Yeah, the Lib is overpowered....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rivenshield, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. SteveRaptor

    If there is one thing broken/OP in libs is the Zepher.
    Thats about it, this noob tube is spammed by 90% of the lib pilots.
    I can get along with the dalton, rest of the aircraft is fine.
  2. Iksniljiksul

    Liberators are fine, it's the two ground effect AoE weapons that are one of the problems. It is a serious problem at times.

    They should have at most 10 or 15 rounds and not be able to kill in one hit.

    The second problem is that they fly outside of missile lock range for ground AA rockets. AA missiles also got adjusted the day after x3 SC when a lot of people bought them and stomped the vehicle zerg in to the ground (the way it should be). They now turn slower and do not track as well as when we first bought them.

    One more thing, on the lowest game settings the explosions do not render at all. I have no idea there is a bombardment happening until I am killed in it. Other explosive rounds do not behave this way, they render.
  3. DarkNeuron

    I'm pretty sure SoE have no idea how to balance this game. We are not really seeing great improvements even though they've been at it for a while.
    Their design choice of "everyone can be everything" makes the game impossible to balance.

    Start with:
    - Removing hovering from aircraft. Make it all about bombing and strafing runs. Hovering is made for the player not interested in improving, only shooting turkeys.