    Anyhow would be so kind as to offer your thoughts about it and your experiences?
  2. Pie Chasm

    Ironically the SVA-88 has better damage output than the Polaris, so you will hate it even more.... but you bought it.

    It will forever mar your arsenal. Now you share the curse the rest of us auraxium bearers must endure, for the sake of more purple medals.
  3. Crackulous

    It has lower recoil though, so shouldn't it be better at longer ranges than the 88? In addition, the higher ROF would still allow it to outdamage the Flare at such distances, no? If it suffers an accuracy loss, at least it would fair better within buildings, which the Flare fails at.
  4. Pie Chasm

    Reasoning isn't quite sound, because:

    You have to burst fire at range and for the SVA-88 you can add a compensator while retaining CQC viability with ADS movement speed. Horizontal recoil is equal as well (it also has the annoying angle ****), it's just the RoF is lower and you get an advanced laser sight along with 25 more rounds per magazine.

    Oh yeah, 300 ammo pool!

    It doesn't outdamage the flare. Anywhere. In fact, the flare might have been a good ranged alternative to the SVA-88.

    If you're talking about hip-fire for long intervals, then yes, sure you'll be better off with it than the flare, but then you have to ask yourself: why aren't you using an Orion?

    It's water over the dam though. You've got it. Might as well auraxium it. It will make you appreciate every other LMG more, even the pulsar.
  5. Crackulous

    Can't justify the purchase then. Thanks for your input! It'll go on my wall of guns with 0 kills, right next to the default SASR.
  6. Pie Chasm

    No, you really ought to use it.

    It might have terrible DPS in terms of health, but nothing matches the damage it deals to the victims ego.
  7. Crackulous

    Haha, I guess I could deal with the lower damage output if that's the reward I'm reaping for each kill. I spent far too much time with the Beamer, it wouldn't hurt to try another one of these toys out.
  8. Pie Chasm

    I know I made it sound like it's worthless, but in reality.. it's only 46 RPM worse than the SVA-88 and you have better hipfiring potential.

    People make worse weapons, like the NS-15M, work all the time.
  9. FrontTowardEnemy

    I've used the Polaris quite a bit. It's a rather weird gun quite frankly, because the Devs seem to want to make it a CQB gun with it's advanced laser sight and SPA, but where it's really good is mid to long range extended suppression fire due to it's high accuracy, 2x sight option and low recoil/bloom.

    The Flare/Ursa are supposed to be the long range kings, but both are totally worthless for the job. The initial recoil and the sustained recoil are very high for both. The Polaris fires much tighter bursts than either and is much more controllable with extended firing.

    I wish the Devs would swap the HVA from the SVA-88 to the Polaris and give the ALS and SPA to the SVA-88 instead of the Polaris. It would be a much better fit.

    At longer ranges, the thing about DPS is this: as soon as you have to let off the trigger and allow the bloom to settle, you've already ruined any sort of theoretical maximum DPS the gun is supposedly capable of. The Polaris can deliver more rounds on target more accurately than probably any other LMG the VS have when shooting at mid- to long range.

    I've tried to use it for CQB when engaging multiple targets with its 100 round magazine and ALS, but its DPS just doesn't compare to the Orion or SVA-88, in addition to having a .5 ADS movement modifier. It's not bad, but I like the Orion better for that role.
  10. Morpholine

    I found it easier to Auraxium than the SVA-88, and quite liked it.

    I ran with a 2x reflex or IRNV as needed, advanced laser, and stock ammo.

    It's more of a generalist weapon than a close quarters tool as the available attachments would suggest. Still, with the above setup, you can comfortably hip fire out to 20ish meters, and it has excellent recoil characteristics for making ADS at longer ranges very, very workable. Plus the 100 round magazine makes it feel like a [plasma] hose.

