You talked big on hacking, how about backing it up.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by bobzebrick, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. bobzebrick

    Ceres EU

    Whole Indar continent is ruined, the only reason I came here is because its making the game unplayable and I've logged out, it's pointless. You talk big about hackers but all I've seen is automated spam messages, way to address the problem lets just tell everyone 3rd party programs are rife.

    The guy has foreign characters in his name (he cannot be /tell) and he's spent the last few days teleporting around in liberators and sycthes, one shotting practically everything. Me plus at least 5 other people have submitted actual tickets to SOE... what the ****? Seriously wake up and moderate your game.
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    Thanks for posting this. I feel it is coming to ahead soon.

    6 months? New patch and most hacks will disappear, only to reappear soon after.

    It's people like you that take the time to post of the forums and warn new players what they are getting into that will hopefully make the Devs step up.

    I have a couple of questions for the Devs:

    If I were to post a video of how to get unlimited Station Cash would you do something about that?

    If I were to post a video of how to unlock all items without spending a dime would you do something about that?
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  3. bobzebrick

    Shameless self bump

    I'll be reporting later on today. I got a lot more friends to submit actual tickets to SOE (some with video hopefully) so fingers crossed we will not see this guy in game again today. It's sad really I have only seen these incidents increase day by day and little to nothing being done about it. With this slow a response from SOE I would not be surprised if the guy just makes another free account even if banned, who wouldn't right? Then we have another few weeks waiting for SOE to pull their finger out, and that's if I can get all the guys to submit tickets again. Pretty sad state to see this game in tbh.
  4. GaussianGamer

    Dont need to go much further than HERE to see how well documented hacking on PS2 is.
    I really have to laugh at the people that deny hackers existence, obviously they dont see hackers, because they "are" hackers.
  5. Gisgo

  6. Slyguy65

    lol ya indar is broken


    Also yaaaaaaaaaa


    The automated messages no lie.

    It reminds me of the part in Wizard of Oz where he hides behind the curtain or w/e

    The game and the wizard are both like


    Then of course nothing happens....and oh look no power at all
  7. A puppeteer

    And that my friends is why you don't taunt a hacker.
  8. Slyguy65

    Yes yes the would.

    Cause that would actually prevent them from getting money...
  9. JibbaJabba

    This was reported not ingame but with an actual ticket. Who wants to bet money this guy is still playing a week from now. (jaeger btw)
  10. Snakey

    Kinda sad looking at the amount of likes some of these videos get. i imagine most of the likes come from people who got the hacks to work.
  11. bobzebrick

    I wish I could, you cannot even /tell the guy, hes concealing his name somehow, maybe foreign characters or something. Anyway these idiots don't need taunting I'm sure most of them just enjoy being superior for once in their life :p
  12. Lafen

    Copy, Ceres need help

    Spot a cheater yesterday most time flying in a scythe or liberator on Indar and shooting everything in one second in pieces.
    Flying with Warpspeed.

    WTF checking his stats, character creation 13.01.13, K/D Ratio: 11.71

    Welcome in the jungle
  13. A puppeteer

    Oh yeah.. those are tricks I am surprised they did not use at the begining.

  14. SikVvVidiT

    ROFL level 32... Im facing a level 52 right now on Matterson as we speak...

    SOE you talked REAL BIG on having something for hackers but your FPS has more hacks then COD/BF/TF combined... GG
  15. GaussianGamer

    Im sure its a daunting task to counter all the new hacks and combo pack hacks popping up every day, but it does seem that SOE is having some success with eliminating the players. Most of the real hackers I've seen have been between level 1-15. So far I havent seen any level 80 hackers (knocks on wood).
  16. GaussianGamer

    Well that sux!
  17. bobzebrick

    I agree with this to be honest, it's going to be a constant arms race though and unless SOE dedicate at least a small team to it they will never get anywhere. This guy is only level 20 odd and with the amount of kills he's racking up he can't have been around that long. That is probably his 5th account or something though, with a completely free to play model nothing is stopping him coming back. They need to beef up the automated detection system, but so far all I've seen is SOE reach for the pound sign.
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  18. SikVvVidiT

    One of the vids posted of someone hacking earlier in this thread was level 32, we have a 52 on Matterson right now... Some person name "sistagurl" or something like that on one of the servers is levle 60ish...

    Yeah SOE is having GREAT success...
  19. SikVvVidiT

    When I heard they would be partnering with Steam I figured they would use Steams anti hack detection system (VAC)... Guess that would have made to much sense...

    Blizzard please for the love of god hurry up with that MMOFPS you are trying to hiding from us... I know you will actually do something about hackers.
  20. Jurav

    We had a Level 70 hacker on Soltech that was using teleport, Aimbiot, and ESP hacks all at once. Taking out whole platoons with a light Assault. She was reported alot, and I have not seen her since, but I am sure they will return with a new account if they do not automate the hack detection like DAOC had to do.