My ideal PS2 : - More technical/teamplay ways to capture large bases rather than destroying 2 generators and standing in A only. - More futuristic environments. - More classes' equipements in order to be able to create tricky gameplays. - I miss the week-ends with XP bonuses for free players. It brang many players back to the game for hudge battles.
Probably cause you like how it takes years just to get anywhere in this game. It's ok though, I've seen your posts, you're a fanboy.
So you dont pay anything? FYI its pretty easy to get places, but you have to have squad spawns, and therefore people to play with
Without balance there is no quality to battles, this has been demonstrated pretty clearly in PS2 several times (never mind countless other games). Nerfs and buffs happen, that is life in an MMO, always has been and always will be, if you can't handle it then MMOs will unfortunately never be for you.
I'm not a "fanboy" (which is an empty word used by people having a lack of vocabulary and of arguments, by the way). Better being happy to play this game (knowing it's not perfect) and trying to keep on staying optimisitic for its future, rather than poping from the internet shades since Monday and shouting "PS2 iS dEad. PS2 iS a fAil" like you do. (Yeah, i sadly had to read one of your posts today). But you know, anger and frustration are not your best friends. Perhaps should you get a nap or open a book, chill out, you know...
Being critical is an important part in consumerism. You'll never get a good product with being content with something half *****.
Thats the most reasonable thing I've heard you say. Good on you. We should be critical of our games, but we should also be constructive and non-toxic in their communities and in dealing with the company. F2P or not. Agreed. In his defence, I don't think he was saying to quit worrying about balance, just that asymmetric balance is his preferred type.
I don't want to constantly tear DBG a new one, it's just really annoying to me how this game has so much potential yet every update I see is either "this is broken as hell" or "this is what they spent months working on?"... I get it, games aren't easy to develop and I know that from experience, but you've had 3 years. 3 whole years, not to mention the pre-beta phase. It's mind boggling to me, and the only way I can think of getting through to them is being completely pissy since they never respond to anything else.
Yeah, I can understand the frustration, you're definitely not alone on that one. Not by any means. Thing is, you've been facing it towards other members of the community, so it gets taken as hostility towards the community rather than the company. We all want the game to be perfect, and we're all a bit frustrated, but we can't just rip on each other and be cynical all the time if we honestly expect them to take suggestions seriously.
I get mad at the members cause they are so happy with such unexpected and shaky results. Planetside 2 is cool right now still, I still play it which is why I'm here. But it's really off from what it was said to be when it was originally being created, and people are forgetting that. There's issues with balance, lag, progression, many many more. I just feel like people don't recognize it.
I wouldn't mind if they had a battle island that was infantry only, or something a bit bigger like Koltyr. Yeah, I can see that. Games and how they're balanced evolve over time though, so while I see how you could take it as false advertisement, I can't really stand behind that. They offered large scale battles with vehicles and infantry, at no cost. I'd say I got what I paid for, despite a few things that aren't quite where I want them to be... yet. From a technical side, lag is pretty much to be expected. It's a large scale game with a lot of players in close proximity. Not saying it can't be done without lag, but thats a pretty tall order. All we can do is try to give constructive, concise answers as to what people want from DBG, and hope they hold their end of the bargain up.
Inventory system and faction looting from ps1 here. Oh, hacking vehicles too. Oh, oh, ammo types, especially for vehicles. Instead of running around with certain guns per ammo type, it should have been one gun, you pick and choose what and how much ammo you have. I know it goes against the principles of freemium, but separate guns is kind of lame. Also, I like having AP/normal infantry ammo as well.
PC exclusive with every single thing from PS1 (including biffers after they became soft and squishy), 10 more continents (20 in total), no classes, 10x the gear and complexity so I know video games are where they should be before arthritis...and ATAT walkers.
