Worthless engineers

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by ikillyou1990, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. StonedFlyingLamb

    Not every engineer is your repair/ammo slave. If I play engineer I don't do it to help others 24/7. If you need stuff look for it yourself and don't expect everybody to be at your command.
  2. Chiggerbite


    If someone is spamming for repairs or ammo, I WILL walk away. There's no reason to be obnoxious about it. And if you TK me because I'm not playing the game the way you think I should, I will hunt you down and return the favor.

    Something else to keep in mind.... just because there's an engineer standing next to you, that doesn't mean they have an ammo pack they can deploy (and no, I'm not talking about the folks that don't know about the ACE ammo packs). Often times, I'll go deploy my ammo pack in a group of HAs raining down rockets... and then promptly leave that location to go repair turrets, set up my AV turret, repair generators, repair maxes, etc. Hence... my ammo pack is already deployed and I don't have one to drop for you.

    Engineer is one of the most thankless classes out there, but has way more responsibilities (when played right) than any other class as well. Instead of expecting them to cater to your every whim, you should be thanking them when they do repair you or drop an ammo pack.
  3. Xiaobaozha

    You sound like a very reasonable player who balances team priority with personal goals. Wish there more players who take this stance.

    I do not use the Vanu Max suit regularly for two reasons:

    1. Even with dual weapon configurations, it seems suppression is the most likely limit to your effectiveness. At best in AI situations 1v1 is the only reliable scenario (at short/medium range). This makes the reliance on Engineering support more critical and I am sad to say my experience has not been consistently positive.

    2. Even when I return to a spawn room, ie totally safe for repair and re-arm it is a lonely experience watching people run by and ignore the chance for XP. If I see a MAX when I spawn in, I check to see if it needs repair and switch class if necessary. It takes seconds, gains XP and you are supporting. All good.

    In BF3 I regularly run support roles and try to bring a proactive style. Many small things contribute to a successful base defence or capture. Having a team around you that is alive, re-armed, repaired and where the enemy is located and spotted is a wonderful thing...and it leads to victory, personally and for the team. This should translate to PS2 and could bring greater success and satisfaction for all. Raising the level of teamplay above personal objective also increases the quality and intensity of combat, especially when the opposing factions raise their game!
  4. Kanzy

    Surly you jest...an eng. ignoring all those cert sources?
    How the hell do they get Certs then? by killing others? thats dumb
  5. PsyStorm

    OMG I have played since November and did not know you could still drop ammo. I thought you had to choose :) Think of the xp I have missed!
  6. TekFan

    Sadly a lot of people seem to ignore the teamwork-mechanics of the game.
    Example from the medic:
    I'm playing medic, I'm healing pretty much all the time.
    I stay in cover, keeping my back out of fire as much as I can, while rezzing and healing.
    And when I die, I often see those medic-crosses run on the map around and over me, without even closing up to rez me.

    On the other hand:
    People keep running away from me, screaming for a medic, while I try to heal them.
    Players tend to use me as cover, even HA-class, instead of covering me while I heal.
    A rezzed and healed player is most likely to run away, issuing a "Thanks" instead of supplying protection, while the enemy who killed the small troop with a nade is still close by.
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  7. Bison

    I'm rapidly losing my patience for MAX units that come in looking for repairs, then start walking away the moment I start fixing... A good MAX unit, though - I'll make sure the get an ammo pack and I'll stay close behind cover to support them. The longer they stay up, the more damage they can inflict. They also keep multiple enemies occupied, which leaves less to man turrets / repair / heal / defend / attack.

    Of course, I'm wiling to respawn a couple times to get AA or AT guns repaired.. I'm silly that way.
  8. o.Solei.o

    Actually, come to think of it, it really wouldn't hurt to give this the little ability "fuel" gauge in the bottom right either, that way we could see the cool-down status of not just our ammo-packs, but also our turrets as well. That would be pretty handy!
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  9. Scientiarum

    Dude the problem most people have (that apparently don't ever play as engineer) is they ask for ammo and then run off in less than a second. Dude I gotta get my manna turret out and press 'b' then wait for the drop animation and wait for the spawn delay. It takes about a second and a half if I react immediately. The other thing is I 'll drop it for one guy at a corner, walk around the corner and someone will ask for ammo. It'l take me a second for the last ammo pack to cool down and the other dude is still resupplying! Half the time there will be one 5 meters behind a guy or just around the corner and they'll just sit there spamming the ammo voice chat. Give me a break people I am always dropping ammo just, it's just that half of y'all are so damn slow in the head you can't figure out I just dropped one right behind you. Believe me, if all you special people were able to comprehend when I get on my mic and say "I just dropped one behind that rock in cover" and go to that rock in cover rather than standing in the freaking middle of an open open desert and getting shot to death with no ammo I'd get a lot more freaking resupply certs!

