[BUG] You are shooting at me? Quuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. steverogers

    And there are still many people sending hackusations to players who stream live with screen capture. People who think they are better than they are will use any and every excuse to blame their incompetence. It's not only in PS2, it's like this in every game and also in real life.
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  2. zuka7

    How do you explain being killed by a dead guy which you just killed. It happened to me yesterday where I 1v1 NC guy, wached his body slam to the ground but his gun kept firing and then we trade kills?
    To question someone's experience and skill based on kdr does not tell you how good this person really is because kdr can be manipulated. All of the high kdr players do it. Someone can play aggressively and throw themselves against impossible odds and have kdr of 1.5 and still destroy players with high kdr.

    I can team up with a squad of 6 good player and keep re deploying to bases where there are small fights of 12 low rank enemy players and pad my ivi kdr.
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  3. steverogers

    Cute how you say ''all high kdr players manipulate their kdr''.
    Also how can you talk about good players like you know them when you don't even know about the game's clientside (your first sentence clearly proves you don't). Someone who pads their KDR is easy to spot (like you for example) because they have bad kph, acc and hsr and/or extensive usage of crutches.

    There are exceptions, but i have yet to see a guy with playerbase average stats play like anything else than a playerbase average player. So please, if you find any guy with a 1.0 kdr who can 1v1 vonic and not get completely destroyed please tell me who.
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  4. zuka7

    Lol@ kph, HSR, acc and clientside. Manipulation of stats for the bragging rights. Do you run around with med kit just so you don't mess up your gun stats? If you watch someone DROP to the GROUND right in front of you and then you still hear their gun firing and get killed by a player who was on the ground then how many clientside bullets would require to drop this guy from a distance.

    I can Stat my pads using crutches with a straight pull no sway bolt action sniper rifle and achieve 50% or more hsr if I really want to be invisible.
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  5. Slamz

    The only weirdness I've seen more of lately is people rendering as corpses. Last night had an LA corpse slide into the building then fly up on the balcony, still as a corpse. Someone else killed him -- not sure if they saw a corpse or not. I honestly wasn't sure where to aim.

    I frown upon flying corpses.

    I find it unsettling.
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  6. steverogers

    You're just embarrassing yourself right now

    - It's easy to see if someone is padding with medkits because you can see how long a player has been ''holding'' medkits during their character's life time.

    - If there is a high ping, the moment when you kill the player, he is still alive and shooting you in his screen. If both players have killed each other at relatively the same time, they will both die while the other is already dead in their screen. You seriously need to learn about clientside...

    - Go ahead and use a sniper to ''pad'' your accuracy or hsr, it's easy to see and doesn't make you a good player (which you clearly aren't). It only makes you look like a bad trying to pad his stats.
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  7. steverogers

    This bug has been around for over a year. It happens more often when the server hamsters are hungry.
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  8. Whatupwidat

    Wait...Opinions are only as valid as the person's arbitrary numbers denoting their "skill" at an irrelevant medium?

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  9. steverogers

    They are not stating it as an opinion. They are saying it happens (fact) and it's why they die. But of course you can use your own logic and ask about astrophysics to the guy who failed his high school science class and give him as much credibility as another guy with a doctor degree in astrophysics.

    Idk which one applies more to you.. l2read or l2logic
  10. Whatupwidat

    That's...not even a remotely close parallel lol. That'd only be relevant if I was asking both people about their favourite sandwich topping - as my point is there is no relevance in stats what so ever. They have no reflection on skill, or experience with the game. They are not a qualification, nor are they some sort of "doctorate in Planetside 2ing" - they're just numbers.

    So please pull the other one, it has bells on :p

    But hey, here's one for you! - l2argue
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  11. steverogers

    Someone's score in an exam/test is the stats of how well they answered questions on average. The accuracy stats of a player is the stat of how well they aim on average. They are both stats and you need quite high scores (stats) to be accepted in master degrees and doctor degrees. If the guy failed his exam, it means he was under average, just like the guy i'm talking about is under average in accuracy in PS2.
    Let me use an even easier example for your brain to comprehend.

    You have 2 math students in the same class in the final exam.
    A: got 100% score on the first exam.
    B: got 30% score on the first exam.

    One of the number in the final exam is hard. So hard that B writes a note at the end of the paper saying that there is a mistake in the exam and the number is impossible to solve. However, A, who practiced and studied, looked at the number in a different way and saw the dumbo trap the teacher put in this number and solved it without too much problem.

    B's opinion is that the number has a mistake.
    The FACT is that there was no mistake.
    Your logic: B's opinion cannot be judged by the fact that he's a lazy student who isn't even able to get the passing grade in his exams, which gives him just as much credibility as A, who gave a solution to the problem and is known to perform well in this subject.

    Moral of the story: An opinion based on non-factual arguments and on delusional ego flattery is not an opinion.
  12. zuka7

    Call me a bad player and then change your mind and edit your post. Why?
    Never the less stats can be manipulated and do not tell the whole picture and how good the player actually is.

