[BUG] You are shooting at me? Quuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. day ofm one

    I again and again stumble over enemies who just survive rediculous ammounts of damage.

    3 sniper bullets to the chest? Sweet
    A direct Decimator rocket? Laughable
    6 full shotgun hits? Not my problem
    4 grenades to my feet? Why would I care
    A tank shell? Pfffff
    20 bullets? Nah
    2 knife hits? Maybe later

    Dying to enemies after you pumped them full of bullets is getting annoying allready.

    I don't want to die to enemies I just pumped 4 shotgun shells with the entire circle on their chest anymore.
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  2. \m/SLAYER\m/

    nothing to discuss without proof video
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  3. breeje

    why do you want an video, so many people that have reported this
    i have seen it, sometimes it was in my benefit and sometimes not but it needs to be fixed
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  4. Utrooperx

    Actually, I find this happening often...sort of randomly...

    I usually scream "How many ****ing bullets does it ****ing take...?!?"

    Best solution so far is to jump into a "force-multiplier" like a MAX...

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  5. Pootisman

    lol, that could have been my post
  6. Pikachu

    I shot an AFK guy with my lynx 10m away, took 20 bullets.
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  7. Danath

    I can't but remember all that ppl in this forum and their "TR have lots of bullets in their mags and high RoF, is so OP" Yeah, is wonderful having to keep my finger on the button till I've used 30 bullets to kill a single guy 10 meters away.
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  8. steverogers

    what needs to be fixed is players' lame excuses for being bad

    OP has 1 ivi KDR, average acc and way below average HSR.

    He doesn't understand the game mechanics enough to be allowed to blame hitreg. Especially since about 99% of the hitreg whining is done by people who just missed a ton of shots. Remember MattiAce's thread? Yeah, even that guy with over 2 k/d and higher acc than this OP was whining about hitreg when it was him missing.
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  9. BloodyPuma

    What is IVI KDR?
    How does it relate to ingame KDR and that KDR on stat.dasanfall.com (which is different to official PS2 stat) ?
    How can I check it?
    Where are the rankings published?
  10. Leftconsin

    I shot a guy in the face. He went down. His body is at my feet.
    Two seconds later he comes around the corner in front of me and shotguns me.
    Literally he is both a dead body on my screen and also a guy in front of me shooting at me with a shotgun.
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  11. Archiadus

    Every day of playing Planetside 2

    Shooting at an enemy: they get to run away just fine / it takes seemingly half a mag. to down them.
    Enemy shooting at me: Get killed while around the corner / die in what feels like 4 hits.

    PS: you start way too many threads Day
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  12. Thrones

    Be a HA on a hill, LA on another hill about 90m out, shoot wildly at him just for fun, totally missing all my shots.
    You have killed [GitGood BR1]

    Yeah game is broke, just zerg away all your worries... let the purple wave wash over you and learn to love Vanu.
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  13. day ofm one

    Oh, you again.

    You say this in every thread about bad performance, don't you?

    I suggest again, don't talk about things you don't know anything about and stop implying.

    Also I feel offended again.


    I warn you this time again, stop implying I am a bad player or I will report you, I still feel offended and last time your messages got deleted.

    Just a friendly warning.

    Also I still expect an excuse.
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  14. Pikachu

    Placed 2 c4 bricks on vanguard, doesn't even set it on fire. :confused:
  15. steverogers

    ivi KDR is infantry vs infantry, you can see it at DA stats
  16. Uncle_Lou

    I don't know if its hitreg, lag, server desyncs, CSHD freakouts or what but weird **** definitely happens. Hit an enemy in the chest with a sticky grenade, didn't even get a hit marker when it went off. Can get 6 hit markers on an enemy 2m away with a shotgun and I die with no kill. Dump most of a magazine on a bad guy with lots of hit markers and die, death screen shows I barely scratched his shields. Get killed all the time while in deep cover because on the other guys screen I'm in the open.

    I'll be the first to admit I'm not the best player, but something gets screwy sometimes. Most of the time when I die I can say what went wrong, but every now and then I'm left scratching my head.
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  17. breeje

    i understand what you mean and your right
    but don't look at K/D all the time
    there are still many people that reported this, they can't be all wrong/bad players
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  18. steverogers

    I didn't look at K/D only. I looked at K/D, Acc and HSR. If you're going to tell me that someone who has crappy accuracy tries to blame hitreg has any credibility, then please explain me how.
  19. Trebb


    Before someone says that, here's what happens MORE OFTEN THAN NOT when I try to C4 lightnings. Totally legit:

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  20. breeje

    like i benefit, your right about this person
    but there are still many people that .....................