    Another thing is that often times I'll drop an ammo pack by a group of guys to resupply them and then run 10 meters to the next piece of cover or to get an av mana turret into position. Then one guy will be there and want ammo. Sorry lone dude, you gotta realize that I am currently resupplying lancer rounds to 6 of my outfit members taking down prowlers just a few meters away. If you want ammo for your damn sniper rifle you'll have to run over there because 1) there are more of them over there so it is doing more good over there, 2) there are more of them over there so I personally am getting more certs keeping it over there, 3) They are outfit/platoon mates so their needs come first, before pubs or other platoons not associated with my outfit, 4) those lancers taking out high priority targets are a lot more important to keep resupplied than you just so you can get a couple of head-shots on low priority targets.

    I understand that there are newbs, ********, and derpy people playing engineer that don't resupply people either because they don't care or because they haven't figured out that a manna turret spawn device also spawns ammo packs if you press 'b' (so an engineer ALWAYS carries ammo, and in fact if you play engineer and don't carry mines all the time than you are wasting a slot), BUT MOST people playing engineer do drop ammo packs (at least as far as I have seen on Waterson).
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  10. Scientiarum

    Yeah in MOST configurations (besides burster maxes of course, which are universal) suck for the Vanu max, and won't do much more than hold the line. There IS however, one good weapon and it might just be the most effective max weapon in the game. If you haven't run with dual Cosmos then you haven't really played Vanu max. The thing just wrecks Scat maxes and with the extended mags (yeah that is A LOT of certs I know) you can just lay down constant fire. It seems weird and unfortunate that SOE would really only give Vanu maxes 1 choice for AI weapons where pretty much all the NC Max weapons are good, but the insanity of the cosmos might make up for the rest of the weapons sucking.

    (I know this isn't really about ammo so maybe off topic)

    As for your comment about engineering for maxes I have some input on that. I don't want you take take this the wrong way or imply you do this but I think it needs to be put out there for MAX players in general. When I engineer for maxes, specifically burster maxes not directly adjacent to a spawn room, the maxes gotta understand I'm a LOT more squishy than they are. If my shields go down I am gonna pull off for a sec, let my shields regenerate and the repair tool cool down, and then run back in and start repairing again rather than get rocketed by that mossy I see coming in low towards the maxes (ESF don't fly directly at maxes unless they think they are about to wipe them out). If the max is over 3/4 health they will survive the rockets and I can come back and rep them, but if I and the medic die with no quick way to get back in there we are all screwed! Even if the medic is out of harm's way but nearby, if the maxes and the engineer goes down then it will take that much longer to revive the engineer before he can get repairing the maxes after revival. By pulling off and not dying, perhaps leaving those maxes to die (temporarily, lol) I am increasing how long the max 'squad' can survive and keep the enemy air in check while also minimizing the down time (keeping the supporting fire as near to continuous as possible).

    People need to stop whining at Engineers so damn much (especially ones that know what they are doing), keeping the engineer alive keeps the fight alive and the damage output of the squad continuous. (again not suggesting you specifically whine unnecessarily at engineers, but a lot of people seem too). When I first started playing everybody was always so happy to have a engineer on foot supporting them but it seems to be becoming increasingly thankless role (perhaps because it is no longer the most played class or perhaps that is the reason for fewer people playing as an engineer outside of piloting or driving tanks).
  11. Kupcake

    I would keep in mind that sometimes it's not as simple as them "running away". Some fights require the MAX's to keep moving. If they're at 1/2 health, and they're driving a push, they often times have to keep going, or the entire charge will go to waste. It's worth it to follow them and keep them up as well as possible.

    It's not always as simple as MAX's wandering around a bio lab looking for kills.
  12. smoke eater

    I hate when I am repairing a MAX unit they don't cover and protect me. I don't have a weapon out, it will take longer than a second for me to switch from repair to a weapon which by that time I am dead. I will crouch down in front of the MAX so they have a full view of anything attacking from behind. They only start to fire after I die.
    You want ammo? Sometimes I run to the front lines to give the guys there some ammo which I would probably drop around a corner or behind cover. There are way too many times when someone screams for ammo then takes off or is too lazy to move a couple feet. I cert into the ammo pack for distance so you don't have to be right on top of it, but you may have to move a bit closer.
    Repairing tanks, it would be nice if they stopped while I am repairing them. If you drive away while I am repairing you and I chase you and start repairing again, hold still or I will now ignore you. There are too many people screaming for repairs or ammo to have myself chasing one person.
    To the flash drivers, we are not pylons.... please do not see how close you can get to us before you run us over. Especially if we are repairing something. I am sure that since you are not running into the side of the tank, you can move a bit more and not run over the guy repairing said tank.
    My mana turret. When I use it, I would appreciate it if someone doesn't run right in front of it while I am shooting at a target. I really hate when someone jumps over me into my line of sight, especially when I am firing.
  13. Xiaobaozha

    Of course, no offence taken and no whining (at least I hope I am not coming over as a whiner). I try to move to safe spots to aid nearby engineers, that is why I often end up back in a shielded room. When I do get repaired now i try to message a quick thanks in appreciation.