I have no doubt that you have the most accurate answers about PS2 financial, managerial, balancing and coding issues. I have no doubt that you recently applied for one of the highest position in DayBreak Games company. At the start, the relationships with your future coworkers may be a bit hard due to your "People cheat when a game is neglected by its under qualified development staff or has horrible mechanics and concept to begin with. Case closed." post. But i'm sure that you'll find another quick and effective way to answer to that problem. I'm happy to notice that you still find any time to bother me in an unpolite way, between 1 or 2 "PS2 iS dEad. PS2 iS a fAil" posts. Sadly, i'm taking pleasure to play this free-to-play game (It seems to be a problem for you, due to the fact that you call me as a "fanboy", you obviously prefered to ignore a part of my posts). Free maps, free grinding, free fixes, free updates, free new content, free server slots for my characters, free usage of total strangers' design / coding / financial / managerial skills since 3 years, competitive gameplay, reactive GMS (my own experience) are looking sadly for you as a good deal for me. Perhaps should you notice that free-to-play games players usually have to pay for those features (they have to pay for more than 1 or 2 chars slots, for more equipement slots, classes slots, weaponery and content being limited when you reach XX lvl, players also have to pay for expansions,or maps (PS2 Devs call them "Updates") and other stuff). Ps2 is not what it is supposed to be for all of us. Perhaps did you took all the 2011-2012 promises as already given content. Sadly, I didn't. But i saw the good deal with a free Fps with giant maps and massive fights. Perhaps should you have tried other games, betas, read XX Devs adverstising from other firms by the past. None of them totally kept their promises, and some of them failed at the point that their game just disappeared, and their company's went on bankruptcy for some of them. Promises are made to bring investors and customers' money. THEN the company will see if the goals are reachable ones or not. It has always been like this, and it always be like this. Perhaps should you learn about it ? Wow, thanks for the tip of the day. It helps a lot. Sadly, you're talking about "consumerism", "product", being "half **** ". Besides your lack of respect for Designers and Devs staff, i think that you highlited the problem. Artistic content and community games are not just "products". If you prefer to feel like a random customer who yells at a supermarket's staff when you don't find the goods you're looking for, that's your own choice. I do not usually act like that. I must say that i 'm sadly still looking for a supermarket giving its goods for free. Or i just go anywhere else for shopping. From my experience, it could be waaaaaaay worse than it is. It could be a total lack of balance (Crimecraft), a 6 monthes old new day balance@"NEW content Incoming !!! The winner class of the last 6 monthes will be the looser class for the next 6 monthes...It's NEW content !!!" (Blizzard). It could be a total fail with hopes compared to real content (Tabula rasa). It could have been a total awful betas with constant crashes. It could be a brainless action game (sorry for the COD lovers) . It could be another bankruptcy stuff that happened and will happen. I just feel like the game provides more than barely playable sessions, hudge maps, appealing graphics, nice FPS action, free content (even if i'm a bit curious about collisions,server stability and game balance). Thinking that a "product" is a nice one (that's how you call PS2) doesn't mean you're not forgetting its defaults or issues. You just realize that it is a better one than the others actually on the market. As i said to you afer your aggressive post towards me : Perhaps should you take a nap, open a book, chill out... You define yourself as a random customer and PS2 as a random product. Why don't you play to another F2P "product", you'll see if the grass is greener there? I bet you'll be back sooner or later.
Yeah I love asymmetric balance, but equally even it almost always has to work within the context of balance too, by that I mean one faction usually cannot have one thing massively powerful and that be balanced out with another faction having something else massively powerful (or at least it is incredibly difficult to do). An example of this would be AI mines, Claymores were sub-par, but since their buffs are now perfoming way above the other two - the only thing that stops in being a serious balance problem is that AI mines in general aren't game-changers. Another example would have been orginal ZOE - that did have a huge effect on gameplay and was effectively unbalanceable in an asymmetric sense (as anything they gave TR and NC to balance it would have had to have been exceedingly powerful causing as many problems as it fixed). Or orginal NC AI MAXs (not to bad at the time IMO, but since the Flinch fix, the hipfire and 0.75 ADS nerf, all increased NC infantry power relative to TR/VS would be way too powerful now) - current NC AI MAXs work ok in an asymmetric sense against TR/VS AI MAXs now although are fairly limited (if they introduce NS AI Shotgun arms or Flamethrower arms though this will shift the balance again). Or orignal Striker 1.0 or Fracture 1.0 - again they weren't really balanceable against in an asymmetric sense as they just had such profound gameplay results. Conversly MBT are an example where it is working (more or less), as the 3 are fairly different, but statstically are more or less balanced in performance, although it has taken nerfs and buffs (of course) to get where they are.