Would you buy this decal?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UrMom306, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. GamerOS

    Maybe? Depends on the quality...
  2. Zenith

    Epic. Hop to it devs!
  3. SgtScum

  4. Razzyman

    Buy it and display it with the utmost pride, yes, yes I would.
  5. GhostAvatar

    Hell yes, I would love it.

  6. SgtScum

    Awesome. :eek:

    I'm putting this on my derp Sherman and PZ IV right now.
  7. BengalTiger

    I wouldn't mind if there was a possibility to upload a decal for the outfit to use, even if it's limited to 20 kB (my sig flag is right under that limit and it's clearly visible).

    Rednecks in Space would finally get their flag as their decal.
  8. Duff_Chimp

    I would take it upon myself to murder anyone seen with such a decal with extreme prejudice, faction aside.