Worthless engineers

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by ikillyou1990, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. ScrapyardBob

    Repping a magrider is like tending to large, ill-tempered livestock. Treat it as hostile, keep at arms length when possible, don't get behind it and be ready for sudden movements.
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  2. desktop

    Engineers have things to do and generators to see. Stuff that w+LMB maxs wouldn't understand.
  3. ironsax747

    I always play as an engineer but the problem i face is when trying to repair MAXS they keep runing off before i can fully repair them.
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  4. Ganjis

    Top tip for repairing magriders, you can get under them if they are on a slight ditch by crouching. Magriders wanting repairs take note. Treat it like a mechanic's pit and you can be fairly safe fom fire while repairing. For best results, max out a performance cert, they both increase ride hight.
  5. hsal9

    Most people need to learn2look at minimap for ammo packs, I had some rager pming me when I was on engi how worthless I am cause I dont drop ammo, and ammo pack was right behind him. Everybody expects to get their own personal ammo stash somehow, well tough luck. Actually I only drop ammo now to ***** exp, or when I'm in squad with friends, if you dont like that well go play engi then. I got exp pinatas to boom couldnt care less about your ammo.
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  6. o.Solei.o

    Honestly, I don't see nearly as many people failing in any of these roles as I would normally expect to. Every once in a while I'll be playing HA and the only engi for half a km is just totally zoned in on getting wherever he's going to shoot someone with his vanilla carbine, but for the most part if there are engies around, at least one is in it for the team. (Or at least industrious enough to exploit the team's needs for his own cert gain.)

    I've actually been quite surprised the number of times when I've lit up my little "I'm an ammo hungry rocket-mongler!" icon and had someone stop and come over to me and take the time to deploy me an ammo-pack out of their ACE. I always make sure to V-1 for people whenever I find a pack and refill.

    Honestly, what I find happening far more frequently is those damned people that shout for ammo repeatedly as they run away from you. You can Q-shout them that you have ammo, use voip, text chat, and they just run, and keep shouting, and keep running.

    That or MAXes that scream for reps then run away from you constantly. If the tables are ever turned, I make damn sure to stop, V-1, and if we should move to cover to finish the rep slowly move towards the cover.
  7. ikillyou1990

    Quite a few times in large fights I am stuck as being useless due to not having ammo and not getting repairs. The connery NC is terrible at not putting down ammo or repairing.
  8. o.Solei.o

    Odd, 'cause that's where I play the most. What hours are you usually on?
  9. ikillyou1990

    Just depends. Normally I play during the day and thats when I have troubles. When I play at night I usually have a squad going so I don't normally have issues.
  10. Akordia

    Unfortunately, a lot of newb/****** engi doesn't know about the ammo on B with turret...
  11. o.Solei.o

    It really should get moved to the "F for ability" key.
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  12. Timantium

    Maybe people stopped helping your MX suit because you TK them then...

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  13. Dawgpound12

    As an engineer I try and cater to people while trying to go about my own job taking out gens and enemies. The only problem I have helping people out is when I'm trying to repair a max and they keep trying to run away from me..
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  14. AssaultPig

    If people didn't want to drop ammo and repair things, they wouldn't be playing engineer in the first place. Nobody picked engineer because they thought to themselves man, I'd really like to play an inferior LA/HA.

    I know you want a repair, Mr. Most Important MAX Suit In The World. If I were an engineer I'd happily take the double repair points to do it. But no matter how many times you spam V > 3 or yell in local about how worthless I am at playing engineer, my LMG isn't going to turn into a repair tool.
  15. o.Solei.o

    I have just gotten to the point where if a MAX or vehicle runs from me once I start repping and never looks back or says anything, I just let em keep on going and ignore them, because obviously they don't need help that badly.

    Now, if they do any combination of stop, turn around, V-8, and come back, I will happily hook them up with a fresh coat of armor plating.
  16. ShenR

    I play Engie most of the time and my experience is totally different.

