Everyone who's been posting in the previous two posts needs to chill. RadarX gave us an update at 10:30 last night. They are having issues... they obviously aren't small ones. I get how frustrating this is as I wanted to get on and wreak some havoc tonight too. Should they have said something when they surpassed their estimated deadline? Yes. Do they owe us a full, in-depth explanation? No. Will they make up for it? From past experiences, yes. They have always been conscious of when they need to make reparations to their player base and I have no doubt that they'll do the same here. Let the people do their work and relax for a bit. Your game will be up soon enough and I have no doubt they are VERY aware of how their player base feels and will respond accordingly. For those of you who feel you have "lost out as a paying member" (like me), let's see how they handle this snafu (what's up, SNAFU... stupid mossie pilots...) before we go lighting torches.
We are all too blame here. paying huge amounts of money to a defective product that they break more and more with each update. I mean it's their job description i guess to steal money from us. We are to blame that we still do it so i guess something is terrible wrong with us that we keep believing that they will change their ways. I think it's alot more like an abusive relationship and we keep getting beat everytime but still believe that our partner will change. Keep the faith LOL.
Drglord no one was forcing you to pay them. You can play this game for free. Investing in this game was your free decision and I am sure they will make up all players for this.
I dont mind downtimes in general, i have enough other games to play, BUT im a premium member i have boosts active i cant log in to claim my daily passive CERT (146 for 3 chars) i cant earn my daily ribbons This means i and a lot of other paying members loose at least 300 CERT a day. Thats the reason why so many people are raging. If SOE would pause boost and membership timer during downtimes/server problems, there would be a lot less rage. If they also would reimburse the daily passive CERT and daily ribbons, most players would be ok with the downtime. Yes, you can play for free ... if you like grinding. Without 100% boost it takes SOOO long to get anything, i would have lost interest long ago.
Agree. Without paying it is an eternity. Despite this fact, you can play for free. I am a premium member too. I am sure they will compensate us for the loss of certs and bonuses ( I hope so at least ! ) .
Are you seriously raging over 300 certs total?- You need to get out more.. I have 4 characters and don't even bother logging on to more than 1 simply because certs are earned so fast when you are a subscribing member and especially if you utilize boosts. I can understand that it sucks to loose your boost if you payed SC for it, but they have been generous with this before. Like adding a +50% xp weekend or something like it.
just be glad u can log into ur server when this issue is fixed unlike the poor folks from Briggs who suffer Loginside 2
Geez. Calm down a bit there. I play on Briggs, and if I login late (after 1800 GMT+12), I can't get in without crashing at least 10 times, because of the current population cap on Briggs. Yes, it is annoying. But you have to remember, it's not just Planetside 2 coming down for maintainence, it's all the SOE games that they provide a premium service for. So if the downtime stretches over two days, I think some sort of compensation is deserved by the whole community. And sorry to bring Briggs up again. I had to provide an example.
Im not raging, im just annoyed by it. Basically, i pay money for faster progress in the game, but i cant play the game because servers are down. This wouldnt be a problem if downtimes would happen rarely, but they happen a lot. Im European, GMT +2, so every update and maintenance is in my main playing hours (afternoon and early evening). This ment 2 downtimes a week in the past months. (Fortunately they have stopped the weekly updates now.) The problems with downtimes are not new, its like that since the game launched in 2012, but SOE still hasnt done anything to prevent the "loss of benefits" for paying members. Yes, they sometimes compensate downtime with double XP weekends, but wouldnt it be much better to prevent all the annoyance and outrage? Just pause boost and membership timer during downtime and let unusable passive CERT and daily ribbons add up. --> Paying members dont loose anything --> Happy customers --> Probably more money for SOE in the future.