    It's not for everyone, but I don't think it deserves the dislike it receives. I guess people see advanced laser and think "CQC God", but the ROF just doesn't agree, and they wind up disappointed (or never giving it a real chance in the first place).
  11. KnightCole

    Polaris a 143@652 weapon? Im sure it will be a sick joke that gets you killed more times then you can count.
    • Up x 3
  12. pnkdth

    My personal favourite of the VS LMGs. Very different weapon, which is why so many players feel uncomfortable with it. I run it with a sight/scope + SPA/adv laser or as a "laser beam" with comp/grip. Can't wait for when I'm done with my Orion(auraxium) so I can go back to my baby.
  13. Ruvan

    I used to deride the VX29 Polaris as a bad weapon. Now I think it's okay.

    At the end of the day, it might not be the lowest TTK weapon, but does that really matter in a team environment or when you factor in differences in skill? It has that huge magazine and ammunition count that make up for it's problems, not to mention it's one of the LMGs that can be competitive across the greatest number of ranges.

    FYI, there's only one way to set the weapon up though. You must have Advanced Laser Sight and Soft Point, otherwise you're really rather uncompetitive at ranges below 15m.
  14. SinerAthin

    Polaris is the closest the Vanu has to a street cleaning minigun, and focuses mostly on hipfire.

    It is ideal for CQC vs multiple targets.

    It has a slightly lower DPS than the Orion or SVA, but it comes with a 100 rounds mag and an Advanced Laser Sight.
    Its ideal range is short to medium, and to be used in attack.

    Its low DPS coupled with poor accuracy makes it a poor choice for high skill duels or longer range engagements, but in a chaotic battles, it can wipe out entire groups if you take them by surprise. Its lower DPS is sometimes compensated for by the Advanced Laser Sight which means you don't need to ADS, saving you precious mili seconds.

    But both the SVA and Orion beats the Polaris in raw damage, and the Ursa is far superior at range.

    The Polaris, however, will last longer than both the SVA and the Orion in CQC, meaning that you'll find yourself less in a position where you're out of ammo and hopelessly gunned down because there was 1 more enemy than you expected.

    It works best together with Resist Shield & Nanoweave, turning you into a Mini-MAX suit.

    I recommend the Polaris for advanced users(or people who just like to spray and watch things die). It sacrifices raw strength and precision for stamina.
  15. BobSanders123

    TR Minigun - 800 RPM 143 Damage
    T9 CARV - 750 RPM 143 Damage
    MSW-R will shred in cqc
    You use that Polaris against a TR with one of those don't expect to live very long.
  16. Hrafnagaldr

    I got Auraxium with the Polaris and it actually rather easy to achieve. It got two strenghts: large ammo pool and advanced laser sight. So equip conc. grenades and go to a Biolab or other tight spaces. Don,t bother ADSing, just hipfire and jump around, client side hit detection will be your friend. Also, resist shield is the best choice for using the Polaris.
  17. Pie Chasm

    The MCG starts at 110 RPM, so even with a polaris you have a good shot, not to mention that you can't burst fire with the MCG without resetting it.

    The MCG is a piece of crap and whoever made those changes understands nothing.
  18. BobSanders123

    O__o When... Did...this... Happen...
  19. Ruvan

    You place entirely too much emphasis on TTK times/DPS, and not enough on accuracy. Furthermore, VX29 is balanced as a Vanu weapon and not a TR weapon.

    MSW-R is the single best hip-fire LMG in the game. Yea, VX29 Polaris is worse at hip-fire than a MSW-R, however, it isn't any worse at it (due to having an Advanced Laser Sight) than an Orion, Pulsar LSW or SVA-88. That's ranges below 10m covered.

    Between 10m and 15m, VX29 has Soft Point whereas Orion, Pulsar LSW and SVA-88 don't. VX29 takes 1 less bullet to kill at this range, hence, is competitive with the other three named LMGs.

    Above 15m and the accuracy, namely the nice recoil pattern and average starting CoF, is starting to kick on, meaning that the weapon's high TTK is offset by it's added accuracy.
  20. Ruvan

    When the MCG and Vulcan were last re-designed.