    1. There are ammo packages everywhere, especially in biolabs / tech stations / etc.. It sucks when you drop an ammo package strategically and 3 more engies drop it within 1m of yours. So saying engies dont drop ammo is nonsense. Aside from this, people shouting the loudest for ammo seem to have a minimap that doesn't work, because almost always there is an ammo package within 10m distance. I try to drop my ammo packages in cover, so that i will be in cover and the one that needs it also is in cover. Not out in the open. So just look on your minimap where the closest ammo package is, trust me 9/10 times it will be in cover, so you can reload in peace.
    2. Repairing max'es is something i do gladly. Especially if they find a place with cover so the engie wont be in risk. This said there are a lot of maxes that keep running around and expect an engie to repair them. I'm a supportive type, so if i trust the max i will go with him to the death, but most of the time i will run back for cover when things get too crazy. But you do have a point, there have been quite some times that i have walked into a room, with a max beggin for repairs with almost no health left and noone repairing him. Once i start to repair the guy it seems that other engies wake up and repair also. So there is some improvement to be get here on both sides.
    3. I love my turret. I place my turret strategically so i can suppress large groups of infantry. Most of the time they wont be able to push if my turret is at the right place. What does happen a lot is that a random "idiot" frag hungry teammate jumps in front of my already firing turret thinking he will get a kill. Most of the time this results in me sticking some bullets in him before i can react. The guy dying from al the fire from the enemy and the enemy having the time they needed to do a push or aim their rocket launcher in peace on my turret. So i'm begging people to please stop doing that! A turret kan hold big groups of infantry back, even a couple of maxes. If you want to get frags get behind or next to the turret, or wait for the cooldown periods of the turret.
    4. If you see a engie or medic running to a sunderer in a kamikaze attempt to mine it, please stop shooting at that sunderer. Once the mines are placed the engie has time to run away and most of the time this works, because it always suprises the enemy to see someone from the other side running at there spawn. When you keep shooting, the tank mine is definitly gonna explode to soon killing the engie/medic that risked his life to place the mines and he/she won't get any xp. Thanks a lot for that. So just shoot at the infantry, not at the sunderer.

    So i guess every class has it's frustrations, but the point is, if you just ask for repairs or ammo and stay in cover an engineer will come and aid you 9/10 times, because it's easy xp.
  17. Corvean

    As a dedicated Engi all I have to say: I'm neither your repair ***** nor ammo box. I can do that and only my class can do that. But it's not all I do and I decide how I do that. You want repairs, you stay close to me, I'm not sacrificing myself just you can kill one more enemy and get me killed by that. Take cover, reload on my ammo box and wait till you're all shiny and good, then start killing again^^
    Ammo boxes have a cooldown, not long, but they have. Quite often I drop one in a good spot, only to have everyone move up a bit. You don't like my ammo, fine. Poor next guy, you've got to wait a second, easy as that.

    But if the the others around - no matter which class - can't do their part with spotting, protecting flanks, doing their class thing, I won't be that "only support" guy, cause then I have to look out for myself first, then the team.
    You want to have support guys around supporting you, you have to protect them to do so. If you don't, just **** and go L2P your class and teamwork.
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  18. AIHatecrime

    It would be nice if somebody spamming the repair button would actually stop to be repaired. If you're a max and you want me to repair then stop. I'm not going to run out in the open walking behind you because you're impatient.
  19. ikillyou1990

    I don't even bother repairing maxes who run away from me. I never run from people who try to repair me.
  20. Ryekir

    As someone who plays engineer 86% of the time (and mostly no in vehicles), I don't understand why any engineer wouldn't do those things every chance he/she gets... it yields a lot of XP :) I drop ammo whenever I get the chance, and repair any MAX I see that is not at full health. And I still get plenty of kills.

    I actually disagree with this a little bit. The base turrets are really pretty lackluster in this game. A burster MAX is far better suited for taking out aircraft, and a tank turret is far better at tanking out ground targets. The Phalanx turrets are also stationary targets that are insanely easy for the enemy to take out. In most cases your better off repairing MAX units and tanks which are better in every way.

    I actually find that they do work well for blocking doorways when defending the interior of the room, since it funnels the enemy to one side of the doorway, and also provides cover for you and your teammates.

    They're also useful for getting on top of things. In a lot of rooms you can put one down, jump on top of it, then jump on top of that shelving unit or tall crate where the enemies don't expect to see you. The turret also works as a distraction, so while the enemy is busy knifing your turret for a little XP, you shoot him in the head from above. It's also possible to place a turret next to the strut on the sides of the shields on Tech plants, allowing you to jump up on the elbow looking thing, run up it, and jump over the shield.
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