    I am lucky enough to be able to afford to put additional funds in over and above membership, so have dual setups for AI, AV and AA. The dual cosmos are effective 1v1 or in a corridor tight firing lane with engineer behind, I agree on that point. The problem comes if you find yourself confronted by a small group...VS MAX feels more like vs mini in those situations IMHO.
  14. Kroova

    No ammo and repairs for you.
  15. Arkos

    Engineers who repair MAXes are my best. friends. ever. Totally get what a lot of the engineers here are saying with people running away while asking for repairs/ammo. Seriously, MAX suits. If an engi is nice enough to repair you/top off your decreasing ammo level, stay still so they can do it. provide cover for them somehow by either going to them (they will most likely be behind cover anyway) or using your giant metal suit as cover. defend them from people trying to kill them.
    The flipside, however: engineers, please, please repair a MAX yelling for repairs if they are acting reasonably sane. Somebody spent resources and a cooldown to play a class, and especially for those of us who are fairly dedicated MAX users, do you have any idea how much it sucks to stand around for three minutes at a sundie and watch 6+ engineers spawn while you are a)spamming V+3 b)standing still, and c) have less than a full one of the little pip marks in the bars of health left? and then dying to a light assault who kills you with a single shot before you can even turn around. This is why people complain about engineers not doing their job. On my TR MAX, i spent certs that could have gone towards other, more useful upgrades to get the nano-armor accelerator purely because i got tired of seeing multiple engi's run past me while I am standing still, nearly dead, and screaming for repairs. Please guys. MAXes will love you for stopping to repair them.
    Sidenote: Medics, please revive dead MAXes. Same point about resources/colldown as above. Its really annoying to see multiple medics walk by your hulking corpse without even pausing, or worse, reviving the dead soldiers around you and skipping over you. I know you can't heal us the rest of the way, but revive us and give us a chance to find an engi to repair us. Please.
  16. matt0027

    Had a goddammed idiot playing a MAX just a few minutes ago run in front of my MANA AP turret while I was inside the spawn room shooting at the dozens of VS running between a building and a boulder.

    This moron was in absolutely zero danger of being killed, safe inside a spawn room, and proceeds to jump and down in front of my turret V3ing for a repair doing nothing but obstructing my view of the targets I'd have been hitting if his dumb arrse wasn't there.

    He shoots me a few times, thinking he'd get my attention that way.

    So, I killed him.

    Probably at least a third of the ribbons I've earned for repairs (I think about 30-40 now) were earned while repairing a MAX.

    But, I WILL kill any morons who try to pull stunts like I described.
  17. Adept

    I'm not dropping ammo packs for single players. The reason is that you can have only 1 ammo pack out at a time.
    Sorry, but I've likely already deployed it somewhere..
    The only exception I make is the AA max units.

    Repairing vehicles.. only sunderers and when they are deployed or they are critical for some reason.

    Repairing maxes.. only if they block incoming fire, or they are standing next to a cover I can use.
    I've given up at the repairing game while running jumping and ducking constantly, since I die of head wounds even like that most of the time.
    Yes.. I could tag after max units and stay constantly in cover, but that's almost no XP. I'm just no henchman material.
    And if I actually engage the enemy along the max buddy, chances are he/ she'll have to move on alone pretty soon - due to me being busy respawning.

    Just one advise: Use the voice commands. Ask for repairs and ammo. While I've got a frozen heart, most engineers are friendly and will actually make an effort and try helping you.
  18. smoke eater

    I did a rant about the morons who complain about engineers and how we should do our job. People think engineers should be only looking after them, should call it engineerside and everyone can have their own engineer following them around. I haven`t gotten to the point of tkìng someone but this would be an example of why it happens
  19. Bill Hicks

    Most engies are ammo pack spamming cert farmers. They love to sit behind all safe and drop packs when there are several already there. They never follow the good players who flank. They will ignore a sundy that is on fire.

    But your post is pointless. These mouth breathers never look on the forums.
  20. smoke eater

    Really? Are you one of those people that park their vehicle in front of an enemy spawn area where they can safely shoot you from behind shields hoping to kill one person while constantly taking damage? If so, you deserve to lose your vehicle. I've yelled at vehicles I've been repairing to move out of the way of enemy fire only to be ignored repeatedly until they die; taking me along with them while I try to keep them alive. Morons who park in front of the enemy spawn and get blasted by rockets deserve their death. I've died many times because of their exploding carcasses because they are to dumb to realize they should move to a safer area to get repaired.

    You want your vehicle repaired? Why not be an engineer and do it yourself. And learn proper placement of vehicles so they don't get destroyed.