[BUG] You are shooting at me? Quuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. BravoTangoTR

    Yes, this happens in every game, but I think a lot of players are mad because it's gotten much worse recently (like everything else in this game). It seems like, as SOE gets more and more desperate to introduce things that make money, they break more and more things that affect the player experience. I think the game is on a downward spiral.
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  2. iller

    Well this is even more the case when you for instance (as I've done several times now) ... Shot the guy in the Knee, and it tells you it was a headshot. I guess he was an adventurer who somehow internalized his mobility too highly??
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  3. steverogers

    Good job avoiding every point i made.
    Also if Higby considers himself a ''sh itter'' while having over average stats then what does that mean for someone under average like the OP.

    I used the OP's stats to compare him to the AVERAGE of players, not to myself. If a guy is performing worse than the average, it means he understands the game mechanics less than the average. The average player in every game and the average person in real life barely knows anything when it comes to a speciality (over 50% of americans believe that the planet is only a few thousands of years old).

    Just the fact that majority of players think that ADS makes them shoot laser accurate is a good argument enough as to why so many people wrongly believe that hitreg issues are so present.

    I've already asked the OP to show any video evidence of hitreg problems and the only video he posted was not a hitreg issue. I also pointed out the fact that even a player who is well above average like MattiAce recently made a thread wrongly blaming hitreg for his missed shots (with video evidence too)

    Average players say hitreg is a plague and is almost always the reason they die. If it's so present, then how come it's so hard for them to make video evidence of it?

    Hitreg on planetside is the same kind of delusion that people have as hackers everywhere. Several years ago everyone was blaming lag. Now it's hitreg and hackers. One person used this as an excuse first (rightly or wrongly) and then it became popular. Now everyone says it. Just like how a lot of people blame taxes for their lack of financial problems when they keep spending tons of money on beer, cigarettes, lottery tickets, and tons of useless crap they don't need. It's a pattern seen everywhere in the world and you are telling me that this wild throwing of excuses of why they lost does not exist in Planetside? Please.

    PS: Getting a headshot for shooting someone's foot is not the ''hitreg'' i'm arguing about. Also, I am not saying that it's never happening. I am arguing the statements of people who say it always takes 30+ bullets to kill someone because hitreg is just that bad.

    I also used to believe hitreg was crap all the time. I then started streaming and just seeing my fights a second time without being in the ''stress rush'' of the fight itself, i realized that i was just missing shots and it had about 99% of the time nothing to do with hitreg.
  4. HenryTD

    just got kill by a guy with an AR from like 300m + away in 3 shots,and i like,what the actual heck :v :v
  5. MuNrOe

    There is a hit reg problem with the game at the moment. I think it comes from player movement problems desyncing with the server. I've dumped 12 jackhammer rounds into cloakers point blank only to have them run off laughing about it. Where as other times it only takes 2 shots. I also had an incident the other day where I was running around as a heavy knifing enemy's and noticed that by straifing left and right they couldn't hit me. It was only after I spoke to one of the players who told me my char was warping that I re logged and the warping stopped.

    It seems with every update in the game they fix something and stuff something else up. I stopped getting mad about it a long time ago and just accepted it as part of their incompetence.

    Oh and people who post on the forums and don't use their in game names are trolls ignore them. If you really have convictions on what you are trying to say stand behind it with you in game name. If sony linked the 2 you would see allot less sht posting and more constructive input on the forums.
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  6. Foxirus

    It only takes that one extra shot you didn't get to fire because you died ;)
  7. gartho33

    gota admit that the arguments with "standardized testing" and "standardized schooling" may seem legit.. but it is inherently flawed.
    As to the ACC, HSR and other such stats.... there is a point on performance. This however, does not bolster your arguments. Letting us know how an individual performs does not in any way shape or form show that there is no valid argument to be made.

    Truth is, Hit reg has been a problem for quite some time. Need I remind you of the time the Saron lost hitreg? That was well documented and showcased. Just because you wish to argue that an "average" player cannot perform better than an "average" player does not give you a foundation to nullify his experience.

    I myself am an "average" player. 1.5ish KDR, a fluxing 22-30% ACC and don't really bother with head shots. But even an "average" player like myself can blatantly see when an individual can and does soak up a few too many bullets. Arguing that standards/averages or even Key indicators have any influence on such events is insanity. Ping, latency and even overloads increase the probability of such a phenomena. I myself cant hardly hit anything in a giant fight, and I know why. Playing with around 156 ping puts me on the bottom of the list of "what just happened on my server", thus my actions are processed after everyone else. Hits don't land, deaths happen in odd ways and hitregs can notably be seen seconds before a death occurs. To add to hit reg, Medkits have had many a bug where they do not apply their healing affect. This is do to a form of hitreg error, usually caused by latency, high ping or sever overload.

    Continuing to argue that Key Indicators have any influence on an individuals experience (as in play session or time spent in a virtual realm) is not in any way shape or form a valid argument. They simply show how an individual performs, not what they have seen, experienced or even what they may or may not comment on.

    Edit: Grammar
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  8. AlterEgo

    You must be amazing.
  9. AlterEgo

    Sounds totally normal, man.
  10. day ofm one

    You assume I am a bad player because of my statistics while you know nothing about me.

    Let's turn the tables around, I will assume about you based on your posts.

    I assume you are around 12 years old, your posts seem to miss a lot of life experience.

    I know and knew many people (around 500) that behave like you, all of them are or were around 12 years.

    Allready 16 years old people would know, that argumenting based on an assumption is not a good base for an argument.

