[BUG] Your forced pop. queues didn't fix the Point and Click Republic

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpeedFreakPS1, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. DrakeFang

    Alright, listen up Friendly2.0,

    Your predecessor was a whiny moron who continually spammed threads that were based on the same meritless, pointless topic. He was banned from forums because we all got tired of his threads and attitude, so we finally started reporting his threads for what they were: spam.

    You are currently doing what he did, and if it continues then we will take the same course of action.

    Your choices are as follows:

    1. Stop spamming the same whiny post every other day, and actually become a moderately respected and welcomed member of this forum (that doesn't require a full stop on ****-posting btw, just that you cut it down to a reasonable quantity).

    2. Continue on your current path until the community gets fed up with you and flags you and your spam into oblivion.

    What outcome occurs is entirely up to you.

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  2. SpeedFreakPS1

    Your post seems to have confused me with someone who cares.
  3. Scr1nRusher

    Split personality is a concerning thing you know.
  4. user101

    VS PC = low end laptop.. can't see anything handicapped...(crybabies)
    NC PC = High end desktop... super vision... will kill you in a second. ( have spent gobs of money) on ps2
    TR PC = mid end desktop... may or may not see you on a good day. ( still catching up to NC PC's)

    I have played TR for some time now ... think I am at the NC level of PC now.... going to switch factions.
  5. Scr1nRusher

    You just owned him.
  6. kr47er

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  7. Who Garou

    The Vulcan and the Gatekeeper are both OP.

    What makes the Gatekeeper even more OP is that it doesn't cost 1000 CERTs. It should really cost 1000 CERTs.

    And, yeah, my main is not TR, but I bought the Gatekeeper for both my Prowler and my harasser for my TR because the Gatekeeper is just out of control.
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