Your own tracers invisible on Low graphics with High/Ultra particles

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by HeptagonRus, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. HeptagonRus

    Ancient bug.

    When all graphics settings set to Low, but particles are set to Medium/High/Ultra, you can't see your own tracers/shells when shooting from infantry weapons, rockets launchers, vehicles, air vehicles, ...
    They do exist, but are nearly unnoticeable.

    The well-known workaround is to set particles to Low, exit the game and make UserOptions.ini read-only.
    Then login and set particles in-game to Medium/High/Ultra. This will make such tracers/shells perfectly fat and visible. Many people do it this way, since low graphics is fine and gives FPS, but tracers are important for combined gameplay with vehicles etc.

    Such workaround is very annoying, since you can't change any options in game permanently without unlocking the file first.

    If you keep the file writable and set particles to Medium/High/Ultra, after relogging to the game with such setting, particles become invisible again.

    Please fix.