    As far as the client side I have traded many kills before and it's usually split second difference in the trade, however when I put 4 ns barron bullets into LA point blank drop him and watch his corpse on the ground with my health bar full, I can hear rifle still firing, I turn around and trade kills. I have never experienced this before and it is in the game. It does not require 4 ns barron bullets to frag someone point blank. But hey I watched his corpse kill me after he took incredible amount of damage. He should have been dead before he had a chance to scrape my shield.
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  13. zuka7

    Your analogy is irrelevant when it comes to acc stats. Do you engage at long range, medium range or just cqc. It does not tell you someones exact accuracy. If someone is just cqc then they are going to have higher acc average.
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  14. Whatupwidat

    No, AGAIN accuracy stats mean NOTHING.

    My accuracy stat for my Gauss SAW is something like 17%? Am I /aming/ for targets every time? No. I'm surpressing the enemy, shooting at vehicles, and sometimes just firing into the air for the dakkadakka celebration.

    By your argument, EVERY shot the dude fired was aimed - which...literally NO-ONE except stat-trackers do.

    As fun as this was for you to type, what relevance does it have to the discussion that stats mean nothing? As I've already stated, a statistic is JUST A NUMBER - it's not a qualification. This is a game, not a school...I fear you may have gotten confused at this concept.

    This isn't about grades mate, it's about validity of opinion. And you've yet to show to me why your opinion on the OP's opinion being worthless should even REMOTELY be listened to.

    No, Moral of the story is - don't get into an argument if you don't know what you're arguing about, even if you're cute when you do it ;)
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  15. iller

    Posting video does nothing because 20 different people watch it and all see 20 different things happening while half of them argue it was a terrible example and the other half insult the playstyle of the video's poster even when the guy who recorded it could be magnitudes a better player than the people trying to tell him Lrn2Play. .... Or do I have to link Matti's thread to refresh everyone's memory of this.

    No what's really stupid about posting video, is this: I've made actual hacks and then posted video to various places of them being used on live servers on other games. Only 1 person ever thought they were suspicious and when I revealed to everyone else who thought it was legit that it wasn't.... they tried to say the whole thing was a hoax or that the results weren't GOOD ENOUGH to be hax because it looked too much like an accident or like human capabilities. ....Ironic since that was the entire point of the design in those hacks was to make them subtle or even based on only Direct3d & Hardware Layers or network tricks.

    This is why video is becoming useless.... People will find a way to only see what they wanted to see. Seeing is NOT believing and there's a huge undertide in our culture that is anti-facts, anti-logic, and even Anti-Science whenever it suits their beliefs. And we still see it all over the place in gaming too. If anything it's only getting worse because certain ma***** justice types are insisting on getting involved in it too and the taxonomy itself is reaching to include people it should never have been considered "gamers" to begin with.

    TL;DR... HitReg has NEVER been good in this game, and ppl will ignore video evidence of that nomatter what so the best thing to do is just make fun of it (and them ... for only seeing what they want to see).

    The only unjustice now is: It's actually being CAUSED by way more players, not SOE, but SOE's getting 100% of the blame
    like this for instance:
    This was obviously a Lag-Switch. You can see it in how the LA's movements literally re-synch after the shots. If it wasn't actualy the LA himself causing it, then it was from too many other players in that hex all using Lag-switches and bogging down the server's ability to resynch everything at once. In some hexes, it's so bad that even abilities are delayed by 500ms or more.
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  16. steverogers

  17. Whatupwidat


    Adorable :p

    All you've done Mr Rogers is prove to me that you and I share NOTHING at all in the way we play this game. And still, you've yet to show me why YOUR OPINION is worth more than that of the OP :)

    What's more, given the number of thumbs up my comments have to yours - not to be /that/ guy or anything - but kinda shows that not many people here agree with what you're saying. But hey! They're probably all "bad" players right? Jealous of your MLG skills despite us...not having any evidence you've even played the game (all the "steve rogers" I could find were under BR 10) but at least you're yelling and calling people "crap at the game" without having to have your own stats looked at in any way lol.

    And hey, you hit all the elitist marks. You used the term "crutch" and "under-performing" as if they mean anything, which is fun in and of itself as this game is just something I play inbetween wanking.
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  18. TheKhopesh

    Placed 4 C-4 bricks (maxed out engie utility pouch) on deployed prowler's engine.
    Only does about 40-50% damage. o_O
  19. iller

    ..... o_O

    Got some bad news for ya bro...

    ...now be a good little tryhard and show us your Profile if you think stats are so important...
    Put yourself under the microscope if you wish to prove anything from it ... I can already guarantee you're no Posse
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  20. Replay

    you don't have to be good to know your bullet hit, I know my aim sucks and it doesn't happen often, but every once in a while, hits don't register. I can see the tracer and where it hit, just because I can't aim worth a damn doesn't mean I'm blind, just that my coordination sucks. I know exactly where to put the cross hairs, my physical skill to place it there is lacking.
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