Well, I think everyone here has a gun that may OR may not be in game, but do share what your favorite/dream guns are! Mine would be a 125 dmg/808-ish RPM gun with incredible control, large mag, accurate fire, and a quick reload. Think of the TORQ-9 OR this gun:
A medium range battle rifle for the infiltrator with a three round burst that kills in 3-4 bursts. Preferably NS. I like their designs, and it'll give me that nice, meaty gunshot sound even though I'm Vanu. Stick a 3.5x scope and silencer on that and hunt people down.
I want an anti-material rifle for my heavy. Slow, one-shot, heavy recoil, but damages armor. Not heavy damage on a tank, just a little ping to let them know I'm there... and out of rockets...
My Dream Gun would be Day 1 Phoenix. but even I admit that thing was so OP, it was not even Funny. Ok, it was kinda Funny.
Cougar with Pulsar C's recoil stats and 600 RoF, but still 35 round mag, at the cost of longer reloads.