Your least favorite way of dying (top 5)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ulrikke, May 15, 2013.

  1. P4NJ

    1. Mines, mines, mines. I know this is hypocritical since I use them too, but I still think it's kinda stupid to die to something left by someone two hours ago.
    2. Teamkills of all kinds. Especially friendly aircraft. And tanks that seem to think my harasser is NC...
    3. Snipers. If I had to chose one thing that really detracts from the game for me, other than the bugs, it'd be the snipers. I constantly have to move around and it really breaks the immersion because there is always some noob sniper around waiting. Or firing and getting a lucky shot.
    4. Lag. Especially when flying, I rush in for some kills, then try to get out, but the game decides to render everything in one go and my FPS drops to 0.003, making me crash into the nearest tree. You also have the one where you drop somewhere after first opening the game and can't do anything but walk, but the enemies sure can.
    5. AT rockets in the face. Just annoying, you see them coming but can't do anything about it since even if you move out, he'll still hit you due to clientside hit detection.
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  2. Skippytjc

    My least favorite way of dying? In real life

    Stepping on a porx mine in the middle of frikin' nowhere. WHY?!?!
  3. haldolium

    Being gunner your Harrasser when you're trying to hit a Flash and, to no surprise, flip your own vehicle :D

    1. Getting killed by Tanks (99% prowlers) or LOLpods when in a good infantry fight
    2. Driving my Magrinder with 0.0157km/h against a wall making him explode
    3. Fall damage
    4. NoobTube deaths from underbarrel attachments (don't even know why people complain about the slow and clumsy RL all day long when there is an original NoobTube in the game...)
  4. Zerlu

    1. Any team kill
    2. Insta-gib shotties
    3. Unrendering AV turrets
    4. Getting run over.
  5. HMR85

    1.) Shotguns - They are everywhere and it is honestly frustrating getting shot before you have a chance to react. Its at the point now where I exclusively pull shotguns for indoor fights because everybody and their mother has one.
    2.) TK'd - Nothing more frustrating that getting TK'd by a friendly vehicle or soldier after going on a huge killing spree.
    3.) Mines - AI mines that fall under the floor are annoying.
    4.) Rocketpod Spam - Need I say more.
    5.) Hackers - While I rarely run into them. There is nothing more frustrating than spawning into room with some idiot sitting under the floor shooting people.

    * Im going to keep going

    6.) Noob tubers - There has been a pretty big increase in the number of players lately that exclusively run around spamming it every which direction.
    7.) AV Rocket - Guys that exclusively run around with their AV rocket out looking for quick OHK's.
    8.) Engy AV Rocket - Rendering Issue
  6. Nobalification

    1. Russians who kills me
    2. Mines, Claymores
    3. Magrider who road me and i fly 50meters away
    4. Infiltrator with SMG
    5. NC max with scattercannon who yell to me ´´Surprise mother f*****´´
  7. travbrad

    Being TKed by "friendly" tanks spamming towers with shells completely ignoring the fact that there are tons of friendlies inside.

    Rocket/Photon pods are pretty annoying too, because my FPS often drops to about 5 when they are shooting me, so any chance I had of escaping is gone due to the extreme choppiness.

    Shotguns are mostly annoying when heavies use them. I have killed tons of MAXs 1v1 with my heavy+shotgun, which seems a bit OP to me. I have no problem with one hit kill weapons, but you should have to actually aim to get a one hit kill, rather than just pointing it in their general direction.
  8. Taiji

    1. Idiot in a vehicle behind my tank prevents me from backing into cover.
    2. Accidentally exiting my mossie.
    3. While eating cake a Phoenix user makes my skill and intelligence count for nothing.
    4. TKed by KDR-padder while trying to leave through a spawn exit.
    5. Engineer forgets to switch to repair tool before 'repairing' my max after uncerted medic revives it.
  9. Pikachu

    1. Stepping on vanu's mines that seems to be invisible 67% of the time. I made like 7 attempts to reach the same room in a biolab once and every freaking time I was killed by a mine I could not see, and I did look around carefully to see if there was a new mine placed but could never see any.

    2. Unpredictable instant explosions with flash. That thing is just so unpredictable. It seems to be a general rule that if you land on all wheels, on 2 side wheels or on the nose you survive most of the time, yet there is too much randomness to it. Just gives us a roll cage already! :mad:

    3. Magriders. I don't know what evil powerful force is enchanting these tanks. They kill me more than any other vehicle. And they kill me with surprise more than any other vehicle. I hate them.

    4. Getting run over by friendly vehicles that clearly didn't do it by accident. Fast sunderers and lightning tanks that don't care shjt about the fact that moving into a friendly flash is not going to just push it forward, it's gonna explode in 2 seconds! :mad:

  10. Spoprockel

    1. Friendly vehicles driving over my flash, no matter how carefully i'm trying to avoid them :mad:
    2. Tankshells out of nowhere
    3. Bugs/glitches (falling through the ground, getting squished by phalanx turrets, etc.)
    4. lolpods
    5. Hackers coming through the ground with aimbots
  11. Vikingo

    1. Zepher/Dalton bombardment
    2. Lolpodding
    3. Wraith Roadkill
    4. Knife stab
    5. AT mines
  12. Lazaruz

    1. Team killed.
    2. Liberator spammed.
    3. Rocketpod spammed.
    4. Pump shotgun instagibbed.
    5. Suicide.
  13. Kinj

    Oh man THIS!
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  14. pnkdth

    1. Missile pods.
    2. PA one shot.
    3. Supejumping off a cliff/breaking your leg and falling off. Sometimes you seem gain superhuman strengths and make a massive leap or the jump just doesn't happend, unfortunately, this always happend when it will kill you.
    4. AV Turret off into the distance.
    5. Phoenix/Raven. Not because they're nessecarily OP but because of that f***** sound. I want to stab/punch someone after having faced NC most of the time.

    Also, there is one thing that transcends this list because of how annoying it is. This special mention goes to the harasser. Particularly, harassers driven by friendlies. These village idiots will drive you over and shout "YOLO SWAG LOLOLOL!" as they do so. Especially since MikeB started to make that harasser series.
  15. TintaBux

    1. By team mate,
    2. Shot in the back,
    3. Pressing escape out of plane by mistake,
    4. Infantry Shotgun noobs.
    5. Hit registration not registration my bullets properly.
  16. Ture

    1) AI-mines
    2) Liberator gunner
    3) Lolpods
    4) C4
    5) Tank mines
  17. SamStarfall

    5. LA C4
    4. A sudden prowler/vanguard from just around the corner
    3. Flipped over by friendly flash/harasser while driving a SUNDERER (wha-at?)
    2. Sniped. Ouch.
    1. Flying debris. That's just SHAME.
    0. Ran over by friendlies rushing into battle while trying to maneuver around enemy base to get a better shot.
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  18. control-z

    1. Intentional TK
    2. Striker
    3. TR HA Chaingun
    4. Prox Mines
    5. TK

    I don't know why there is all the hate for shotguns, yeah they're powerful but only close-up, and that is realistic.
  19. AdennTM

    A part of me just died...

    How can you hate on the chaingun?! o.0 that thing sucks!
  20. Spookydodger

    1. Crashing during a dogfight
    2. Killed by a drop pod
    3. Scatmaxes
    4. Being chased down by a pack of infantry as a max and gunned down like a dog
    5. team-killed by vehicles. Lost nearly a full sunderer's worth of people, and got TK "credit" for it, after a friendly harasser bumped into us and we flipped upside down. Yeah... that sucked.