Would you buy this decal?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UrMom306, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. UrMom306

    Ok seriously, i'm curious how many of you would buy this if they made it into a decal? Maybe if we get enough responses they'll throw it in the game!

    decal --> :eek:

    leave a response if you would, i know i'd rock the **** out of that decal on all my vehicles.
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  2. Gustavo M

    I wouldn't.
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  3. Compass

    I'd buy this one.

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  4. Clonecenter-resident

    Yeah, I probably would. I haven't bought any decals yet but that one is just too funny to pass up.
  5. phreec

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  6. Jaes

    Maybe if it's on sale for a dollar. If that.
  7. blastnight4

  8. ArcMinuteLight

  9. S1eB

  10. DemoEvolved

    I would buy it.
  11. RomulusX

  12. Ash87

    Thats a tough one... I already have the Dr. Strangelove decal.
  13. Crazytrain


    *looks through the decals for the very first time*

    also yes, I would probably buy a :eek:
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  14. Wezdor

  15. NinjaTurtle

    I don't buy any decals because they are so small and not really noticeable enough to warrant me buying them.

    If I could buy a massive one that was plastered all across my naked chest then yes I would however
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  16. ST4LK3R

    Definitely if it's a vehicle decal.
  17. Ash87

    Skeleton, riding backwards on a nuclear bomb, wearing a cowboy hat.
  18. Shasbot

    So essentially a "DAE FORUMSIDE?" decal. Idk, seems kinda dorky.
  19. Arquin

    Yes I would. 500 SC vehicle decal of :eek: would buy immediately.
  20. Onetoo

    If the decal was large and would show up in a prominent spot on my vehicles, I would pay $2.50 for that decal.