    Also they would not insult so many people here in the forum, you call everyone a "bad player" and liar who confirms hit detection issues.

    Oh, wait, you even insulted a good part of the world population, by saying they don't know anything "The average player in every game and the average person in real life barely knows anything when it comes to a speciality."

    Over 2 billion people may thank you for calling them "undereducated".

    You also don't even care about correct writing, when you write in public, you should use propper writing, the "I" in English is written capital, also it is still PlanetSide 2, not "Planetside".

    Also you don't seem to read over your text, otherwhise the sentence "Just like how a lot of people blame taxes for their lack of financial problems when they keep spending tons of money on beer, cigarettes, lottery tickets, and tons of useless crap they don't need." would make sense.

    A lack of something means, there is not enough of it (lack of money means, someone does not have enough money).

    If people have a lack of financial problems, they don't or barely have financial problems.

    That is good, right?

    Noone wants financial problems.

    As well you should use commas, these things here: ",".

    They make texts nicer to read.

    Also you should use arguments that are well connected to what you argument for, when the argument is complete off topic, it does not belong into the argumentation.

    Also you should use true arguments, the Aegis shield causes they player not to be abled to shoot at all sometimes after its deactivation, as reported many times allready.

    Nobody every said anything about being abled to shoot but not doing any damage.

    Not to mention, that I did not use my Aegis shield in the video, no, not even before the part that is shown.

    Again, you assumed something and argumented based on it.

    Bad when that assumption is wrong, isn't it?

    Also who said it allways takes 30+ bullets to kill someone?

    I may quote myself here: "I again and again stumble over enemies who just survive rediculous ammounts of damage."

    The "again and again" means not all the time, you know.

    It expresses, that the appearance of something returns from time to time.

    Also you can't loose an argument, even though you are clearly outargumentedby a majority of people.

    See, not so funny when people begin to write based on assumptions.

    You can allways assume bad or good, it depends on yourself what you do, but that dependence can be influenced easily, even without you realizing it.
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  11. day ofm one

    +1 for not abusing it ;)
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  12. uhlan

    There aren't just goods and bads in this game. There are many types of players and two of those are different sides of the same coin.

    1. The "To leet for you" elitist: Great stats, great accuracy etc, etc... generally doesn't give a rat's *** about those around him, plays as if it's a solo game and the avatars around him are AI getting in his way that he has to dodge. Plays only to his Directives. Pays little attention to the needs of the group rarely changing out of his chosen class. Not to be confused with the Try-hard type.

    2. The Idiot: Horrible stats, low accuracy, terrible situational awareness. Generally doesn't give a rat's *** about those around him, plays as if it's a solo game, doesn't care that those around him aren't AI and need to be considered. Plays only to his Directives. Pays little attention to the needs of the group rarely changing out of his chosen class.

    Number 2 is similar to The Spawn Room Napoleon, but doesn't yell, berate or TK his comrades when they don't do what he wishes, and not to be confused with the Hapless Oliver, "Ollies", who just have bad gear and bad connection, but are generally well intentioned.

    There are more, like the Loltard and the Condescenturion, but I wont go into that here.
  13. Whatupwidat

    Good job ignoring his request for you to post a link to your player profile :p
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  14. ppanj

    If anyone needs proof for hitreg problems, fly a lib, countless times I've seen dalton hits on my lib do no damage and tankbuster doing no damage on ESFs. Hard to judge if my dalton hit but it seems some of my daltons also don't do anything.
  15. iller

    TRay plz, You only had one point to begin with and it's not my job to respond to the entire spamalanche of backtrackings and goal post movings you'd added on since that first post. You're trying to 1337-shield the issue without proving you're l337. Stats or Stop. Pick one.
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  16. Apples

    While the way damage from different ammo types works int his game is ridiculous I must state that shotguns are for the lazy.
  17. aefi

    many times my grenade from under-barrel grenade launcher when through max, that was standing only few meters in front of me, with no damage. Many times i get 5-6 hits on somebody only for them to turn around and kill me with 2 hits. and it wasnt HA it was just medics or LA.. so no shields there..
  18. gartho33

    ooophfff.... I hate to be a Hater.... but that is an extensive use of the word "also"... makes for quite a show stopper in text.
    but on a more constructive note...

    stooping down to such a level is obviously beneath you. regardless of the age or education of your fellow debater, you know better. I know you do after reading your comments. your thoughts are well placed and logic flows in more or less a linear manner. You also prove this with the following comment:

    Showing that your understanding of the English language is far above that of the average educated US citizen. (uhoh... now i'm using averages in a real life sense...) But that does not permit you ( or should not permit you) to delve below your standards. Even if you are trying to prove a point. What stevergors is doing is a form of argument, not debate. Fighting to prove his un-moving point of view with nearly useless arguments, regardless of what methods he uses. You, however, have used evidence, logic, proof and built a case to support your views. Do yourself a favor and stop beating your head against this wall. No matter what proof you give him (even if it came strait from the developers of the game, who have admitted to such phenomena), he will not budge. Some people never do.

    This is the standard (blast.. there I go again...) of the human nature. For whatever reason, we like to argue for argument sake...
  19. gartho33

    that may be the normal function of the UBGL... It has an arm timer, only allowing it to detonate after traveling so far. A few meters will only result in you throwing a stone at a giant. Literally... I don't know the range... but I do think its about 20m before the grenade will arm.
  20. aefi

    dont think so. cuz some times i do get hits and kills with it when target is right in front of me. and i do get damaged with explosion myself.