You Failed to Do Your Job

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by notyourbuddy, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. notyourbuddy

    Massive battle at Eisa Tech Plant, but no one on offense has the slightest clue how to take it instead its just one massive team death match scrum. You failed to do your job in teaching people how to properly play your game. Whats worse is I was in Beta and I still don't have a clue how to take it. Some bases are more straightforward and some are just confusing messes. Trying to figure out how the base system works with 50+ ppl firing shots is not cutting it.

    So, Eisa Tech Plant: Can't enter the main structure cause of a forcefield. Can't take down the generator because of a forcefield. Someone seems to think we can just charge in and walk through the forcefield protecting the generator, but there is no way to find out as there is an army of engineer turrets behind it shooting anyone who dares to try (and of course since they can shoot out and we can't shoot in... yeah). Maybe thats a security station (is that even what that building is?) on the far end of the hex and if we capture that the generator forcefield drops?

    So will someone please kindly do the job Sony has failed to do and once and for all explain the basic mechanics of this game? Thanks.
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  2. Cluzore

    Have you tried holding E on the generators?
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  3. Grimmomega

    Is this really a problem? Are you really serious?
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  4. Whiteagle

    Dude, there are unshielded back doors.

    Have a few guys covering the area between the spawn building and the Tech Plant, and enter through the unshielded Doors.
  5. m0biusOne

    It's going to suck for a little while until people start getting AMS sundies again.
  6. VoidMagic

    Did you get your beta wookie? Mine has a device that opens a hole in shield walls so that anyone can walk through.
  7. Ronin Oni


    ever try exploring?

    Where there is a will... there is a way.

    And obviously there is always a designed method of getting through shields.
  8. Deladin

    I see this as a huge problem. Even in beta, the developers made so many changes to the way bases worked, and unfortunately no one reads the patch notes, that everyone just did what they used to do and thought it was all broken it it really changed.

    Add in a ton of new players never playing in beta, and you have potential for lots of confusion. There are several base mechanics in the game, and really no way to learn how each one works without someone telling in you game. There needs to be a "training" tutorial new players need to go through before they can play. Some sort of crash course on base mechanics, friendly fire, and Comms use.

    The BIG issue again, is NO ONE BOTHERS TO READ.

    There is a getting started button on the launcher with links to the forums the planetside 2 wiki (with a getting started tutorial) and tutorial videos.
  9. Quor

    Within the main structure of the base itself, northeastish of the cap point (A) should be the shield generator. It's on the top floor of the main base (the big one with the shielded vehicle bays) and you can access it fairly easily as a light assault, or slam your virtual dick in the drawer by going in through the southwest on foot, up the stairs to the second floor, fight past the point, and then up stairs again the the small third floor where the gen is on. Then you overload it with E, and hold it until it blows, and likely until you hear the spawn gen blow (so the enemy can't repair it).

    Yeah, it sucks.

    But you know what sucks more? The people on this forum who aren't contributing a damn thing aside from "hurr durr, figure it out yourself."

    Let me ask you idiots what the hell is the point of a forum to help people if you don't ******* help people? Get off your high god-damned horses and start contributing something worthwhile.
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  10. Lokyi

    You for reals? There's a bunch of ways to get into places without being able to "walk in the front door".
    Light assault - Jet pack.
    Galaxy drop.
    Hell, land any aerial vehicle and simply get out.
  11. SBSAlbertino

    Game burning already? Cool
  12. notyourbuddy

    100% serious. But, if the goal of the PS2 community elites is to mock newer players then good luck with that. Again, there is a massive battle.. there is no time for exploring to try and find these mysterious entrances you speak of. So I repeat.

    Eisa Tech plant and Eisa Tech plant only (I don't care about the other bases with unshielded generators as those can simply be overreacted with "E"). How to get past the shield and take down the generator?

    And if you reply with "play another class" that does not answer the question. There is a way to take down that generator and I'd like to know as I'm sure a million other people would to. Could it be you guys aren't 100% sure either and thats why you keep giving these indirect answers?
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  13. Cluzore

    We don't mock new players, we mock idiots that don't want to learn.
    Light assault. It's his ******* job.
  14. Duke

    u got 2 sho me everything cuz i dunt onderstand
    Edit: ^^ I mock new players that ARE stupid. Come on, you can't learn the base? Seriously?
  15. Quor

    No, they're just ********.

    See my post further up for info on taking down a tech plant.
  16. Flaccid

    Press "M" to open your map. Look at the base structure, where the generators are, back doors, the likes. This game is an MMO to, that map will save your ***.
  17. notyourbuddy

    Why didn't I think of that? Hey, enemy team please stop shooting and let me explore your base. Brilliant.
  18. Grantrithor

    Ah man, all I got was a device that creates singularities!
  19. notyourbuddy

    Yep, this community is useless. Your solution is to simply ignore the generators. Not one single person has given a straight answer on how to take down the shield generator on Eisa Plant. Not one.
  20. Grantrithor

    Ah man, all I got was a device that creates singularities!