Yesterday I got 570+ kills without dying. 1 man to farm them all #PSWorldRecord

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IronfistNC, Jan 11, 2015.

  1. Mootar

    If this was done with 1 Lib then well done, you must have one hell of a pilot and you both deserve praise.

    If this was done by LA bailing/redeploying from multiple libs, how is it any more of an achievement than sniping 570+ people from the spawn shack?
  2. WaaWaa

    Was there any footage recorded that you uploaded? Link if so plz!
  3. Dreadnaut

    As I stated previously, for the first 200 or so kills, IronFist was an Engineer, and then I suggested he switch to LA just so he wouldn't ruin the streak AGAIN for me making a dumb mistake. We were at about 150 the first time when I screwed up and got him killed =\

    He had to bail TWICE in the first 240 kills because we got jumped by swarms of Aircraft..
  4. Tibbers

    And that is why in most peoples view the KS wasn't legitimate, He abandoned the lib to preserve the KS when he should have died
  5. Dreadnaut

    "Should have died"?? Says who? You? lol

    If the Liberator had Ejection Seat, he could have done the same thing, it's still legitimate. Having only me (the pilot) as an Engineer means the repair is 2x slower with only me repairing it which means more time spent on the ground and even more chances for my gunner to die. If you want to hate something so much, hate the design of the game that allows that to happen not the guy using it to his advantage.

    How would it be any different from a silly sniper getting a 500 kill streak and redeploying all over the continent to make it happen? Absolutely no difference other than as a Lib crew we were actually making a difference on the battlefield whereas a sniper isn't doing anything (in most cases).

    Guy had to bail 2 times in the first 240 kills and that somehow makes his kill streak invalid? Gimme a break, climb down off that high horse and congratulate the man on what he did. If it was so easy to just "bail", why have only 2 people ever gotten a 500+ kill streak?

    You people are just grasping at straws now. It's really sad you can't see the achievement for what it was and give the man some kudos. If it was so easy, go do it, post up about it, and I'll be the first person to come congratulate you on a job well done.
  6. N7Havoc

    Congrats! That's a crazy long streak.

    Seems like people really need to gain some perspective though. The average streak for a liberator gunner must be somewhere in the ballpark of 2. For high BR players probably closer to 5. (If someone has stats like this that would be interesting to see). I'm happy when my gunner gets 10 or 20, and our highest streaks were somewhere around 60-70.

    Would posting a 500 kill streak in a HE prowler earn some kudos? How about a fury harasser? OP is literally one of two people to accomplish this, it's commendable. Next time someone posts a video of a MAX on a kill streak I'll tell them to try that again from the air.
    • Up x 1

    Lol, just lol, when i looked at your profile, i saw that you didnt auraxiumed any infantry weapon, so i doubt that you have so much skill as you think you have.