You know those yellow shields on top of spawn rooms?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HerpTheDerp, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. HerpTheDerp

    They let through splash damage from explosions.

    Now hop in a lib and have yourself some fun!
  2. Demetrius

  3. FateJH

    It's more likely the Liberator is just so high or far that the shields aren't rendering to it. Shield not rendering = shots aren't stopped by it. There are cases where this doesn't apply, such as certain instances of client-side objects that spawn server-side objects, but, in general, what your client renders determines whether your shots hit it.
    There's also the ongoing "splash damage is not stopped by walls and shields" issue. That's one of the reasons they toned down explosives (and HE) in general in a previous GU.