Your K/D Doesn't Matter

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hambo, Mar 9, 2016.

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  1. Hambo

    Lol I actually want to see what the PC players think about this. I think they'll agree with me, this is my chance to see for myself.

    Don't try to stop me Clayborne! We've come too far!
  2. Taemien

    I'll take you at your word.

    But for those few PS4 players that do think KDR matters.. they're more than welcome to try the PC version and see how high they can get it.
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  3. JobiWan

    Yes they have.
  4. GreenGamer808

    It was nice while it lasted.
  5. Conro

    I'd love to play on the PC but I'm pretty sure a Core 2 6420 with a GTX 560 will run the game at 10 FPS.
  6. Cyrax Servius

    No seagulkawkaw, I did not get flamed off the forums, it's not enjoyable to have a thread started every time someone kills you by someone who stat worships in an mmofps, not an arena 12vs12 shooter.

    I left by choice other than to troll the self proclaimed pro's, now we'll let Radar and the "real" ps2 community see what really goes down, unless they are all not banned already along with Marksman.

    Oh, and posts like yours are a prime example of antagonistic, hopefully Radar has an eye on you too...
  7. Reclaimer77

    I reported the OP post and I encourage ALL PC gamers to do the same whenever this nonsense comes up.
  8. GreenGamer808

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  9. Seagulkawkaw

    He's welcome to that, this whole thread is a prime example of antagonistic, even if it is a bit funny; I was just surprised that potential forum bans would influence you playing/not playing the game itself, and I couldn't resist a snarky response lol.
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  10. Hambo

    Their forum troll was banished so they're not as strong as they used to be. I think they know that, so will try to blend in more, rather than risk humiliation.
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  11. Cheezy Q

    That's a little unfair. It was simply a question asking for clarification, and a legit one at that. You didn't have to be on the PS4 forums, but you were. That was your choice. And your statement implied exactly what Seagul was asking.

    It's hypocritical for you to hate on Seagul for asking a legit question while you openly support the clear trolling of the OP...which if we're going by the forum rules, is clearly a violation - far more than a simple question asking for clarification of your original statement.
  12. Eskel3

    Sadly no it requires ps plus for multiplayer :(
  13. IroncladBomber

    That is why I play Engineer. I can keep a nice 2.2 KDR and Blow things up. Then I make guides to help ne a PS4 Engineers do the same. Sadly my PoS laptop barely runs LoL or I would try PC.
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  14. Seagulkawkaw

    Eh my post was pretty facetious to be fair, but I figured it was a warranted response given the whole atmosphere of the thread, not worth arguing over tbh
  15. Cyrax Servius

    Well, seagull, In the premise that I always admitted my 1.6 k/d was always lesser than some, still gave no excuse to make dumb threads about things that happened in game every single day on forums.

    And you all know my standpoint of "non professional" players proclaiming who is good and bad and how to play, regardless of stats.

    There are a LOT of people, 63 on my friends list alone that left the game for that very reason.

    63 People not buying stuff in a game that relies on microtrans.
    Whether they like it or not this game does not revolve around the few but rather the masses and there are so many ways for people to play, and they should be able to without being reminded of a sub 3 or 2 k/d on a daily basis.

    I'm glad DBG finally decided to do something about it as I notice they are nowhere to be seen.
  16. Hambo

    Doesn't everything??
  17. ExiledGirl

    I haven't met anyone who I couldn't kill on rooftops besides Dirge so good luck staying there. Rooftops, tower farming, mountains, etc belong to me.
  18. GreenGamer808

    I scared you away with a chain blade once C:
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  19. Cyrax Servius

    Yeah, ok,

    Whatever lol...
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  20. Cheezy Q

    Yeah, I knew you were probably pushing a button or two. And Cyrax's response didn't really annoy me until he made himself a hypocrite. That's just something that gets on my nerves.
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